Most writers do not have a choice: either to Promote yourself or disappear
publish this article sent to me by Emmanuel Prophete of , un sito ricco di spunti per la promozione (visitatelo!!). Cliccate sul titolo del post per entrare nel sito e nella sezione "link utili" per il post di Francesco Gavello. Grazie Emanuele per i tuoi consigli.
L'Italia è veramente un popolo di poeti, santi e navigatori. Ma mentre i santi sembrano risentire della crisi e i navigatori per mare si stanno sempre più convertendo verso la navigazione sul web, i poeti sono in perenne crescita.
Italia, patria incontrastata quindi di presunti e veri scrittori. Italia, paese dove tutti scrivono e nessuno legge. Ogni anno vengono infatti pubblicati decine di migliaia di nuovi titoli e da un'indagine ISTAT il 67% degli italiani acquista meno di tre libri all'anno. Numeri to hand would seem that there are more writers than readers.
For a beginner writer who wants to tackle a market like this, where supply is appallingly high demand, is like trying to swim across the ocean: the chance to have a minimal chance of success is certainly not on his side.
Compounding the situation of the writer who 'tries', then there is the attitude of most publishing houses that do not implement any sort of book promotion, not to mention a distribution often disastrous.
In such a scenario most of the writers then rolls up his sleeves and decided to promote himself. The first steps, those that do not even need a big display, are still made on a keyboard, not to write again, but to promote it via internet. The most used and abused are the social networks and one in particular: Facebook. Then you try to create a website, you open a blog online and it seems that everything has been done is designed to present and disseminate their own beloved book.
Unfortunately, the damage often joins the prank. The damage is to not get support in the promotion by the publishers. The joke is one that promotes itself with no method, basic knowledge of marketing and communications, promotion turns into damage. Many writers who have analyzed that happens after few months of online advertising, the least chance to emerge in the publishing market will definitely go out because of their inexperience and awkward promotions.
Properzi proposes innovative methods of promotion on ScritttoreVincente
I wrote a book too. I know the feeling felt by many writers after publication. A feeling of extreme loneliness that arises from the need to promote your book yourself. Because basically there are no alternatives, once you publish your book, you can not drown it away. You have to promote and if the publisher does not do it for you, you must do it alone. You do yourself a job you do not know as must be done. You have to improvise.
If I had not brought my own book would not have achieved the positive feedback we have had. I have also been keen on the marketing of books and I studied.
for that reason that I founded in October 2010 ScrittoreVincente , a site that explains to promote themselves as writers, with articles that are devoted to the purely practical and feasible for self-promotion book. So I shared my experience with that of many other writers, interviewing those who, in addition to the quality of their work, have achieved success because they were very clever to promote himself. I
Therefore, the authors interviewed as Insy Loan, Pier Francesco Grasselli, Fabrizio Sparta, Stefano Pitino and many others. I then adapted the techniques of modern marketing to the publishing event, drawing from the experience of leading web-marketer such as desks and Gavello Facebook Strategy, a leading marketer Italian Blogs for which I also wrote an article on his blog which focuses on 'how to use blogs to sell more copies of your book'.
And there are those who, using the methods described on ScrittoreVincente, is able to emerge. Why did the writers of today will ensure more 'competition' but they also provide an advertising medium available in real time, at almost no cost and with a really huge power: the Internet.
The basis for promoting modern and effective second ScrittoreVincente
If you have the ability to produce quality content that they are also 'read', the opportunity to promote the work (despite the daunting numbers that characterize the Publication statistics) using essentially the web-marketing, are greater than you imagine.
From my viewpoint, every author who intends to promote themselves effectively should follow these five basic actions:
1) Develop a marketing plan where you define the online and offline promotional activities that will (And can) play in a timeframe that is such a year after the publication of its text
2) Create a network of relationships that are traceable by adopting tools to manage the campaign
3) Provide information tools making it possible to measure the performance of the promotional campaign
4) Making the best partnerships set in motion to convert the direct or indirect partner in the promoter of his own book
5) Move to promote more contexts - both offline and online - whether Contextual to the interests of potential readers of the book, which in turn should be consistent and attracted by the themes presented in the book itself
What do you think?
I believe that many of these concepts may seem alien to many writers and should be explored in detail to understand how to deal with the promotion of a book. However
activities are much easier to play when you know how to develop them in an appropriate manner. And often there is no better action than a myriad of questions about how to perform the action.
to you then, reader of the book shop, I ask what is your opinion on what I wrote because I realize that I've covered the topic is very delicate. For the writer, as such, should not be 'one that advertises', ma purtroppo, a causa di molteplici fattori (primo tra tutti i 'distorti connotati' del mercato editoriale attuale) se vuol provare a realizzare il proprio sogno, non ha alternative: deve autopromuoversi con un metodo valido.
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