to a great start in 2011 The Shop of Books offers an additional service to readers.
addition to being able to see your published review (and links) of your book, that service will continue , The Workshop is open to also publish short stories or preview text by emerging authors, but also those who still has not published anything and his lyrics in a drawer.
The procedure is always the same, just send me an email (larazavatteri@gmail.com) with all your material ready to be inserted into the blog and you will see him released soon (at most within a few days).
Of course if you want you can take is to review the link is to publish preview and / or stories.
forgot: EVERYTHING 'FREE OF COURSE, WITH THE ONLY PLEASE, if you will, to quote the SHOP IN YOUR SITE FORUM-BLOG-O on Facebook and other channels.
await your writing!
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