A site for beginners: Writers concerned
Desidero segnalare un sito utile per tutti gli autori esordienti:
Scrittori in causa
che approfondisce tutte le tematiche legate al mondo dell'editoria, ai contratti e a tutto quanto ruota attorno a un libro e al suo autore.
Un modo per essere sempre informati e trovare anche le risposte che cercate sulla vostra opera. Visitatelo!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Mount And Blade Lady -warband
Fulham vs Tottenham Fulham vs Tottenham 1-1
Fulham vs Tottenham 2-1
****** ******************
Eintracht Frankfurt vs Borussia Monchengladbach Eintracht Frankfurt 1
vs Borussia Monchengladbach Eintracht Frankfurt vs Over2.5
Borussia Monchengladbach vs. Eintracht Frankfurt 3-1
3 Borussia Monchengladbach *************************
-2 vs. Athletic Bilbao Atletico Madrid Atletico Madrid 1
vs Athletic Bilbao Atletico Madrid Over1.5
2-0 vs Athletic Bilbao Atletico Madrid vs Athletic Bilbao
vs Lecce Lecce vs Cesena 1 DnB
Lecce vs Cesena Cesena Over1.5
2-0 Lecce vs Cesena 2-1
******************************* **
vs Cagliari Cagliari vs. Bari Bari 1DnB
vs Cagliari Cagliari vs
Gol Bari Bari Bari vs Cagliari 4-1 2-1
**************** *****************
Palermo vs Inter 12 Inter Milan vs Palermo 1
Inter vs Palermo vs Inter Over1.5
Inter vs Palermo 2-1 Palermo 1-2
Arminia Bielefeld vs. Hertha Berlin 12
Arminia Bielefeld vs. Hertha Berlin 2DnB
Arminia Bielefeld vs. Hertha Berlin vs. Arminia Bielefeld Over1.5
Hertha Berlin 1-2 Arminia Bielefeld vs. Hertha Berlin
****************** ****************
Karlsruhe vs Cottbus 1 DnB
Karlsruhe Cottbus vs Karlsruhe Over1.5
vs Cottbus vs Karlsruhe 1-1 Cottbus 2-1
** *********************************

01/30/2011 PRONE the
Fulham vs Tottenham Fulham vs Tottenham 1-1
Fulham vs Tottenham 2-1
****** ******************
Eintracht Frankfurt vs Borussia Monchengladbach Eintracht Frankfurt 1
vs Borussia Monchengladbach Eintracht Frankfurt vs Over2.5
Borussia Monchengladbach vs. Eintracht Frankfurt 3-1
3 Borussia Monchengladbach *************************
-2 vs. Athletic Bilbao Atletico Madrid Atletico Madrid 1
vs Athletic Bilbao Atletico Madrid Over1.5
2-0 vs Athletic Bilbao Atletico Madrid vs Athletic Bilbao
vs Lecce Lecce vs Cesena 1 DnB
Lecce vs Cesena Cesena Over1.5
2-0 Lecce vs Cesena 2-1
******************************* **
vs Cagliari Cagliari vs. Bari Bari 1DnB
vs Cagliari Cagliari vs
Gol Bari Bari Bari vs Cagliari 4-1 2-1
**************** *****************
Palermo vs Inter 12 Inter Milan vs Palermo 1
Inter vs Palermo vs Inter Over1.5
Inter vs Palermo 2-1 Palermo 1-2
Arminia Bielefeld vs. Hertha Berlin 12
Arminia Bielefeld vs. Hertha Berlin 2DnB
Arminia Bielefeld vs. Hertha Berlin vs. Arminia Bielefeld Over1.5
Hertha Berlin 1-2 Arminia Bielefeld vs. Hertha Berlin
****************** ****************
Karlsruhe vs Cottbus 1 DnB
Karlsruhe Cottbus vs Karlsruhe Over1.5
vs Cottbus vs Karlsruhe 1-1 Cottbus 2-1
** *********************************

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Anne Frank in graphic biography
Dal secondo dopoguerra ad oggi Anne Frank è stata conosciuta e ricordata in tanti modi. In primis con il famoso Diario, poi con biografie e libri di chi l'ha conosciuta ("Si chiamava Anne Frank", per dirne uno). E' stato pubblicato anche il libro " I racconti dell'alloggio segreto " con racconti della stessa Anne.
Per la prima volta, però, si racconta la storia tragica di Anne , ragazzina ebrea tedesca (era nata a Francoforte sul Meno) trapiantata in Olanda, attraverso i fumetti, o meglio una "graphic biography" nel libro "Anne Frank, la biografia a fumetti" di Sid Jacobson e Ernie Colòn edito da Rizzoli-Lizard.
In occasione del Giorno della memoria , un libro per conoscere Anne o riscoprirla, a book for everyone to explain, together with the history of Anne, her sister Margot, their parents (her father Otto was the only survivor of the camps) and the four people who hid them for years, what were the Nazi racial laws, deportation and the horror of the camps, such as Bergen-Belsen, where Anne and Margot died.
I also invite you to visit the official website of Secret Anne Frank House.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Blueprint For A Full Salon
Most writers do not have a choice: either to Promote yourself or disappear
publish this article sent to me by Emmanuel Prophete of
http://www.ScrittoreVincente.com/ , un sito ricco di spunti per la promozione (visitatelo!!). Cliccate sul titolo del post per entrare nel sito e nella sezione "link utili" per il post di Francesco Gavello. Grazie Emanuele per i tuoi consigli.
L'Italia è veramente un popolo di poeti, santi e navigatori. Ma mentre i santi sembrano risentire della crisi e i navigatori per mare si stanno sempre più convertendo verso la navigazione sul web, i poeti sono in perenne crescita.
Italia, patria incontrastata quindi di presunti e veri scrittori. Italia, paese dove tutti scrivono e nessuno legge. Ogni anno vengono infatti pubblicati decine di migliaia di nuovi titoli e da un'indagine ISTAT il 67% degli italiani acquista meno di tre libri all'anno. Numeri to hand would seem that there are more writers than readers.
For a beginner writer who wants to tackle a market like this, where supply is appallingly high demand, is like trying to swim across the ocean: the chance to have a minimal chance of success is certainly not on his side.
Compounding the situation of the writer who 'tries', then there is the attitude of most publishing houses that do not implement any sort of book promotion, not to mention a distribution often disastrous.
In such a scenario most of the writers then rolls up his sleeves and decided to promote himself. The first steps, those that do not even need a big display, are still made on a keyboard, not to write again, but to promote it via internet. The most used and abused are the social networks and one in particular: Facebook. Then you try to create a website, you open a blog online and it seems that everything has been done is designed to present and disseminate their own beloved book.
Unfortunately, the damage often joins the prank. The damage is to not get support in the promotion by the publishers. The joke is one that promotes itself with no method, basic knowledge of marketing and communications, promotion turns into damage. Many writers who have analyzed that happens after few months of online advertising, the least chance to emerge in the publishing market will definitely go out because of their inexperience and awkward promotions.
Properzi proposes innovative methods of promotion on ScritttoreVincente
I wrote a book too. I know the feeling felt by many writers after publication. A feeling of extreme loneliness that arises from the need to promote your book yourself. Because basically there are no alternatives, once you publish your book, you can not drown it away. You have to promote and if the publisher does not do it for you, you must do it alone. You do yourself a job you do not know as must be done. You have to improvise.
If I had not brought my own book would not have achieved the positive feedback we have had. I have also been keen on the marketing of books and I studied.
for that reason that I founded in October 2010 ScrittoreVincente , a site that explains to promote themselves as writers, with articles that are devoted to the purely practical and feasible for self-promotion book. So I shared my experience with that of many other writers, interviewing those who, in addition to the quality of their work, have achieved success because they were very clever to promote himself. I
Therefore, the authors interviewed as Insy Loan, Pier Francesco Grasselli, Fabrizio Sparta, Stefano Pitino and many others. I then adapted the techniques of modern marketing to the publishing event, drawing from the experience of leading web-marketer such as desks and Gavello Facebook Strategy, a leading marketer Italian Blogs for which I also wrote an article on his blog which focuses on 'how to use blogs to sell more copies of your book'.
And there are those who, using the methods described on ScrittoreVincente, is able to emerge. Why did the writers of today will ensure more 'competition' but they also provide an advertising medium available in real time, at almost no cost and with a really huge power: the Internet.
The basis for promoting modern and effective second ScrittoreVincente
If you have the ability to produce quality content that they are also 'read', the opportunity to promote the work (despite the daunting numbers that characterize the Publication statistics) using essentially the web-marketing, are greater than you imagine.
From my viewpoint, every author who intends to promote themselves effectively should follow these five basic actions:
1) Develop a marketing plan where you define the online and offline promotional activities that will (And can) play in a timeframe that is such a year after the publication of its text
2) Create a network of relationships that are traceable by adopting tools to manage the campaign
3) Provide information tools making it possible to measure the performance of the promotional campaign
4) Making the best partnerships set in motion to convert the direct or indirect partner in the promoter of his own book
5) Move to promote more contexts - both offline and online - whether Contextual to the interests of potential readers of the book, which in turn should be consistent and attracted by the themes presented in the book itself
What do you think?
I believe that many of these concepts may seem alien to many writers and should be explored in detail to understand how to deal with the promotion of a book. However
activities are much easier to play when you know how to develop them in an appropriate manner. And often there is no better action than a myriad of questions about how to perform the action.
to you then, reader of the book shop, I ask what is your opinion on what I wrote because I realize that I've covered the topic is very delicate. For the writer, as such, should not be 'one that advertises', ma purtroppo, a causa di molteplici fattori (primo tra tutti i 'distorti connotati' del mercato editoriale attuale) se vuol provare a realizzare il proprio sogno, non ha alternative: deve autopromuoversi con un metodo valido.
publish this article sent to me by Emmanuel Prophete of
http://www.ScrittoreVincente.com/ , un sito ricco di spunti per la promozione (visitatelo!!). Cliccate sul titolo del post per entrare nel sito e nella sezione "link utili" per il post di Francesco Gavello. Grazie Emanuele per i tuoi consigli.
L'Italia è veramente un popolo di poeti, santi e navigatori. Ma mentre i santi sembrano risentire della crisi e i navigatori per mare si stanno sempre più convertendo verso la navigazione sul web, i poeti sono in perenne crescita.
Italia, patria incontrastata quindi di presunti e veri scrittori. Italia, paese dove tutti scrivono e nessuno legge. Ogni anno vengono infatti pubblicati decine di migliaia di nuovi titoli e da un'indagine ISTAT il 67% degli italiani acquista meno di tre libri all'anno. Numeri to hand would seem that there are more writers than readers.
For a beginner writer who wants to tackle a market like this, where supply is appallingly high demand, is like trying to swim across the ocean: the chance to have a minimal chance of success is certainly not on his side.
Compounding the situation of the writer who 'tries', then there is the attitude of most publishing houses that do not implement any sort of book promotion, not to mention a distribution often disastrous.
In such a scenario most of the writers then rolls up his sleeves and decided to promote himself. The first steps, those that do not even need a big display, are still made on a keyboard, not to write again, but to promote it via internet. The most used and abused are the social networks and one in particular: Facebook. Then you try to create a website, you open a blog online and it seems that everything has been done is designed to present and disseminate their own beloved book.
Unfortunately, the damage often joins the prank. The damage is to not get support in the promotion by the publishers. The joke is one that promotes itself with no method, basic knowledge of marketing and communications, promotion turns into damage. Many writers who have analyzed that happens after few months of online advertising, the least chance to emerge in the publishing market will definitely go out because of their inexperience and awkward promotions.
Properzi proposes innovative methods of promotion on ScritttoreVincente
I wrote a book too. I know the feeling felt by many writers after publication. A feeling of extreme loneliness that arises from the need to promote your book yourself. Because basically there are no alternatives, once you publish your book, you can not drown it away. You have to promote and if the publisher does not do it for you, you must do it alone. You do yourself a job you do not know as must be done. You have to improvise.
If I had not brought my own book would not have achieved the positive feedback we have had. I have also been keen on the marketing of books and I studied.
for that reason that I founded in October 2010 ScrittoreVincente , a site that explains to promote themselves as writers, with articles that are devoted to the purely practical and feasible for self-promotion book. So I shared my experience with that of many other writers, interviewing those who, in addition to the quality of their work, have achieved success because they were very clever to promote himself. I
Therefore, the authors interviewed as Insy Loan, Pier Francesco Grasselli, Fabrizio Sparta, Stefano Pitino and many others. I then adapted the techniques of modern marketing to the publishing event, drawing from the experience of leading web-marketer such as desks and Gavello Facebook Strategy, a leading marketer Italian Blogs for which I also wrote an article on his blog which focuses on 'how to use blogs to sell more copies of your book'.
And there are those who, using the methods described on ScrittoreVincente, is able to emerge. Why did the writers of today will ensure more 'competition' but they also provide an advertising medium available in real time, at almost no cost and with a really huge power: the Internet.
The basis for promoting modern and effective second ScrittoreVincente
If you have the ability to produce quality content that they are also 'read', the opportunity to promote the work (despite the daunting numbers that characterize the Publication statistics) using essentially the web-marketing, are greater than you imagine.
From my viewpoint, every author who intends to promote themselves effectively should follow these five basic actions:
1) Develop a marketing plan where you define the online and offline promotional activities that will (And can) play in a timeframe that is such a year after the publication of its text
2) Create a network of relationships that are traceable by adopting tools to manage the campaign
3) Provide information tools making it possible to measure the performance of the promotional campaign
4) Making the best partnerships set in motion to convert the direct or indirect partner in the promoter of his own book
5) Move to promote more contexts - both offline and online - whether Contextual to the interests of potential readers of the book, which in turn should be consistent and attracted by the themes presented in the book itself
What do you think?
I believe that many of these concepts may seem alien to many writers and should be explored in detail to understand how to deal with the promotion of a book. However
activities are much easier to play when you know how to develop them in an appropriate manner. And often there is no better action than a myriad of questions about how to perform the action.
to you then, reader of the book shop, I ask what is your opinion on what I wrote because I realize that I've covered the topic is very delicate. For the writer, as such, should not be 'one that advertises', ma purtroppo, a causa di molteplici fattori (primo tra tutti i 'distorti connotati' del mercato editoriale attuale) se vuol provare a realizzare il proprio sogno, non ha alternative: deve autopromuoversi con un metodo valido.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Kasneb Results Cpa Dec 2008
Weather 01/30/2011 01/26/2011 VINCI
Da oggi inseriremo alcuni dei pronostici del
PRONOSTICI del 25-01-2011
Liverpool vs Fulham 1
Liverpool vs Fulham Over1.5
Liverpool vs Fulham 2-0
Liverpool vs Fulham 2-1
Napoli vs Inter 1
Napoli vs Inter Over1.5
Napoli vs Inter Over2.5
Napoli vs Inter 2-1
Napoli vs Inter 3-2
Napoli vs Inter 1-1
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid X2
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid 2
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid Gol
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid Over1.5
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid
FC Sevilla 1-1 Real Madrid vs FC Sevilla 1-2
vs Real Madrid 2-3
************************** ***
Birmingham vs West Ham 1 West Ham vs Birmingham
Birmingham vs West Ham 2-1 Birmingham vs West Ham
3-1 ************ ****************
01/25/2011 PRONOSTICI of
******************* **********
Palermo vs Parma Parma vs Palermo
X2 2-2
Palermo vs Parma 1-2
Palermo vs Parma 2-1
Wigan vs Aston Villa 1DnB
Wigan vs Aston Villa 1-1
Wigan vs Aston Villa 2-1
Wigan vs Aston Villa 1-2
Wigan vs Aston Villa Gol
Wigan vs Aston Villa Over1.5
vs Livorno Livorno vs Padova Padova 12
vs Livorno 1-0
Padova Padova vs Livorno 2-1
* ****************************
Nurnberg FC Schalke 12 vs. FC Schalke vs Nurnberg
FC Nurnberg vs Schalke goal
Schalke vs FC Nurnberg 2-1 Schalke vs FC Nurnberg
FC Schalke vs Nurnberg 3-1
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd X
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd 0-0
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd 1-1
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd 1-2
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd Gol
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd Over1.5
24/01/2011 PRONOSTICI of
** *****************************
Ternana 2-1 vs. 1-1 Ternana
Triestina vs Novara 2 DnB
Triestina vs Novara Triestina vs Novara 1-2 0-1
Triestina vs Novara 1-1
Bochum vs Erzgebirge Aue 1
Bochum vs Erzgebirge Aue Over1.5
Bochum vs Erzgebirge Aue 2-1
Bochum vs Erzgebirge Aue 3-0
vs Sparta Rotterdam 2-2 AGOVV
vs Sparta Rotterdam 2-1 AGOVV
23/01/2011 ** ********************************
Sampdoria vs Juventus Sampdoria vs Juventus X
Sampdoria vs Juventus Over1.5
Sampdoria vs Juventus 1-1 Sampdoria vs Juventus 2-1
Sampdoria vs Juventus 1-2
Hertha Berlin vs Dusseldorf 1DnB
Hertha Berlin vs Dusseldorf Over2.5
vs Hertha Berlin 2-1
Dusseldorf Dusseldorf 3-2 Hertha Berlin vs.
********** ***********************
Udinese vs Inter X2
Udinese vs Inter 3-2
Udinese vs Inter 2-3
************ **********************

Da oggi inseriremo alcuni dei pronostici del
PRONOSTICI del 25-01-2011
Liverpool vs Fulham 1
Liverpool vs Fulham Over1.5
Liverpool vs Fulham 2-0
Liverpool vs Fulham 2-1
Napoli vs Inter 1
Napoli vs Inter Over1.5
Napoli vs Inter Over2.5
Napoli vs Inter 2-1
Napoli vs Inter 3-2
Napoli vs Inter 1-1
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid X2
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid 2
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid Gol
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid Over1.5
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid
FC Sevilla 1-1 Real Madrid vs FC Sevilla 1-2
vs Real Madrid 2-3
************************** ***
Birmingham vs West Ham 1 West Ham vs Birmingham
Birmingham vs West Ham 2-1 Birmingham vs West Ham
3-1 ************ ****************
01/25/2011 PRONOSTICI of
******************* **********
Palermo vs Parma Parma vs Palermo
X2 2-2
Palermo vs Parma 1-2
Palermo vs Parma 2-1
Wigan vs Aston Villa 1DnB
Wigan vs Aston Villa 1-1
Wigan vs Aston Villa 2-1
Wigan vs Aston Villa 1-2
Wigan vs Aston Villa Gol
Wigan vs Aston Villa Over1.5
vs Livorno Livorno vs Padova Padova 12
vs Livorno 1-0
Padova Padova vs Livorno 2-1
* ****************************
Nurnberg FC Schalke 12 vs. FC Schalke vs Nurnberg
FC Nurnberg vs Schalke goal
Schalke vs FC Nurnberg 2-1 Schalke vs FC Nurnberg
FC Schalke vs Nurnberg 3-1
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd X
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd 0-0
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd 1-1
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd 1-2
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd Gol
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd Over1.5
24/01/2011 PRONOSTICI of
Athletic Bilbao vs Hercules | ||
2 -1 | ||
Athletic Bilbao vs Hercules | 3-0 | |
Athletic Bilbao vs Hercules | Over1.5 |
** *****************************
Pisa vs. Ternana 1 DnB
Pisa vs. Ternana 1-0
vs Pisa Pisa Ternana 2-1 vs. 1-1 Ternana
Triestina vs Novara 2 DnB
Triestina vs Novara Triestina vs Novara 1-2 0-1
Triestina vs Novara 1-1
Bochum vs Erzgebirge Aue 1
Bochum vs Erzgebirge Aue Over1.5
Bochum vs Erzgebirge Aue 2-1
Bochum vs Erzgebirge Aue 3-0
Sparta Rotterdam vs AGOVV X
AGOVV vs Sparta Rotterdam 1-1 vs Sparta Rotterdam 2-2 AGOVV
vs Sparta Rotterdam 2-1 AGOVV
Sparta Rotterdam vs AGOVV Over1.5
** ******************************* PRONOSTICI of
23/01/2011 ** ********************************
Villarreal vs Real Sociedad 1 Real
vs Villarreal Society
Over1.5 Gol Villarreal vs Real Sociedad Real Sociedad vs Villarreal
2-0 Villarreal vs Real Sociedad 2-1
** ******************************** Cesena vs AC Milan 1 | |
AC Milan vs Cesena | Over2.5 |
Cesena vs AC Milan 3-1 | |
Cesena vs AC Milan | 2-1 |
********************************** Puebla vs Estudiantes Tecos 1 Puebla vs Estudiantes Tecos 2-1 Puebla vs Estudiantes Tecos 2-0 Puebla vs Estudiantes Tecos Over1.5 | ||||
********************************** | | | | |
| ||||
Hoffenheim vs St. Pauli 12 Hoffenheim vs St. Pauli 1 Hoffenheim vs St. Pauli 2-1 Hoffenheim vs St. Pauli 3-1 Hoffenheim vs St. Pauli Over2.5 Hoffenheim vs St. Pauli Gol ********************************** Blackburn vs West Bromwich 1 Blackburn vs West Bromwich 2-0 Blackburn vs West Bromwich 3-1 Blackburn vs West Bromwich Over1.5 | | |||
******************************* *** Gimnastic vs Ponferradina 1 Gimnastic vs Ponferradina 2-0 Gimnastic vs Ponferradina Gimnastic 3-0 vs. 0-0 Ponferradina *********************** *********** | |
Sampdoria vs Juventus Over1.5
Sampdoria vs Juventus 1-1 Sampdoria vs Juventus 2-1
Sampdoria vs Juventus 1-2
Hertha Berlin vs Dusseldorf 1DnB
Hertha Berlin vs Dusseldorf Over2.5
vs Hertha Berlin 2-1
Dusseldorf Dusseldorf 3-2 Hertha Berlin vs.
********** ***********************
FSV Frankfurt vs Oberhausen | a |
FSV Frankfurt vs Oberhausen | 2-0 |
FSV Frankfurt vs Oberhausen | 2-1 |
Udinese vs Inter X2
Udinese vs Inter Gol
Udinese vs Inter Over2.5
Udinese vs Inter 2-2 Udinese vs Inter 3-2
Udinese vs Inter 2-3
************ **********************

Friday, January 21, 2011
Canon Dm-xm1 Xm1e 3ccd
"The page number 84" Enrico Caruso
Ricevo e pubblico la recensione del libro di Enrico Caruso:
"LA PAGINA NUMERO 84" di Enrico Caruso
E' un libro dove il destino si fonde con la realtà,
dove le emozioni si sfiorano con gli eventi,
raccontando una storia che sfiora incredibilmente l’illusione di un attimo.
Una giornata dark and intense rain in the city of Rome began the damage
relentless drive of the fate that overwhelm Emma and Mark.
Events esoteric put a strain on Emma, \u200b\u200brevealing part of
closely guarded secret by the person who wrote the life of
each of us. Be clinging to that kiss not given with all its
... forces, discovered to have a sister, have dreams
warning and a history of the way, will be the events that
reveal the illusion of a moment that might turn into reality
ever, that is, Mark.
emotions, tribulations, sensations and
love, not an unknown mixture of spices that are absorbed by Emma
and trademarks in this stunning novel ...
To read the first chapter:
Ricevo e pubblico la recensione del libro di Enrico Caruso:
"LA PAGINA NUMERO 84" di Enrico Caruso
E' un libro dove il destino si fonde con la realtà,
dove le emozioni si sfiorano con gli eventi,
raccontando una storia che sfiora incredibilmente l’illusione di un attimo.
Una giornata dark and intense rain in the city of Rome began the damage
relentless drive of the fate that overwhelm Emma and Mark.
Events esoteric put a strain on Emma, \u200b\u200brevealing part of
closely guarded secret by the person who wrote the life of
each of us. Be clinging to that kiss not given with all its
... forces, discovered to have a sister, have dreams
warning and a history of the way, will be the events that
reveal the illusion of a moment that might turn into reality
ever, that is, Mark.
emotions, tribulations, sensations and
love, not an unknown mixture of spices that are absorbed by Emma
and trademarks in this stunning novel ...
To read the first chapter:
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Parts Of A Car Engine Labeled
nothing without Alice, Peter De Viola
Public review of "Alice nothing", by Peter De Viola .
Alice is in her thirties and unemployed graduate. Even Richard, her boyfriend, graduated and unemployed. Together lead a precarious life, including odd jobs, broken dreams, poverty is not declared. How to get out of this situation? Alice does not know how to do it, because all the talks are going badly. How long, disconsolate among the notes of an uncertain existence, an idea makes its way in lei…
Alice senza niente, di Pietro De Viola, è un ebook gratuito che affronta i temi delicati come la disoccupazione giovanile ed il precariato, e si propone come una sorta di simbolo di questa generazione bistrattata. Un libro che, oltre a trattare una tematica alquanto attuale, è un vero esempio di digital-marketing.
Alice senza niente è infatti stato preceduto da un blog nel quale quotidianamente veniva raccontata l’esperienza della redazione e promozione del progetto. Alla promozione del libro hanno inoltre contribuito diversi book trailer su youtube e pagine su Facebook: a poco più di due mesi dall’ uscita, le copie scaricate sono quasi 20 mila.
Per scaricare Alice free with nothing: www.alicesenzaniente.altervista.org
Public review of "Alice nothing", by Peter De Viola .
Alice is in her thirties and unemployed graduate. Even Richard, her boyfriend, graduated and unemployed. Together lead a precarious life, including odd jobs, broken dreams, poverty is not declared. How to get out of this situation? Alice does not know how to do it, because all the talks are going badly. How long, disconsolate among the notes of an uncertain existence, an idea makes its way in lei…
Alice senza niente, di Pietro De Viola, è un ebook gratuito che affronta i temi delicati come la disoccupazione giovanile ed il precariato, e si propone come una sorta di simbolo di questa generazione bistrattata. Un libro che, oltre a trattare una tematica alquanto attuale, è un vero esempio di digital-marketing.
Alice senza niente è infatti stato preceduto da un blog nel quale quotidianamente veniva raccontata l’esperienza della redazione e promozione del progetto. Alla promozione del libro hanno inoltre contribuito diversi book trailer su youtube e pagine su Facebook: a poco più di due mesi dall’ uscita, le copie scaricate sono quasi 20 mila.
Per scaricare Alice free with nothing: www.alicesenzaniente.altervista.org
Monday, January 17, 2011
Treatment For 6mm Gallbladder Polyps
first chapter of "Spring in Burgundy" by Stephen King and Luke Terenzoni
- Chapter I -
was the first Saturday of spring. That morning
Francis had decided to leave home as early to go to San Gimignano.
He had had since childhood a special fondness for this little town in the province of Siena, almost entirely enclosed in the thirteenth century walls.
addition, the Tuscan countryside had always had the power to instill in him a sense of peace and tranquility.
Peace and quiet were just what he needed in those days: it was a passing of the worst periods of his life.
feel they have more reference points, un obiettivo da perseguire.
Tutto questo perché, dopo quattordici anni di felice fidanzamento con Laura, la loro storia si era improvvisamente interrotta.
L’anno precedente avevano fissato insieme il giorno delle nozze per il 2 maggio 2009, ma non più tardi di tre settimane prima di quel sabato di primavera, lei aveva deciso di lasciarlo.
Complice il nuovo lavoro di Laura, e soprattutto nuovi colleghi, la donna che lui credeva sarebbe rimasta al suo fianco per tutta la vita, si era perdutamente innamorata di uno dei consulenti finanziari della società di leasing per cui aveva iniziato a lavorare.
Francesco, sebbene ferito profondamente nell’orgoglio e nello spirito, e forse perché l’aveva sempre amata unconditionally, he appreciated the sincerity of Laura when she had confessed to not feel anything for him, during what would be their last dinner together in that restaurant where they met and where they went frequently during their fourteen years of engagement. From
evening when Laura had confessed, in tears, having been in love with another man, he had stopped dreaming and have confidence in the future would never dared to imagine a life with another woman with who marry and have kids.
Francis felt the winter in the heart.
that morning and decided to return to San Gimignano, hoping to find the warmth he needed, so that the spring also came into him and not just in the air and into the surrounding countryside.
soon as he crosses the Porta San Giovanni, he felt an immediate sense of peace.
The same feeling he had experienced eight years ago, when he had spent inside the walls of San Gimignano a romantic weekend with Laura, staying in one of the historic village of pensions.
The fact that the walls of San Gimignano resisted even after so many centuries, the slow passing of time, did see a possibility that he could survive the end of his love story, although this was very painful and would take time to let heal the wounds of his soul.
After traveling for about one hundred meters to the line that connects your Porta San Giovanni Porta San Matteo, Francis decided to take a small side street on the right, in front of a souvenir shop, and headed back outside the walls.
What he stood before was what Francis had hoped to find after so many years, when that morning he had decided to travel.
Before him stretched the magnificent panorama of the Tuscan countryside: rolling hills of a sunny spring morning.
decided to go slowly on dirt path surrounding the perimeter of the walls, to throw yourself completely into this green and sun bath.
warned soon a feeling of comfort and tranquility, something spiritual that stroked and comforted his soul to the core.
After many days spent in the shadow of her pain, she was finally able to breathe again, to see the light, as if the end of the tunnel was near.
This sensation, however, left the place in a large and irresistible urge to cry.
could not understand whether this depended on the emotion of the beautiful scenery or very simply from the need to let go, after spending endless hours to torture what it was that wrong with Laura.
Whatever the reason, he collapsed on the grass e le lacrime cominciarono a scendere dai suoi occhi scuri, delineandogli lentamente l’ovale del viso.
«Piangi Francesco, piangi. Sfogati, non serve a nulla tenersi tutto dentro».
Queste sono le parole che Francesco pronunciò a bassa voce, come se avesse pudore per il fatto che il leggero vento di quella mattina di primavera potesse far arrivare il suo sfogo alle orecchie del mondo.
Francesco aveva sempre creduto di poter risolvere i suoi problemi, piccoli o grandi che fossero, da solo.
Aveva una famiglia che lo aveva sempre sostenuto nelle sue scelte, molti amici che avevano una grande stima nei suoi confronti.
Tuttavia, per una questione di orgoglio o semplicemente di riservatezza, tendeva sistematicamente a tenere tutto dentro di sé, gioie e dolori.
Non assillava mai nessuno con i propri problemi, né era solito condividere la sua felicità con coloro che lo circondavano.
Fino a quando Laura non aveva deciso di fare una nuova esperienza a carattere professionale, erano sempre stati molto felici insieme: c’era tra di loro un’intesa perfetta e avevano molte passioni in comune.
L’unica cosa di cui adesso Francesco si rimproverava, era proprio il fatto di non essersi mai aperto totalmente nei confronti di lei.
Seduto sull’erba, con il vento che ormai aveva asciugato quasi completamente le sue lacrime, si ritrovò a riflettere su questo punto.
“… E se questa mia eccessiva riservatezza might have contributed to a slow and gradual removal of Laura from me? ".
This is the question that appeared suddenly in the mind and most likely would never have an answer in this regard.
was certain, however, that he must go forward, her life could not stop on that siding.
Francis had always had great confidence in his mental strength.
In almost forty years of life had fallen many times but had always managed to react, shaking the dust off your clothes, and catching up on the bike louder than before.
The end of his affair with Laura was definitely the worst fall that he had assets, but in one way or another knew that Again, it would be raised, and he did.
He wiped his hands with what remained of her tears on her face and liberating turning once again look to the landscape that had so much emotion in the depths of his soul, retraced back, this time with more decisive step, the lane dirt road and went back inside the walls.
Title: Spring in Burgundy
Author: Luca Terenzoni
Publisher: The Albatros Group Wire
Info: www.lucaterenzoni.ilfilo.eu
- Chapter I -
was the first Saturday of spring. That morning
Francis had decided to leave home as early to go to San Gimignano.
He had had since childhood a special fondness for this little town in the province of Siena, almost entirely enclosed in the thirteenth century walls.
addition, the Tuscan countryside had always had the power to instill in him a sense of peace and tranquility.
Peace and quiet were just what he needed in those days: it was a passing of the worst periods of his life.
feel they have more reference points, un obiettivo da perseguire.
Tutto questo perché, dopo quattordici anni di felice fidanzamento con Laura, la loro storia si era improvvisamente interrotta.
L’anno precedente avevano fissato insieme il giorno delle nozze per il 2 maggio 2009, ma non più tardi di tre settimane prima di quel sabato di primavera, lei aveva deciso di lasciarlo.
Complice il nuovo lavoro di Laura, e soprattutto nuovi colleghi, la donna che lui credeva sarebbe rimasta al suo fianco per tutta la vita, si era perdutamente innamorata di uno dei consulenti finanziari della società di leasing per cui aveva iniziato a lavorare.
Francesco, sebbene ferito profondamente nell’orgoglio e nello spirito, e forse perché l’aveva sempre amata unconditionally, he appreciated the sincerity of Laura when she had confessed to not feel anything for him, during what would be their last dinner together in that restaurant where they met and where they went frequently during their fourteen years of engagement. From
evening when Laura had confessed, in tears, having been in love with another man, he had stopped dreaming and have confidence in the future would never dared to imagine a life with another woman with who marry and have kids.
Francis felt the winter in the heart.
that morning and decided to return to San Gimignano, hoping to find the warmth he needed, so that the spring also came into him and not just in the air and into the surrounding countryside.
soon as he crosses the Porta San Giovanni, he felt an immediate sense of peace.
The same feeling he had experienced eight years ago, when he had spent inside the walls of San Gimignano a romantic weekend with Laura, staying in one of the historic village of pensions.
The fact that the walls of San Gimignano resisted even after so many centuries, the slow passing of time, did see a possibility that he could survive the end of his love story, although this was very painful and would take time to let heal the wounds of his soul.
After traveling for about one hundred meters to the line that connects your Porta San Giovanni Porta San Matteo, Francis decided to take a small side street on the right, in front of a souvenir shop, and headed back outside the walls.
What he stood before was what Francis had hoped to find after so many years, when that morning he had decided to travel.
Before him stretched the magnificent panorama of the Tuscan countryside: rolling hills of a sunny spring morning.
decided to go slowly on dirt path surrounding the perimeter of the walls, to throw yourself completely into this green and sun bath.
warned soon a feeling of comfort and tranquility, something spiritual that stroked and comforted his soul to the core.
After many days spent in the shadow of her pain, she was finally able to breathe again, to see the light, as if the end of the tunnel was near.
This sensation, however, left the place in a large and irresistible urge to cry.
could not understand whether this depended on the emotion of the beautiful scenery or very simply from the need to let go, after spending endless hours to torture what it was that wrong with Laura.
Whatever the reason, he collapsed on the grass e le lacrime cominciarono a scendere dai suoi occhi scuri, delineandogli lentamente l’ovale del viso.
«Piangi Francesco, piangi. Sfogati, non serve a nulla tenersi tutto dentro».
Queste sono le parole che Francesco pronunciò a bassa voce, come se avesse pudore per il fatto che il leggero vento di quella mattina di primavera potesse far arrivare il suo sfogo alle orecchie del mondo.
Francesco aveva sempre creduto di poter risolvere i suoi problemi, piccoli o grandi che fossero, da solo.
Aveva una famiglia che lo aveva sempre sostenuto nelle sue scelte, molti amici che avevano una grande stima nei suoi confronti.
Tuttavia, per una questione di orgoglio o semplicemente di riservatezza, tendeva sistematicamente a tenere tutto dentro di sé, gioie e dolori.
Non assillava mai nessuno con i propri problemi, né era solito condividere la sua felicità con coloro che lo circondavano.
Fino a quando Laura non aveva deciso di fare una nuova esperienza a carattere professionale, erano sempre stati molto felici insieme: c’era tra di loro un’intesa perfetta e avevano molte passioni in comune.
L’unica cosa di cui adesso Francesco si rimproverava, era proprio il fatto di non essersi mai aperto totalmente nei confronti di lei.
Seduto sull’erba, con il vento che ormai aveva asciugato quasi completamente le sue lacrime, si ritrovò a riflettere su questo punto.
“… E se questa mia eccessiva riservatezza might have contributed to a slow and gradual removal of Laura from me? ".
This is the question that appeared suddenly in the mind and most likely would never have an answer in this regard.
was certain, however, that he must go forward, her life could not stop on that siding.
Francis had always had great confidence in his mental strength.
In almost forty years of life had fallen many times but had always managed to react, shaking the dust off your clothes, and catching up on the bike louder than before.
The end of his affair with Laura was definitely the worst fall that he had assets, but in one way or another knew that Again, it would be raised, and he did.
He wiped his hands with what remained of her tears on her face and liberating turning once again look to the landscape that had so much emotion in the depths of his soul, retraced back, this time with more decisive step, the lane dirt road and went back inside the walls.
Title: Spring in Burgundy
Author: Luca Terenzoni
Publisher: The Albatros Group Wire
Info: www.lucaterenzoni.ilfilo.eu
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Symptoms Of Inflamed Cervix
Un peccato da domenica pomeriggio: bicchierini al caramello salato e ganache fondente
a cuddle from spoon.
It can be done in the version with the tart pastry shell or, as in this case in small glasses, if the pan with the pastry shell is turned upside down badly and the shell becomes an inadvertent crumble.
salted caramel layer, layer crumble / pastry course and finally layer of chocolate ganache.
too lustful.
For a 20 cm diameter tart shortcrust
2 egg yolks 150 g flour 50 g 00
durum wheat flour 100 g butter 50 g sugar
vanilla Prepare the pastry and roll it into the pan puncture the bottom .
Cook at 180 degrees until the edges tips are slightly browned.
Cool completely before you remove.
dark chocolate ganache 100 gr chocolate
100 grams fresh cream to assemble
Break the chocolate into small pieces in minutes.
Warm the cream until boiling and pour over chocolate starting to stir until the mixture is smooth and chocolate has melted compliment.
salted caramel
three tablespoons of sugar
two, three tablespoons of the butter cream
salt (the recipe is a Private Message Coquinaria, I'm going to use doses eye)
Place three heaping tablespoons of sugar a small saucepan and melt until the sugar candy.
Now add two or three tablespoons of cream (be careful because the sugar starts to bubble and could spatter) and stir until it is blended.
Then add the butter and pour into a jar.
It also contains a couple of weeks in the refrigerator.
If it is too hard, just heat it briefly in the microwave.

a cuddle from spoon.
It can be done in the version with the tart pastry shell or, as in this case in small glasses, if the pan with the pastry shell is turned upside down badly and the shell becomes an inadvertent crumble.
salted caramel layer, layer crumble / pastry course and finally layer of chocolate ganache.
too lustful.
For a 20 cm diameter tart shortcrust
2 egg yolks 150 g flour 50 g 00
durum wheat flour 100 g butter 50 g sugar
vanilla Prepare the pastry and roll it into the pan puncture the bottom .
Cook at 180 degrees until the edges tips are slightly browned.
Cool completely before you remove.
dark chocolate ganache 100 gr chocolate
100 grams fresh cream to assemble
Break the chocolate into small pieces in minutes.
Warm the cream until boiling and pour over chocolate starting to stir until the mixture is smooth and chocolate has melted compliment.
salted caramel
three tablespoons of sugar
two, three tablespoons of the butter cream
salt (the recipe is a Private Message Coquinaria, I'm going to use doses eye)
Place three heaping tablespoons of sugar a small saucepan and melt until the sugar candy.
Now add two or three tablespoons of cream (be careful because the sugar starts to bubble and could spatter) and stir until it is blended.
Then add the butter and pour into a jar.
It also contains a couple of weeks in the refrigerator.
If it is too hard, just heat it briefly in the microwave.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
How To Compere A College Function
rat Mauro Corona
I just finished read " dark night, no stars" by Stephen King . I must say that I just left it like that, there is not a lot of fear for those who may have read or Misery It. The first story " 1922" is about a murder in which the protagonists are the sewer rats.
So far nothing strange, sewer rats are full of horror books etc. ... etc ... but do read just a little bit disgusted and no fear, as one would expect it's weird.
am sincere: I had more fear and disgust, especially more fear, the sewer rats (he calls them "the rat") that appeared in some sections of the book by Mauro Corona "A Tale of Snow". Those ensure that inspire terror.
Sarà per un'altra volta, un altro racconto. Pantegani, preparatevi.
I just finished read " dark night, no stars" by Stephen King . I must say that I just left it like that, there is not a lot of fear for those who may have read or Misery It. The first story " 1922" is about a murder in which the protagonists are the sewer rats.
So far nothing strange, sewer rats are full of horror books etc. ... etc ... but do read just a little bit disgusted and no fear, as one would expect it's weird.
am sincere: I had more fear and disgust, especially more fear, the sewer rats (he calls them "the rat") that appeared in some sections of the book by Mauro Corona "A Tale of Snow". Those ensure that inspire terror.
Sarà per un'altra volta, un altro racconto. Pantegani, preparatevi.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Who Is Affected By Chicken Pox?
Bricioline.....Involtini di speck e mozzarella di bufala gratinati
There are times when you do not wish never ended.
That time is suspended, as crystallized around you.
to how you feel.
For a pair of eyes that make eye contact.
For a hand through the air curtains.
For a taste that will surprise you in its simplicity.
and try to find that flavor in order to find the time. These
rolls are simple but I find them outstanding in their semplicità.ù
With this recipe I participate in the contest of Imma Sweets galore and LeCreuset
rolls of bacon and mozzarella gratin
16 for 4 slices of bacon
buffalo mozzarella cheese 4 slices of loaf
chop parsley in a blender the loaf is not too finely, place in a very hot nonstick skillet and brown it, stirring continuously to keep it burning.
When browned, add a few drops of olive oil and continue stirring.
Remove from heat and pour into a bowl.
soon warmed to add a bit of Parmesan and parsley and stir to mix.
Cut the mozzarella into thick slices and wrap each in a slice of bacon.
Arrange the rolls in a baking dish or ramekins portion only.
Sprinkle with the bread mixture and bake for ten minutes, just long enough that the cheese melts a little.
Eating hot or warm.

There are times when you do not wish never ended.
That time is suspended, as crystallized around you.
to how you feel.
For a pair of eyes that make eye contact.
For a hand through the air curtains.
For a taste that will surprise you in its simplicity.
and try to find that flavor in order to find the time. These
rolls are simple but I find them outstanding in their semplicità.ù
With this recipe I participate in the contest of Imma Sweets galore and LeCreuset

rolls of bacon and mozzarella gratin
16 for 4 slices of bacon
buffalo mozzarella cheese 4 slices of loaf
chop parsley in a blender the loaf is not too finely, place in a very hot nonstick skillet and brown it, stirring continuously to keep it burning.
When browned, add a few drops of olive oil and continue stirring.
Remove from heat and pour into a bowl.
soon warmed to add a bit of Parmesan and parsley and stir to mix.
Cut the mozzarella into thick slices and wrap each in a slice of bacon.
Arrange the rolls in a baking dish or ramekins portion only.
Sprinkle with the bread mixture and bake for ten minutes, just long enough that the cheese melts a little.
Eating hot or warm.
Monday, January 10, 2011
How To Take Off Starter Earrings On Babies
Preview book "The secret of Mary" by Angelo Chiarelli
Il segreto di Maria
Quando si trovò faccia a faccia col suo passato, capì di essere sola. Voleva sprofondare in un baratro profondo migliaia di metri da dove non avrebbe più avvertito il suono della voce altrui. Quanto peso aveva avuto l’opinione degli altri nella sua esistenza! Ogni sua scelta era condizionata da un rimprovero o da un futuro rimorso. Stare accovacciata ai piedi di quella statua immobile, gelida e silenziosa, era per lei il godimento più profondo che potesse desiderare. Almeno non sarebbero uscite voci ipocrite dal marmo! Soltanto in quel luogo avrebbe potuto pensare. Solo lì la scia of his meditations would give life to his memories. With his head in his hands, his face weary and sobbing cry, remembering episodes in his past life, in which the brightness of his eyes could divide for a while 'tears.
's so love! The world does not accept us and unfortunately, we are the world! But you dream of me, because I will have other dreams before meeting your own!
shook his head at the sound of these words from the past, to forget everything, to fill his memory with a veil of oblivion. But he could not. Every time something was alone in her grief and moved her back to life. Only hope comforted: he would magazine, he would close his hand again and could enjoy it again. But she did not come! The hands on the clock ran down. The ticking had been slow before reaching the appointment time, but now their bike was fast and unstoppable. So is the time: slow pain, quick pleasure. His eyes were tired of counting the hours, closed them for a moment and the memory made her a small gift.
now seven years had passed since he had married Hector, an engineer generous and kind to which she loved but who did not like. She claimed to hate each other and his name was the primary cause: Mary, a common name, but that entails a responsibility to preserve the heritage of madre di Cristo. Ricordava ancora il giorno in cui, il suo futuro marito, glielo aveva chiesto in quel rumoroso locale di periferia e come lei si fosse affaticata a sussurrarglielo nell’orecchio. Lui non lo capì! Se ne avvide fuori dal locale, quando Ettore per chiamarla usava gesti o parole che gli evitavano di pronunciare il suono di un nome stroncato dalla musica assordante del locale.
Maria ! – si affrettò a ripetere la ragazza per evitare ulteriori imbarazzi.
Ah, scusami, ma con quel casino non avevo capito bene ! – disse l’altro grattandosi la testa per nascondere la sua distrazione. Maria si preoccupava di rassicurarlo. Non era la prima volta che doveva ripetere il suo nome, per quanto comune was.
I think it has a strange sound when it comes out of my mouth! - Said to explain the misunderstanding.
great tone! - Hector pointed managed to wrest from the lips of the other hint of a smile.
Their marriage became established very quickly. They became engaged by the second appointment, but she did not love him. His mind was occupied by another person whose name whispered several times in the night.
Chiara, why? - He cried at night once, making up her husband from the bed, it hastened to turn on the light.
What's treasure! - Asked Hector stringendola al petto. Lei piangeva, non aveva acquistato ancora pienamente i sensi e quando lo fece, si affrettò a nascondere il suo dolore con una menzogna:
Mia sorella Chiara è morta in un incidente stradale ed io alcune notti la ricordo gridando il suo nome ad alta voce !
Del resto nessuno, nemmeno il marito, si sarebbe accorto della bugia. Lei era fuggita dalla sua città per lasciarsi alle spalle il dolore di quell’amore finito. Aveva raccontato della morte dei suoi in tempo prematuro, e ora si affrettava ad aggiungere quest’altro particolare, di quest’ipotetica sorella, stroncata anche lei da un triste destino.
Non ti preoccupare, amore – diceva Ettore consolandola - I married you because I love you, I will accept any effects that your past has brought to your present. - Said the other by a short break. That break all the air had to precede a question and Mary feared.
Why do not you tell me before? - Asked in a nervous tone.
I have always tried to hide this discount! - She said disengaging himself from the other and covering his face with the sheet to lie better.
But I am your husband! - Wanted to clarify the other with his usual calm tone. His note of sentimentality not answered. Maria's eyes were still open; non avrebbe dormito per il resto della notte. Da allora però avrebbe dovuto evitare ogni altra intromissione del suo passato nel presente di lei e di Ettore. Così fu! Sfogava il suo dolore nel bagno prima di dormire, così nella notte la mente avrebbe riposato come purificata.
Ora però era sola ai piedi di quella statua. Che cosa avrebbe potuto dire del suo presente? Ancora una volta i ricordi invadevano la mente senza remora e i suoi occhi potevano riposare.
Chiara non era sua sorella! La conobbe molto tempo prima di sposare Ettore e la sua vita cambiò. Ricordava ancora di quella festa in casa di Carmen Fermi, una sua amica con l’ossessione della moda e del narcisismo. Era Luglio. Carmen festeggiava la sua laurea in law. He boasted of the vote received, magnifying his efforts and his studies. That night the house was full. Every corner was populated by many people, who sipped beer from a mug. Maria was sitting on a chair and drinking a liquor answered questions of her friends.
I did not think you'd be able to graduate so quickly! Referring to a girl, "said Carmen Maria but looking at a glance sideways, that was very enlightening. Maria looked away with shame. It was now five years who had enrolled at university and still delayed to put the final piece to his career as a student. Perhaps he felt a bit 'of envy for her friend graduate, but he knew stay outside and nothing transpired, except the shame for his failures.
You know, I work and study, to use this time to give more exams! - Said that the other had not addressed its a direct question. Moreover, the temptation to hide their shame is unstoppable.
not saying to you, Mary, I know what you do! - Ended the friend with an accent impregnated falsehood. Mary hid behind the glass of liquor. He realized that it was inappropriate; drinking could not compromise with his speeches.
you know who is with us tonight? - Carmen said breaking the awkward silence arisen. The other girls opened their mouths and stared as if he were to escape from his lips the secret of life.
We deign of his presence Miss Clare Round!
"Clear!" If you remember his name at the foot of the statue of Mary was pervaded by a thrill. But then he was completely indifferent. Clare was a very weird girl. After the death of his had gone to live with his grandparents, who left her free to do what he wanted. The premature loss of parents, however, had left her in a deep groove. He felt alone, abandoned and cast out this sense of distress showing gruff towards others. That evening she was the primary attraction. All the expected impatient and the sound of their voices lowly hiding a trap.
I asked almost with a sense of challenge! I knew that he would not and so I asked the question in a tone that was meant for its refusal. In stubborn people always work, any advice would be violated! - Carmen said, praising his art of lying. The other heard the snickering. Among the other Mary's smile was softer, not so much out of respect for the girl laughed, but his obsession to occupy any position in the backline. She did not like to be the lone voice, a common girl who wanted to be subservient to the ideas of others without cheer.
After hours of waiting for the girls you hush. I do not hope in a coming of Clare. The house was still full of people, but, almost morbid delight, he expected that lonely girl that would give new light to the party. The gate opened. The squeak that produced attracted the attention of all. Chiara had arrived! Shone from his face an air of satisfaction at having done his way. His entry into the villa was greeted by a background of grins. Carmen perfect host by inviting her to sit down without ceremony. - I'm glad you're here with us! - Said with a tone that clearly did reveal his desire to deride. Faced with such impudence, Clara lowered her face and her face turns d’imbarazzo. I ghigni aumentarono d’intensità. Nella sua testa malediceva il momento in cui aveva deciso di recarsi nel covo dei suoi carnefici. Timidamente occupò il posto vicino a Maria. Quest’ultima avvertì chiaramente dall’alito dell’altra, che aveva bevuto; i suoi occhi ne erano la conferma.
Allora Chiara – cominciò una ragazza alla sua destra gesticolando con le braccia – quale onore per noi averti qui stasera! Cosa ti ha spinta a venire qua ?
Chiara trovò una posizione più comoda sulla sedia e rispose a monosillabi per non far trasparire il suo stato di ebbrezza. – Una scommessa !
Ci offendi così ! – aggiunse Carmen who knew full well why the other was with them. His tone was full of biting irony. Meanwhile, Maria moved away from Clare. The odor of alcohol emanating was unbearable. He approached a friend's ear and whispered:
My God how drunk! - Let out a grin at the end of his remark that he was accompanied by that of his. Clare seemed to have heard the phrase. A brief glance toward Mary do enough to summarize his demeanor. The other friend, meanwhile, hastened to speak of the other ear to reveal all the secrets. A few seconds were enough to expose Clare!
drink with us I beg you ! – disse Carmen porgendo nelle mani di Chiara un bicchiere colmo di un forte liquore. L’altra lo tracannò tutto di un fiato e poggiandolo sul tavolo, fissò Carmen con uno sguardo di sfida. – Ma non fare complimenti, ne abbiamo quanto ne desideri – aggiunse la padrona di casa, con un accento irritato. Altri due sorsi di liquore bastarono per far cadere Chiara per terra. Le altre ragazza si affrettarono a circondarla. Due la presero di peso e la buttarono su una sedia sdraio vicino alla piscina. Carmen le buttò addosso un secchio d’acqua. Chiara scrollò la testa, ma non ebbe la forza di rialzarsi. – Su avanti bevine ancora ! – gridavano tutte in coro picchiandola a loro modo. Ma lei, con il volto verso the ground and breathing almost imperceptibly, showed no signs of life. All continued to have fun on her. Mary had a sudden moment of emotion: it was wrong to take advantage of her open-minded that way. But she had not been first to reveal the state of intoxication of the girl? It hurt! But now he could rectify his mistake. Shouted the crowd, making them feel, for the first time, his voice above the others:
is enough, you want to kill her! - Said close to her and help her up. The others were stunned. - What are you doing Mary? - One of them asked in a tone of wonder. Of the grins on everyone's lips surrounded the gesture of the girl. – La sto aiutando ! – disse alzandola dal suolo e uscendo dal cerchio che le si era formato intorno. Fu un clamore generale. Quanti sorrisi sentì alle sue spalle! Riuscì a uscire dal cancello e condurre Chiara alla fontana vicino alla villa. Le rinfrescò il volto lentamente e le domandò come stava.
Meglio ! – rispose l’altra reggendosi sulle proprie gambe. Maria fu tranquillizzata. Il suo fiato e le sue movenze rivelavano la quantità di bicchieri tracannati, ma almeno ora era cosciente.
Ti chiedo scusa per quello che ti hanno fatto ! – disse fissandola negli occhi e sorridendo lievemente. Chiara s’infiammò. Si fece spazio con una mano per non vedere più il suo volto. Then when he found himself behind her, told her:
Why do you think better of them?
How much truth there was in his words. She was the creator of everything. He was ashamed of herself. Once processed in the mind without a plausible excuse to be addressed to Clare. When he turned to tell him she was already far away. You could hardly see its outline wobbly walking in the dark of night.
Maria had set the episode in his memory. He remembered and often biting his hands for what he had done. Clare reminded him often during the hours when they were alone and although his tone was ironic, she suffered.
The breath of wind touched the his face. She shivered it. That reality was tenuous train enough to drag it away from the path of his memory. He looked at his watch. She would not come that day. He rose to reach home. The husband was still at work.
Hello darling - Ettore said accepting that his wife did not even have time to hang your coat the coat. She went to her husband and kissed him coldly. He was not aware of its glaciers, was used.
Are you still at work? - Asked by placing both hands on the shoulders of Hector.
Yes, - said the other - I have to finish an important project for today, maybe I can have a better position if it proves successful. - Paused a moment to turn to her and squeezing his eyes as if to remember a name heard for the first time.
Chiara! - In the name Mary shuddered. Maybe her husband had discovered the deception, she knew that she had no sisters and that the story had told him long ago that was false. All his fears proved fruitless. He called some
Clare, said to be one of your high school friend. The memories? - Ettore said, turning his chair toward his wife. Mary tried to take the expression impassive as possible, but soon saw that it was inappropriate: he had to show some meraviglia alla notizia di una compagna che non vedeva da più di dieci anni .
Si – rispose – la ricordo, abbiamo fatto gli ultimi tre anni insieme, ma da quando mi sono trasferita a Roma, non l’ho più rivista!
Possibile che Ettore non aveva notato l’analogia fra quel nome e quello della fantomatica sorella? Forse non voleva parlargliene alla luce della reazione avuta l’ultima volta? Oppure voleva vedere quale espressione avrebbe assunto il suo volto al suono di un nome a lui sconosciuto? Comunque non era questo il problema che la preoccupava maggiormente ora! Il suo timore più grande era che Chiara aveva telefonato a casa sua, non sul suo cellulare dove l’aveva sentita l’ultima time. What does this mean? A stubborn will to Clare of reconnecting with the past, or a coincidence beautiful and good? On the other hand should not be afraid. No one could imagine who it was very clear. What until then had been his sister, now had become his sole companion. Everything looked normal, it was she who could be compromised by his frightened expression. You're not good
Mary? - Asked Hector worried about his wife's pale. - No, do not worry I'm fine and just now I feel a little 'tired. - Said, tapping his head with one hand. The husband's invitation to go to bed and rest, he would soon be reached. - You put the safety of windows? - Ask Mary. Her husband, already turning back toward the monitor of his computer, he argued with his head. The warmth of the blankets gave comfort to the members of Mary chilled. The next day was to review Clare.
The dream gave her some memory. She seemed to be back in his country. Many years had passed, but the plunge into the consciousness of their origins was startled by the emotion in his heart. Clare was there, on that old bench. She was beautiful as all the times he had met, it seemed that nothing had changed. His mischievous smile, his eyes trying timid di evitare l’orbita di quelli di Maria. Erano i tratti del suo viso che la attraevano di più. Maria si avvicinò. Si sedette accanto e la baciò, sfiorandole appena le labbra. Un saluto fievole, un fuggente attimo di emozione, ucciso dalla sua sconvolgente dichiarazione:
Parti Maria, fuggi da me! – cominciò Chiara alzandosi dalla panchina.
Io non ti abbandonerò mai – rispose Maria imitando il gesto dell’altra e afferrandole un braccio.
Invece te ne andrai! Io non passo farlo. Sai che mia nonna non potrebbe restare da sola, la sua malattia non glielo permette. Inoltre non ho i soldi per allontanarmi … - continuò Chiara girandosi e pronunciando il suo discorso in face to face, almost like a threat to you. But a threat is not accompanied by the tears of those who pronounce it. His eyes were filled with tears, her lips trembling.
love Why are you crying? - Maria asked an attitude sad. Her eyes were shiny. Chiara wiped her tears with her arm and said
I do not want to destroy you ... - a sob accompanied his words. An essence of alcohol came from his mouth.
you drunk again - Maria scolded, shaking his drunken body of the other - you promised me! - Clare shook her head.
Yes, it's true! I drank! You one more reason to leave, run away. - A fake smile s'impresse on Mary's lips.
You're crazy! How could I escape? I have a family! My father and my mother got it? - Clare turned around with the air of not wanting to give more explanations.
I will have been warned! You and I can not live together. I will make your life miserable. All of us know now. If still your father and your mother are not aware of the facts, run away. People will forget about you and your daughter that you will remember how she left for work and not for the lesbian who fell in love with un'ubriacona. I will never forget you, because my life is not will be meaningful without you, but I have to save, I can only think of me. And 'love it! The world does not accept us and unfortunately, we are the world! But you dream of me because I will have other dreams before meeting your own! - Turned away to hide her tears, then, with all the breath he could gather, he cried - Run away from here, run!
The last words rang in Mary a sleepy mind countless times. Like a cloud of dust obscured the dream consciousness of reality. A cry came out from his lips: No
, Clare did not do it! - Shouted getting out of bed and opening his eyes. When shooting full consciousness of what her surroundings, she realized it was wrong: his bedroom, the door ajar, the sound of quick footsteps coming down the stairs. He had given that name again compromising. The husband was rushing into the room, but she really felt as she screamed? With his hands through his hair, hiccups in the breath and stood looking down to get closer to the mirror.
I have called love? Are you not well? - Ettore said, throwing open the door. So he had not heard anything? Maria was safe, immune to the questions she would remember the past. - Sure you love, I feel better. I shot a little 'head, I feel dizzy, but otherwise ... - The husband approached keyboards his forehead with one hand and said:
Yes, you are much better. However, it is normal that you feel dizzy, the fever has subsided a lot since last night. Fear that you gave me, I was going to call the emergency room, but you you've calmed down. I did not understand what a start muttering .... It's not that you have a trip planned with some fan? - Hector asked ironically. - And who want to come with me? I'm getting old Hector, I'm only thirty-five and fifty to demonstrate. - The other guard said with a smile that demanded a kiss. - But if you're beautiful, the most beautiful woman in the world! - Ettore said, responding to smile, brushing lips.
Oh by the way - said towards the door - he called again and given that Chiara had a fever, I thought you would do well to review one of your old friend and told her to go this morning, giving the address! - Opening the door closed.
What did you do? - Mary said opening her eyes wide and frightened.
I invited this morning to us, why should not I? - Ettore said, shrugging.
Mary could not resist much. The expression of surprise, her husband already had compromised. A further his stubbornness not to accept that her friend was coming from her, could be a source of suspicion. He tried to take the attitude that was used. - Of course you did well! I prepare myself and get down! E 'already arrived? - Mary said running a brush through her hair. - No, should arrive at eleven. I'm going to go shopping, there's nothing in the fridge. Could it stay for lunch ... - Hector said. Mary looked in the mirror and not looking more into the eyes of her husband. - Yes, it could! - Answered with a dry tone. Ettore shut the door behind her leaving a small opening, from where he ended his conversation with Mary
you sure can leave you alone? - He said obligingly. Mary did not turned around, but tried to answer him looking at his reflection in the mirror. - It is safe, I'm better, thanks.
The door closed. Maria waited for a moment. It had to be certain that her husband had been released. The thud that resulted when the door is closed reassured. She threw herself on the bed. He raised his eyes to the ceiling. What would he do now? How strange it seemed frightened at the thought of the idea of \u200b\u200bseeing clearly. At one time their meetings are the meaning of his life, but now ... everything had changed: the relationship, age and how to deal with events. Yet his memory still rocking as the waves of the sea. To think that more than ten years had passed since they had kissed for the first time, made her feel bad. An unambiguous evil that was wrong, but paradoxically made her feel alive. He remembered the last years of college. It was the time when he had to put the final exams and then he would graduate. "Political Science", that silly degree! She never fully enjoyed. He attended classes for only a fresh imposition of the father in the family that he wanted at least a "doctor" and the fact that Mary was un'inetta in politics did not interest him much. Missed about ten days to the submission of the thesis and her colleagues organized a bonfire on the beach to celebrate the end of their university career. Mary accepted the invitation. Not that she liked so much to spend all night on the wet sand, but the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing locked in houses in those endless days past the oppressed. That evening he left his home much more quickly than usual:
Where are you going tonight? No longer used to ask permission? - His father asked ironically. Maria turned and almost hit really from that false accusation. - You're right. I go with my faculty colleagues to celebrate outside. I miss a few chapters of the thesis and tonight I'm not going to study just ... - The father sports a loving smile. He did not want to know where her daughter went. He would go out so rarely that he liked that she felt the need to breathe a little 'different than the air of his room. The only thing that bothered him was that his "little girl" coming out had not greeted as usual. - Just kidding honey! - Said going to meet her daughter and kissing her forehead lovingly. - Go and enjoy! Soon you will have to think of the work to be done for life and when you have achieved, will regret these moments!
Maria smiled. After greeting his father, he closed the door behind him. He came to the beach on time. A bunch of cars were parked around. From a distance we saw a small blaze. Unrecognizable shadows were moving around. Approached dopo aver girato la chiave nella serratura della sua macchina. Le ombre divennero più riconoscibili. Tutti l’accolsero baciandola e offrendole una birra. Parlarono fino a tarda ora. Poi una sua amica si alzò dal suolo. Era più ubriaca rispetto alle altre. – Vado a prendere una birra al pub vicino ! – singhiozzava a ogni parola, barcollava a ogni passo. Maria si levò in piedi, le prese i soldi che aveva in mano e la invitò a risedersi. – Vado io stai pure qui ! – Camminò fino a raggiungere l’altra parte della strada. Le insegne luccicanti del pub attirarono la sua attenzione. Nonostante l’ora molte persone sorseggiavano ancora birra e alcolici vari. Appena entrò, fu squadrata dagli sguardi degli around and hit men from their drunken laughter. You rinse the bar slowly. Keep it all in the room in a strange way. What was different from others? Tentatively ordered a beer the bartender handed him the money on the counter like a child who goes to buy what they need with the money counted. - Other? - Asked the bartender to address a strange look, but more human than others. - No! - She said, lowering her eyes in shame. She seemed to see a smile on the lips of others, when he turned to take the drink. Next to her was a girl with his head down on the counter. The whiskey was almost empty. The bartender handed him the beer and gave it to Mary uncorked senza levarle gli occhi di dosso. – Grazie ! – aggiunse mantenendo la stessa espressione e costringendo l’altra a guardarlo. Maria fu costretta a ricambiare il sorriso con un’ipocrita movenza delle labbra. La ragazza accovacciata vicino alzò il viso reclamando altro liquore. – Basta – disse il barista senza nemmeno guardarla negli occhi – per oggi il bicchiere rimarrà vuoto!
Maria la riconobbe. Chiara? Non l’aveva più vista da quella volta in cui l’aveva salvata dalle grinfie delle sue amiche. Era molto cambiata. Le occhiaie erano più marcate, l’alcool e la mancanza di sonno avevano trasformato i suoi occhi. Eppure Maria riusciva a vedere ancora qualcosa di bello in the gaunt figure. Clare stood up abruptly, knocking the stool to the ground and screaming in the face of the boy who refused to give her as requested. - I said I can not dartene more. - Looked up briefly while rinsing a mug under the water - you do not see how you have reduced? Have a go, if you want you can come back tomorrow! - He said, looking down to leave it more. - Please, give me the bottle you'll pay! - Said the girl. The other seemed not to hear. - Please, I'll do anything you want! - Continued trying to persuade him. At these words the other closed water and wiped his hands with a rag. - Everything you said? - Asked squeezing his cheeks with a strong hand. Clare agreed. He sold his soul to have another drink: let alone her body. He followed the bartender in a room. Mary had watched the whole scene. He decided to wait it out. After a while, 'Clare left the room. Her face was bruised, swollen eyes, the golf open was a glimpse of the breasts, the button was unbuttoned jeans: it was left to rape. The liquor bottle dangling from his right hand. Maria approached her. He would not blame her. - Hello, do you remember me? - Asked him to stop trying to look at his eyes. But the other pupils were no longer used to meet those of others. - I do not know who you are! - Chiara replied abruptly moving the other and keep walking. - I'm Maria Della Torre! - Added the other without looking. Clare stood still repeating the name with an attitude just heard sad. - Maria! - Lowered his gaze for a moment and raised a laugh. Maria did not understand, but stood still. The attitude of the other became sad again. - What did you do? Change? - The compassion he said pointing out that Mary had given her that night in that dark night, removing it from the crowd "killer." - See you've lost, I will not change ever! - Concluded. A moment of silence surrounded the two, and then Clare lowers her head and all the rubbish spewing drunk. The bottle slipped from his hands and shattered on the ground. Mary rushed to support the front. After he helped her to sit on a bench. He vomited twice more. Then it seemed that his stomach was quelled. - Every night is the usual story! - Made it clear - I drink, purpose and vomiting. Then I end up babbling to herself. - Concluded by looking at the remains of his hangover that fermented on the ground. - This evening, however, are not alone! - Maria added, interrupting the monologue of the other. Clare picked up the strength to give a slight smile. - Ah, poor deluded. Si è soli anche in una folla. Se pensi che il bacio del tuo ragazzo, l’abbraccio di tua madre o le parole di conforto dei tuoi amici possano tirarti fuori dal vuoto di cui la tua coscienza è pervasa ti sbagli. Per quanto ti adoperi a sfuggire al nulla, prima o poi devi giungerci. Tutto alla fine è nulla. – disse appoggiando la schiena alla panchina e liberando il capo dietro di sé. – Non dire così – continuò Maria – è solo un momento brutto poi passerà ! – Chiara sollevò il capo e la fissò negli occhi. – Cosa ti fa pensare che tutto passi? Noi tendiamo a vedere la vita come un’oasi di felicità che la morte distrugge coattamente. Ma se fosse il contrario? Se la morte if only our deliverer? Once thought to this but not anymore! Not even death frees us! The nothing around us, we are the nothing that eats anything, we are beings who do not live enough to see grow what we've created. - Maria looked at carefully. As blame her? - Anyway, thanks! - Clare went on - I've watched twice and I never thanked you. You are Mary, right? - Asked with an air of sad looking brown her mouth with a faint smile.
You Chiara! - Answered the other. Clare was surprised that anyone remembered his name, but the surprise did not last long because Maria continued:
Non ringraziarmi per l’aiuto, sai non è stato solo per pietà che l’ho fatto ?
E per cosa allora? – domandò l’altra guardando negli occhi Maria come se avesse intuito la causa recondita che l’aveva spinta a compiere il gesto di quella notte. Maria fu scossa da una strana sensazione. Non aveva provato mai niente del genere. Il suo stomaco brontolava come in prede a un improvviso attacco di fame, ogni membro del suo corpo tremava e il cuore le sussurrava emozioni che solo in seguito avrebbe capito chiaramente:
Non lo immagini? – domandò poi afferrandole la mano e ricambiando lo sguardo che le aveva rivolto prima.
Può darsi? – rispose Chiara's mouth twisted in an unnatural way with a touch of coquetry and looking away from her. Mary then decided the other grabbed her face and kissed her with all the passion that stirred within. That kiss was the most beautiful and durable that Mary had ever given. Maria
Now in the solitude of his room could not remember the precise details of that night, but the feelings on the beach with Clare remained indelible. The doorbell rang. Maria jumped up. She had arrived! How would welcome? When the door opened, the figure of a woman stood before her. A rather frail boy timidly pressed the hand. There was no doubt the She was definitely Clare. His eyes had lost strength and her skin had become less bright, but he recognized among a thousand. - Hello Mary! - Began leaving the woman clutching the hand of little Mary with affection. - How long has it been since ... - Maria gave her a faint smile and walked over to give her a kiss on the cheek. That simple act left on the lips of Mary the taste of being compromised. If he could, he would not hesitate to kiss her lips and make love to her. But he could not admit it. Everything had changed: the relationships, places and passions, everything had by now given way to another. - What good wind? - Maria asked ironically stifling a smile between the teeth of hatred. Clare looked down. She was embarrassed. Knew that she had painstakingly built a new life, to escape his past and he felt guilty to be entered in its new core coated so emotional. He lifted his gaze sheepishly and pointing it in the house with a small voice asked: - Can I! - Now that Maria was embarrassed. He was filled with guilt a person who had only wanted to see it. She also looked down and invited the two to enter. He had them sit in the living room and taking the TV remote control handed to the child, smiling. - Please see Chiara and I need the TV chat. - Make the tone on the last word, we turn to mocking the other, who blushed. They walked into the adjoining room and began to argue heatedly. The television volume was high. The child could not hear their dispute. Discuss all the negative things of the past and every memory recalled a scream. - Why did you come here? We could see out to a bar, but not here! - Mary cry shaking hands in the face of Clare. - Mary I had to do, I ... - answered the other trying to introduce his argument, but Maria did not allow it. - But what you had to ruin my life, as ... - to queste parole anche il tono di Chiara divenne aspro. – Come che cosa? Volevi dire come ho già fatto? Dai ammettilo ! – l’altra si calmò. Si accorse di essere stata inopportuna. – Non volevo dire questo. E’ solo che è passato molto tempo, tante cose sono cambiate … - Chiara la interruppe bruscamente. – Ma una cosa è rimasta immutata ! – Maria aveva compreso quello che Chiara voleva dire, ma desiderava sentire dalle sue labbra quell’ammissione di affetto. – Che cosa vuoi dire ? – domandò. Chiara si girò su se stessa osservando per un attimo il bambino che aveva gli occhi fissi sullo schermo. Poi si voltò. Trattenne il fiato. Un attimo di silenzio precedette la sua frase, poi il suono delle sue parole seducenti quanto amare. – Il nostro amore Maria, il nostro … - Maria le mise una mano sulla bocca. – Basta, hai detto già troppo non permetterti di ripetere quella parola, tutto è perduto, tutto è passato ! – L’altra si levò con dolcezza la mano di Maria dalla bocca e trattenendo sempre il suo polso le domandò: - Perché non è così? Non continua il nostro amore ? – Maria rimase imbambolata. Borbottava confusamente. – Ma io … non lo so … non posso … Ettore … - Chiara le lasciò il polso. Lei si riprese. Il fatto di non avere un diretto contatto con lei, la aiutava a trattenere meglio le sue emozioni. - Do not worry - he began sitting on a low chair close - I do not want to awaken our past. We have so much love and even if this feeling is still alive, we can no longer continue. - At this point Mary could not help but intervene. - Then why did you come? - Clare stood up. Walking up and down for short stretches helped her to think. - I did not come for us or for me ... - contracted in a strange way his mouth - even for me and say in a certain sense to you ... - the contradictory discourse of Clare, denoting its latent anxiety and insecurity, made her smile Mary. - But you're delirious? - Then the smile turned into a critical and inquisitive. - Have you been drinking again! You promised me ... see how to reduce you ... - waved their hands in the other sense of dissent - no more, I stopped drinking for a long time but ... - Mary was increasingly confused. He went to repeat the last word of his sentence. - Ma? - Chiara swallowed vacuum to get the courage. Silence. - But ... - tried to make his state the most essential way possible. - I was diagnosed with a ... - shuddered to pronounce that word, to appoint his executioner - cancer ... - The word echoed repeatedly in the mind of Mary, who opened his eyes. - Tu-mo-re? - Repeated stuttering. A tear fell down accidentally by one of his eyes. He tried to suffocate the other. - A liver cancer! - Chiara said accentuating the deep anxiety with more details of Mary. - I do not long to live - continued - doctors say they groped with chemotherapy, but I was deprived of all hope. Metastasis is already very extensive and ... well you can not do much. - Maria hours crying bitterly. He walked slowly to Clare and touched her as if she were the last time. - Do not cry, please - clearly said to comfort each other. Le accarezzò i capelli con una mano e la sensazione che il tatto le regalò, le fece nascere un sorriso tenue sulle labbra. – Che cosa posso fare io ? – domandò Maria guardando l’altra negli occhi. Una voce provenne dal salotto: - Mamma ! – ed echeggiò nell’abitazione. Quell’urlo infantile aveva sciolto molti nodi nella mente di Maria. – Mio figlio ! – si affrettò a precisare Chiara senza voltarsi, osservando il viso dell’altra per carpirne ogni mutamento. Ma l’espressione di Maria non rilevò niente. Non era mai stata tanto vuota. Si limitò soltanto ad acconsentire con un cenno del capo. Chiara un figlio? Anche lei si era sposata per cessare di ricordare? No, anything. If Mary had been Hector outlet of his feelings destroyed in order to clarify the only comfort was in the bottom of a glass of brandy. - You were playing for two years or more. - Chiara said, describing the day in which he believed to be pregnant. It was again sitting in his chair. - I continued to drink - Maria gave her a look of disdain, but what would be worth now? - Yes ... I know I made a mistake - tried to justify the other - though I did not. I spent all my grandmother's pension. You know, survived for three or four years after your departure. I regularly pocketed his money, but not enough for me ever. As the evening ... - told of a bar, one of the many who attended. A bartender promised a bottle of brandy ... if she agreed to - yes, you understand, I am only ashamed to say! - Clare continued. Maria gave a bitter smile. - But you did! - Chiara twisted lips and soon her cheeks were full of tears. - Yes, unfortunately! - The other would speak: - Why did not you tell him? - Clare smiled. - And what do you think would respond? "Let's get married, let's make three other children." - Paused to mark the entry to most of what he would say - I was just a bitch Mary for him. And then I'm not even sure of the authorship of Charles - Those words Mary shuddered. Charles was just the little beast more tortured. He was alone with a mother who was about to leave and did not even know who had given their lives. Even if he had known, would not have achieved anything. Only a further blow, just another confirmation of its nature as a "son of a bitch." - Mom! - Repeated in a shrill voice and uncertain the child from the living room. The two ran.
The room was shrouded in silence. The ticking clock on the wall reminded that it was time for lunch. Mary thought of her husband to return because it was late? It will surely find
traffic, however at this time! - She said to Clare externalizing his own inner thoughts.
must be a very handsome ... - Chiara said stroking the hair of the little Charles who was resting quietly with his head resting on his knees. Mary glanced at the floor. The words were projected in front of the other to its hypocritical nature. An indescribable remorse the saliva from the depths of the bowels. It was a long time since I felt a similar sentiment. - Yes, - he began - is just a great husband. Its only flaw is that he loves to ... me - Clare almost interrupted the speech of the other coated:
talk as if the love only came from him, as if you do not reciprocate his feelings ... - Maria stood up and raised his voice:
It is not true ... - Charles shook his head for a moment and let out a groan of impatience almost as if he were to wake up, but he did not. Maria dropped her voice, but continued with his tone laden with anger. - I love to Hector. It was he who took me out of the darkness that I carried inside ... ... it's just that - put a hand over his eyes as if to hold back the tears. He sat down again beside clear - and I just do not feel full, I'm almost afraid to show him my love and some times I get the feeling of being with a stranger. Well ... - Clare looked at her eyes and gave a quick smile
So do not love him ... - Maria shook her head. He could not lie anymore:
Why you enjoy to hurt me? I do not even know what I feel ... and then - put his hand on her - I do not want to miss! - A tear stained hands of Clare - I'll do anything to save ... - Chiara squeezed the hand of the other and closed his eyes giving off a faint sigh that invited Mary to keep quiet
Unfortunately you can not save me! Not There's nothing you can do ... at least for me - looked at him with affection for the baby - I've already talked about this. You have to take care of Charles, loving him as a mother, as I would have done if I could ... - Maria affectionately embraced each other and weeping bitterly illusion sentences to which she believed even more: You can ...
- Chiara clenched teeth and closed her eyes enjoying that hug. The key turned in the lock. Mary hastened to disband by the warm close. He quickly wiped the tears
Love, I'm back - he said aloud, Ettore believing that Mary was over and that Clare had not yet arrived. Mary is lifted off the couch and headed for the door to invite Hector to lower his voice
Why what happened? - Asked Hector with shopping bags in their hands. Maria renewed its call for placing a finger over his mouth to make it more effective. She took her husband's arm and led him into the living room, where he showed him the baby who was sleeping on the couch:
Ah, sorry I did not know! - Ettore said following the advice of his wife and speaking in a low voice - you must be clear ... - Maria asked with her eyes on each other. Clear so gently rested his head on the small couch and tried to stand quietly:
Sorry but I have to be careful, if it were to wake up, have trouble! - Came up to Hector and shook his hand. - Mary, I have already talked a lot about you ... - glanced ironic that the other looked away - you're a very lucky man, she is the best person I know ... - Clare at the time thought not to have known many people in his life, or at least not fully known to them. He felt very lonely, useless and fragile. Hector left the hand of the other and invite you to sit next sedendole:
And - said giving more praise to the figure of his wife - is it true I could not find anything better. But tell me a bit 'of you. We know from a lot? - That question echoed in the room and caught Mary. His memory began to travel. A memory already met came before. The bench, the lights of the bar, the sound of the sea, the warmth of those lips that had touched. His anxiety, his inner warmth and pleasure that rose from the depths of the same air as his intoxicated person. Clare was there beside him with her eyes closed, his hands trembling and heart pounding in my chest. The trembling lips moved feebly. Broke away from the kiss for a moment and stood for a moment, intoxicated with his eyes closed:
Why did you do?
Yes, it is because you did Mari? - Chiara asked from the couch. Maria looked around and saw himself surrounded by the walls of his house. It was no longer in the size of its memory. Yet the question was a distant echo of his consciousness. He was afraid. He shuddered at the thought that the other had been able to tell their story. With a small voice asked, pretending not to have understood:
Done what? - Clare smiled almost as if he sensed the thoughts of the other, then continued:
Why did you help that night when I was drunk ... you remember ... we were not just on good terms at that time, yet you have forsaken the grievances for his help and since then we became inseparable ... - Maria calmed. He decided to play the game:
Maybe because I was more drunk than you ... - he said, laughing. The other two followed her nell'ilarità.
was now seven in the evening, when Clare decided to leave. He had very pleased to have Maria revised after a long time, but something was worried. The man, quell'ingegnere tall and strong, confident eyes, fearless and even burning, had made him jealous. But nothing could leak suffer. Maria and Hector did not wait long before going to bed: they were very tired and the warmth of the blankets wrapped them now in the grip of Orpheus.
The ringing of the phone broke the barrier of sleep. Maria opened her eyes and forced repeatedly rubbing his face turned a quick glance at the clock: it was four, who could be at that hour? He lay on the body of Hector, as the phone was on the table beside him and reached out a hand up the phone and let out a hoarse ready.
Lady forgive me for hours, and police are ... - that sentence was suspended filled with awe the soul of Mary, which I furiously on the body of Hector woke with a start. The man, not yet fully acquired the contact with the Actually, it was ape movements and tried to wake up rubbing his eyes and strongly requesting information to Mary: What happened
... - Maria with an unusual movement of the lips invited him to be silent, to enable it to understand what the voice said from 'other end of the wire.
I know I should not say so ... all of a sudden - the policeman went to the receiver, trying to gain time - I assume that you were very related ...
Tie? I? Who - Mary asked stunned.
Eh ... Eh ... - hesitant voice broke. But Maria quell'esitazione enough to understand everything. His life became the front in a flash and his legs gave way as if they had to bear the weight of the globe.
Clear Round ... - the voice kept talking telegraph - was found lying on the floor in a pool of blood, after having called us saying that he warned a noise and saw a man in the shadows ... the child had been put to bed and slept again until our arrival.
What can I do? - Maria was left stunned. He felt so much pain inside him that his mouth would not be enough for outdoor use. Only his eyes were brooding in an indefinable malaise, so full of tears, that did not even have the strength to flow down her cheeks. Suddenly began to hate that voice. Both had been in the diplomatic report the name and so cynical and cruel in any way describe the tragedy. Men are so stupid. Underestimate the importance of glia for other things and believe they can think uniquely, as if everyone had their proiezioni.Com 'life is strange! A body that previously contained a life suddenly becomes inanimate. What a paradox! It takes nine months to give birth to a creature, but a second can put an end to his life. But is that really so? And if we were, obtuse primates with the claim to rationalize everything, not to charge the life that still persists in the body not being able to share the dimension that is projected living soul, not understanding what is presented to us in various forms of the ordinary appear? These questions running through his mind of Mary, but what would you serve? The limits of human feeling are well defined and the inability to perceive existence after death is one of them. Unfortunately or fortunately, God has given us that and maybe there is a reason ...
A note ... - continued to explain the cop on the phone - is written on his name, phone number and address. We have found the body of the victim. If you can reach us the courtesy of the apartment of her friend ...
Mi può dare l’indirizzo … - disse Maria interrompendo il discorso dell’altro.
Come l’indirizzo, non ha detto di conoscerla ?
Si – precisò Maria – la conoscevo. Siamo state grandi … - fece una pausa strozzando la voce su una parola che le risultava difficile proferire – si amiche, ma molto tempo fa. L’ho rivista solo ieri dopo tanto tempo e …
Si capisco – disse la voce impedendo a Maria di scoppiare in un pianto tenuto prigioniero fino a quel momento – il palazzo si trova in via … - e spiegò ogni particolare, la strada, il piano a cui doveva recarsi.
Dopo aver riagganciato Maria, guardò straight ahead. In the dark, could see the image of his Clare. Her husband called her behind her insistence, but she was as alienated. Hector tried to touch it to turn it, but the other stripped him off his hand furiously, as if he had suffered acts of violence.
What are you doing? - Asked horrified. She turned slowly in darkness. His face was illuminated by the light of the lamp gradually, revealing an angry face and forced expression, which sought to forcibly restrain her tears. Hector continued to stare, she slowly approached her, grabbed her pajamas and began to shake crying
Chiara! - Name it was liberating, her face was flooded by the fury of her tears. She clung to his chest to look for Hector's a comfort, continuing to blow off steam like a river in flood. The other could not help but embrace it warmly, and his eyes suggested the full knowledge of the events:
Chiara ... - he whispered to himself, as if to give a name to his wife's incessant crying.
Il segreto di Maria
Quando si trovò faccia a faccia col suo passato, capì di essere sola. Voleva sprofondare in un baratro profondo migliaia di metri da dove non avrebbe più avvertito il suono della voce altrui. Quanto peso aveva avuto l’opinione degli altri nella sua esistenza! Ogni sua scelta era condizionata da un rimprovero o da un futuro rimorso. Stare accovacciata ai piedi di quella statua immobile, gelida e silenziosa, era per lei il godimento più profondo che potesse desiderare. Almeno non sarebbero uscite voci ipocrite dal marmo! Soltanto in quel luogo avrebbe potuto pensare. Solo lì la scia of his meditations would give life to his memories. With his head in his hands, his face weary and sobbing cry, remembering episodes in his past life, in which the brightness of his eyes could divide for a while 'tears.
's so love! The world does not accept us and unfortunately, we are the world! But you dream of me, because I will have other dreams before meeting your own!
shook his head at the sound of these words from the past, to forget everything, to fill his memory with a veil of oblivion. But he could not. Every time something was alone in her grief and moved her back to life. Only hope comforted: he would magazine, he would close his hand again and could enjoy it again. But she did not come! The hands on the clock ran down. The ticking had been slow before reaching the appointment time, but now their bike was fast and unstoppable. So is the time: slow pain, quick pleasure. His eyes were tired of counting the hours, closed them for a moment and the memory made her a small gift.
now seven years had passed since he had married Hector, an engineer generous and kind to which she loved but who did not like. She claimed to hate each other and his name was the primary cause: Mary, a common name, but that entails a responsibility to preserve the heritage of madre di Cristo. Ricordava ancora il giorno in cui, il suo futuro marito, glielo aveva chiesto in quel rumoroso locale di periferia e come lei si fosse affaticata a sussurrarglielo nell’orecchio. Lui non lo capì! Se ne avvide fuori dal locale, quando Ettore per chiamarla usava gesti o parole che gli evitavano di pronunciare il suono di un nome stroncato dalla musica assordante del locale.
Maria ! – si affrettò a ripetere la ragazza per evitare ulteriori imbarazzi.
Ah, scusami, ma con quel casino non avevo capito bene ! – disse l’altro grattandosi la testa per nascondere la sua distrazione. Maria si preoccupava di rassicurarlo. Non era la prima volta che doveva ripetere il suo nome, per quanto comune was.
I think it has a strange sound when it comes out of my mouth! - Said to explain the misunderstanding.
great tone! - Hector pointed managed to wrest from the lips of the other hint of a smile.
Their marriage became established very quickly. They became engaged by the second appointment, but she did not love him. His mind was occupied by another person whose name whispered several times in the night.
Chiara, why? - He cried at night once, making up her husband from the bed, it hastened to turn on the light.
What's treasure! - Asked Hector stringendola al petto. Lei piangeva, non aveva acquistato ancora pienamente i sensi e quando lo fece, si affrettò a nascondere il suo dolore con una menzogna:
Mia sorella Chiara è morta in un incidente stradale ed io alcune notti la ricordo gridando il suo nome ad alta voce !
Del resto nessuno, nemmeno il marito, si sarebbe accorto della bugia. Lei era fuggita dalla sua città per lasciarsi alle spalle il dolore di quell’amore finito. Aveva raccontato della morte dei suoi in tempo prematuro, e ora si affrettava ad aggiungere quest’altro particolare, di quest’ipotetica sorella, stroncata anche lei da un triste destino.
Non ti preoccupare, amore – diceva Ettore consolandola - I married you because I love you, I will accept any effects that your past has brought to your present. - Said the other by a short break. That break all the air had to precede a question and Mary feared.
Why do not you tell me before? - Asked in a nervous tone.
I have always tried to hide this discount! - She said disengaging himself from the other and covering his face with the sheet to lie better.
But I am your husband! - Wanted to clarify the other with his usual calm tone. His note of sentimentality not answered. Maria's eyes were still open; non avrebbe dormito per il resto della notte. Da allora però avrebbe dovuto evitare ogni altra intromissione del suo passato nel presente di lei e di Ettore. Così fu! Sfogava il suo dolore nel bagno prima di dormire, così nella notte la mente avrebbe riposato come purificata.
Ora però era sola ai piedi di quella statua. Che cosa avrebbe potuto dire del suo presente? Ancora una volta i ricordi invadevano la mente senza remora e i suoi occhi potevano riposare.
Chiara non era sua sorella! La conobbe molto tempo prima di sposare Ettore e la sua vita cambiò. Ricordava ancora di quella festa in casa di Carmen Fermi, una sua amica con l’ossessione della moda e del narcisismo. Era Luglio. Carmen festeggiava la sua laurea in law. He boasted of the vote received, magnifying his efforts and his studies. That night the house was full. Every corner was populated by many people, who sipped beer from a mug. Maria was sitting on a chair and drinking a liquor answered questions of her friends.
I did not think you'd be able to graduate so quickly! Referring to a girl, "said Carmen Maria but looking at a glance sideways, that was very enlightening. Maria looked away with shame. It was now five years who had enrolled at university and still delayed to put the final piece to his career as a student. Perhaps he felt a bit 'of envy for her friend graduate, but he knew stay outside and nothing transpired, except the shame for his failures.
You know, I work and study, to use this time to give more exams! - Said that the other had not addressed its a direct question. Moreover, the temptation to hide their shame is unstoppable.
not saying to you, Mary, I know what you do! - Ended the friend with an accent impregnated falsehood. Mary hid behind the glass of liquor. He realized that it was inappropriate; drinking could not compromise with his speeches.
you know who is with us tonight? - Carmen said breaking the awkward silence arisen. The other girls opened their mouths and stared as if he were to escape from his lips the secret of life.
We deign of his presence Miss Clare Round!
"Clear!" If you remember his name at the foot of the statue of Mary was pervaded by a thrill. But then he was completely indifferent. Clare was a very weird girl. After the death of his had gone to live with his grandparents, who left her free to do what he wanted. The premature loss of parents, however, had left her in a deep groove. He felt alone, abandoned and cast out this sense of distress showing gruff towards others. That evening she was the primary attraction. All the expected impatient and the sound of their voices lowly hiding a trap.
I asked almost with a sense of challenge! I knew that he would not and so I asked the question in a tone that was meant for its refusal. In stubborn people always work, any advice would be violated! - Carmen said, praising his art of lying. The other heard the snickering. Among the other Mary's smile was softer, not so much out of respect for the girl laughed, but his obsession to occupy any position in the backline. She did not like to be the lone voice, a common girl who wanted to be subservient to the ideas of others without cheer.
After hours of waiting for the girls you hush. I do not hope in a coming of Clare. The house was still full of people, but, almost morbid delight, he expected that lonely girl that would give new light to the party. The gate opened. The squeak that produced attracted the attention of all. Chiara had arrived! Shone from his face an air of satisfaction at having done his way. His entry into the villa was greeted by a background of grins. Carmen perfect host by inviting her to sit down without ceremony. - I'm glad you're here with us! - Said with a tone that clearly did reveal his desire to deride. Faced with such impudence, Clara lowered her face and her face turns d’imbarazzo. I ghigni aumentarono d’intensità. Nella sua testa malediceva il momento in cui aveva deciso di recarsi nel covo dei suoi carnefici. Timidamente occupò il posto vicino a Maria. Quest’ultima avvertì chiaramente dall’alito dell’altra, che aveva bevuto; i suoi occhi ne erano la conferma.
Allora Chiara – cominciò una ragazza alla sua destra gesticolando con le braccia – quale onore per noi averti qui stasera! Cosa ti ha spinta a venire qua ?
Chiara trovò una posizione più comoda sulla sedia e rispose a monosillabi per non far trasparire il suo stato di ebbrezza. – Una scommessa !
Ci offendi così ! – aggiunse Carmen who knew full well why the other was with them. His tone was full of biting irony. Meanwhile, Maria moved away from Clare. The odor of alcohol emanating was unbearable. He approached a friend's ear and whispered:
My God how drunk! - Let out a grin at the end of his remark that he was accompanied by that of his. Clare seemed to have heard the phrase. A brief glance toward Mary do enough to summarize his demeanor. The other friend, meanwhile, hastened to speak of the other ear to reveal all the secrets. A few seconds were enough to expose Clare!
drink with us I beg you ! – disse Carmen porgendo nelle mani di Chiara un bicchiere colmo di un forte liquore. L’altra lo tracannò tutto di un fiato e poggiandolo sul tavolo, fissò Carmen con uno sguardo di sfida. – Ma non fare complimenti, ne abbiamo quanto ne desideri – aggiunse la padrona di casa, con un accento irritato. Altri due sorsi di liquore bastarono per far cadere Chiara per terra. Le altre ragazza si affrettarono a circondarla. Due la presero di peso e la buttarono su una sedia sdraio vicino alla piscina. Carmen le buttò addosso un secchio d’acqua. Chiara scrollò la testa, ma non ebbe la forza di rialzarsi. – Su avanti bevine ancora ! – gridavano tutte in coro picchiandola a loro modo. Ma lei, con il volto verso the ground and breathing almost imperceptibly, showed no signs of life. All continued to have fun on her. Mary had a sudden moment of emotion: it was wrong to take advantage of her open-minded that way. But she had not been first to reveal the state of intoxication of the girl? It hurt! But now he could rectify his mistake. Shouted the crowd, making them feel, for the first time, his voice above the others:
is enough, you want to kill her! - Said close to her and help her up. The others were stunned. - What are you doing Mary? - One of them asked in a tone of wonder. Of the grins on everyone's lips surrounded the gesture of the girl. – La sto aiutando ! – disse alzandola dal suolo e uscendo dal cerchio che le si era formato intorno. Fu un clamore generale. Quanti sorrisi sentì alle sue spalle! Riuscì a uscire dal cancello e condurre Chiara alla fontana vicino alla villa. Le rinfrescò il volto lentamente e le domandò come stava.
Meglio ! – rispose l’altra reggendosi sulle proprie gambe. Maria fu tranquillizzata. Il suo fiato e le sue movenze rivelavano la quantità di bicchieri tracannati, ma almeno ora era cosciente.
Ti chiedo scusa per quello che ti hanno fatto ! – disse fissandola negli occhi e sorridendo lievemente. Chiara s’infiammò. Si fece spazio con una mano per non vedere più il suo volto. Then when he found himself behind her, told her:
Why do you think better of them?
How much truth there was in his words. She was the creator of everything. He was ashamed of herself. Once processed in the mind without a plausible excuse to be addressed to Clare. When he turned to tell him she was already far away. You could hardly see its outline wobbly walking in the dark of night.
Maria had set the episode in his memory. He remembered and often biting his hands for what he had done. Clare reminded him often during the hours when they were alone and although his tone was ironic, she suffered.
The breath of wind touched the his face. She shivered it. That reality was tenuous train enough to drag it away from the path of his memory. He looked at his watch. She would not come that day. He rose to reach home. The husband was still at work.
Hello darling - Ettore said accepting that his wife did not even have time to hang your coat the coat. She went to her husband and kissed him coldly. He was not aware of its glaciers, was used.
Are you still at work? - Asked by placing both hands on the shoulders of Hector.
Yes, - said the other - I have to finish an important project for today, maybe I can have a better position if it proves successful. - Paused a moment to turn to her and squeezing his eyes as if to remember a name heard for the first time.
Chiara! - In the name Mary shuddered. Maybe her husband had discovered the deception, she knew that she had no sisters and that the story had told him long ago that was false. All his fears proved fruitless. He called some
Clare, said to be one of your high school friend. The memories? - Ettore said, turning his chair toward his wife. Mary tried to take the expression impassive as possible, but soon saw that it was inappropriate: he had to show some meraviglia alla notizia di una compagna che non vedeva da più di dieci anni .
Si – rispose – la ricordo, abbiamo fatto gli ultimi tre anni insieme, ma da quando mi sono trasferita a Roma, non l’ho più rivista!
Possibile che Ettore non aveva notato l’analogia fra quel nome e quello della fantomatica sorella? Forse non voleva parlargliene alla luce della reazione avuta l’ultima volta? Oppure voleva vedere quale espressione avrebbe assunto il suo volto al suono di un nome a lui sconosciuto? Comunque non era questo il problema che la preoccupava maggiormente ora! Il suo timore più grande era che Chiara aveva telefonato a casa sua, non sul suo cellulare dove l’aveva sentita l’ultima time. What does this mean? A stubborn will to Clare of reconnecting with the past, or a coincidence beautiful and good? On the other hand should not be afraid. No one could imagine who it was very clear. What until then had been his sister, now had become his sole companion. Everything looked normal, it was she who could be compromised by his frightened expression. You're not good
Mary? - Asked Hector worried about his wife's pale. - No, do not worry I'm fine and just now I feel a little 'tired. - Said, tapping his head with one hand. The husband's invitation to go to bed and rest, he would soon be reached. - You put the safety of windows? - Ask Mary. Her husband, already turning back toward the monitor of his computer, he argued with his head. The warmth of the blankets gave comfort to the members of Mary chilled. The next day was to review Clare.
The dream gave her some memory. She seemed to be back in his country. Many years had passed, but the plunge into the consciousness of their origins was startled by the emotion in his heart. Clare was there, on that old bench. She was beautiful as all the times he had met, it seemed that nothing had changed. His mischievous smile, his eyes trying timid di evitare l’orbita di quelli di Maria. Erano i tratti del suo viso che la attraevano di più. Maria si avvicinò. Si sedette accanto e la baciò, sfiorandole appena le labbra. Un saluto fievole, un fuggente attimo di emozione, ucciso dalla sua sconvolgente dichiarazione:
Parti Maria, fuggi da me! – cominciò Chiara alzandosi dalla panchina.
Io non ti abbandonerò mai – rispose Maria imitando il gesto dell’altra e afferrandole un braccio.
Invece te ne andrai! Io non passo farlo. Sai che mia nonna non potrebbe restare da sola, la sua malattia non glielo permette. Inoltre non ho i soldi per allontanarmi … - continuò Chiara girandosi e pronunciando il suo discorso in face to face, almost like a threat to you. But a threat is not accompanied by the tears of those who pronounce it. His eyes were filled with tears, her lips trembling.
love Why are you crying? - Maria asked an attitude sad. Her eyes were shiny. Chiara wiped her tears with her arm and said
I do not want to destroy you ... - a sob accompanied his words. An essence of alcohol came from his mouth.
you drunk again - Maria scolded, shaking his drunken body of the other - you promised me! - Clare shook her head.
Yes, it's true! I drank! You one more reason to leave, run away. - A fake smile s'impresse on Mary's lips.
You're crazy! How could I escape? I have a family! My father and my mother got it? - Clare turned around with the air of not wanting to give more explanations.
I will have been warned! You and I can not live together. I will make your life miserable. All of us know now. If still your father and your mother are not aware of the facts, run away. People will forget about you and your daughter that you will remember how she left for work and not for the lesbian who fell in love with un'ubriacona. I will never forget you, because my life is not will be meaningful without you, but I have to save, I can only think of me. And 'love it! The world does not accept us and unfortunately, we are the world! But you dream of me because I will have other dreams before meeting your own! - Turned away to hide her tears, then, with all the breath he could gather, he cried - Run away from here, run!
The last words rang in Mary a sleepy mind countless times. Like a cloud of dust obscured the dream consciousness of reality. A cry came out from his lips: No
, Clare did not do it! - Shouted getting out of bed and opening his eyes. When shooting full consciousness of what her surroundings, she realized it was wrong: his bedroom, the door ajar, the sound of quick footsteps coming down the stairs. He had given that name again compromising. The husband was rushing into the room, but she really felt as she screamed? With his hands through his hair, hiccups in the breath and stood looking down to get closer to the mirror.
I have called love? Are you not well? - Ettore said, throwing open the door. So he had not heard anything? Maria was safe, immune to the questions she would remember the past. - Sure you love, I feel better. I shot a little 'head, I feel dizzy, but otherwise ... - The husband approached keyboards his forehead with one hand and said:
Yes, you are much better. However, it is normal that you feel dizzy, the fever has subsided a lot since last night. Fear that you gave me, I was going to call the emergency room, but you you've calmed down. I did not understand what a start muttering .... It's not that you have a trip planned with some fan? - Hector asked ironically. - And who want to come with me? I'm getting old Hector, I'm only thirty-five and fifty to demonstrate. - The other guard said with a smile that demanded a kiss. - But if you're beautiful, the most beautiful woman in the world! - Ettore said, responding to smile, brushing lips.
Oh by the way - said towards the door - he called again and given that Chiara had a fever, I thought you would do well to review one of your old friend and told her to go this morning, giving the address! - Opening the door closed.
What did you do? - Mary said opening her eyes wide and frightened.
I invited this morning to us, why should not I? - Ettore said, shrugging.
Mary could not resist much. The expression of surprise, her husband already had compromised. A further his stubbornness not to accept that her friend was coming from her, could be a source of suspicion. He tried to take the attitude that was used. - Of course you did well! I prepare myself and get down! E 'already arrived? - Mary said running a brush through her hair. - No, should arrive at eleven. I'm going to go shopping, there's nothing in the fridge. Could it stay for lunch ... - Hector said. Mary looked in the mirror and not looking more into the eyes of her husband. - Yes, it could! - Answered with a dry tone. Ettore shut the door behind her leaving a small opening, from where he ended his conversation with Mary
you sure can leave you alone? - He said obligingly. Mary did not turned around, but tried to answer him looking at his reflection in the mirror. - It is safe, I'm better, thanks.
The door closed. Maria waited for a moment. It had to be certain that her husband had been released. The thud that resulted when the door is closed reassured. She threw herself on the bed. He raised his eyes to the ceiling. What would he do now? How strange it seemed frightened at the thought of the idea of \u200b\u200bseeing clearly. At one time their meetings are the meaning of his life, but now ... everything had changed: the relationship, age and how to deal with events. Yet his memory still rocking as the waves of the sea. To think that more than ten years had passed since they had kissed for the first time, made her feel bad. An unambiguous evil that was wrong, but paradoxically made her feel alive. He remembered the last years of college. It was the time when he had to put the final exams and then he would graduate. "Political Science", that silly degree! She never fully enjoyed. He attended classes for only a fresh imposition of the father in the family that he wanted at least a "doctor" and the fact that Mary was un'inetta in politics did not interest him much. Missed about ten days to the submission of the thesis and her colleagues organized a bonfire on the beach to celebrate the end of their university career. Mary accepted the invitation. Not that she liked so much to spend all night on the wet sand, but the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing locked in houses in those endless days past the oppressed. That evening he left his home much more quickly than usual:
Where are you going tonight? No longer used to ask permission? - His father asked ironically. Maria turned and almost hit really from that false accusation. - You're right. I go with my faculty colleagues to celebrate outside. I miss a few chapters of the thesis and tonight I'm not going to study just ... - The father sports a loving smile. He did not want to know where her daughter went. He would go out so rarely that he liked that she felt the need to breathe a little 'different than the air of his room. The only thing that bothered him was that his "little girl" coming out had not greeted as usual. - Just kidding honey! - Said going to meet her daughter and kissing her forehead lovingly. - Go and enjoy! Soon you will have to think of the work to be done for life and when you have achieved, will regret these moments!
Maria smiled. After greeting his father, he closed the door behind him. He came to the beach on time. A bunch of cars were parked around. From a distance we saw a small blaze. Unrecognizable shadows were moving around. Approached dopo aver girato la chiave nella serratura della sua macchina. Le ombre divennero più riconoscibili. Tutti l’accolsero baciandola e offrendole una birra. Parlarono fino a tarda ora. Poi una sua amica si alzò dal suolo. Era più ubriaca rispetto alle altre. – Vado a prendere una birra al pub vicino ! – singhiozzava a ogni parola, barcollava a ogni passo. Maria si levò in piedi, le prese i soldi che aveva in mano e la invitò a risedersi. – Vado io stai pure qui ! – Camminò fino a raggiungere l’altra parte della strada. Le insegne luccicanti del pub attirarono la sua attenzione. Nonostante l’ora molte persone sorseggiavano ancora birra e alcolici vari. Appena entrò, fu squadrata dagli sguardi degli around and hit men from their drunken laughter. You rinse the bar slowly. Keep it all in the room in a strange way. What was different from others? Tentatively ordered a beer the bartender handed him the money on the counter like a child who goes to buy what they need with the money counted. - Other? - Asked the bartender to address a strange look, but more human than others. - No! - She said, lowering her eyes in shame. She seemed to see a smile on the lips of others, when he turned to take the drink. Next to her was a girl with his head down on the counter. The whiskey was almost empty. The bartender handed him the beer and gave it to Mary uncorked senza levarle gli occhi di dosso. – Grazie ! – aggiunse mantenendo la stessa espressione e costringendo l’altra a guardarlo. Maria fu costretta a ricambiare il sorriso con un’ipocrita movenza delle labbra. La ragazza accovacciata vicino alzò il viso reclamando altro liquore. – Basta – disse il barista senza nemmeno guardarla negli occhi – per oggi il bicchiere rimarrà vuoto!
Maria la riconobbe. Chiara? Non l’aveva più vista da quella volta in cui l’aveva salvata dalle grinfie delle sue amiche. Era molto cambiata. Le occhiaie erano più marcate, l’alcool e la mancanza di sonno avevano trasformato i suoi occhi. Eppure Maria riusciva a vedere ancora qualcosa di bello in the gaunt figure. Clare stood up abruptly, knocking the stool to the ground and screaming in the face of the boy who refused to give her as requested. - I said I can not dartene more. - Looked up briefly while rinsing a mug under the water - you do not see how you have reduced? Have a go, if you want you can come back tomorrow! - He said, looking down to leave it more. - Please, give me the bottle you'll pay! - Said the girl. The other seemed not to hear. - Please, I'll do anything you want! - Continued trying to persuade him. At these words the other closed water and wiped his hands with a rag. - Everything you said? - Asked squeezing his cheeks with a strong hand. Clare agreed. He sold his soul to have another drink: let alone her body. He followed the bartender in a room. Mary had watched the whole scene. He decided to wait it out. After a while, 'Clare left the room. Her face was bruised, swollen eyes, the golf open was a glimpse of the breasts, the button was unbuttoned jeans: it was left to rape. The liquor bottle dangling from his right hand. Maria approached her. He would not blame her. - Hello, do you remember me? - Asked him to stop trying to look at his eyes. But the other pupils were no longer used to meet those of others. - I do not know who you are! - Chiara replied abruptly moving the other and keep walking. - I'm Maria Della Torre! - Added the other without looking. Clare stood still repeating the name with an attitude just heard sad. - Maria! - Lowered his gaze for a moment and raised a laugh. Maria did not understand, but stood still. The attitude of the other became sad again. - What did you do? Change? - The compassion he said pointing out that Mary had given her that night in that dark night, removing it from the crowd "killer." - See you've lost, I will not change ever! - Concluded. A moment of silence surrounded the two, and then Clare lowers her head and all the rubbish spewing drunk. The bottle slipped from his hands and shattered on the ground. Mary rushed to support the front. After he helped her to sit on a bench. He vomited twice more. Then it seemed that his stomach was quelled. - Every night is the usual story! - Made it clear - I drink, purpose and vomiting. Then I end up babbling to herself. - Concluded by looking at the remains of his hangover that fermented on the ground. - This evening, however, are not alone! - Maria added, interrupting the monologue of the other. Clare picked up the strength to give a slight smile. - Ah, poor deluded. Si è soli anche in una folla. Se pensi che il bacio del tuo ragazzo, l’abbraccio di tua madre o le parole di conforto dei tuoi amici possano tirarti fuori dal vuoto di cui la tua coscienza è pervasa ti sbagli. Per quanto ti adoperi a sfuggire al nulla, prima o poi devi giungerci. Tutto alla fine è nulla. – disse appoggiando la schiena alla panchina e liberando il capo dietro di sé. – Non dire così – continuò Maria – è solo un momento brutto poi passerà ! – Chiara sollevò il capo e la fissò negli occhi. – Cosa ti fa pensare che tutto passi? Noi tendiamo a vedere la vita come un’oasi di felicità che la morte distrugge coattamente. Ma se fosse il contrario? Se la morte if only our deliverer? Once thought to this but not anymore! Not even death frees us! The nothing around us, we are the nothing that eats anything, we are beings who do not live enough to see grow what we've created. - Maria looked at carefully. As blame her? - Anyway, thanks! - Clare went on - I've watched twice and I never thanked you. You are Mary, right? - Asked with an air of sad looking brown her mouth with a faint smile.
You Chiara! - Answered the other. Clare was surprised that anyone remembered his name, but the surprise did not last long because Maria continued:
Non ringraziarmi per l’aiuto, sai non è stato solo per pietà che l’ho fatto ?
E per cosa allora? – domandò l’altra guardando negli occhi Maria come se avesse intuito la causa recondita che l’aveva spinta a compiere il gesto di quella notte. Maria fu scossa da una strana sensazione. Non aveva provato mai niente del genere. Il suo stomaco brontolava come in prede a un improvviso attacco di fame, ogni membro del suo corpo tremava e il cuore le sussurrava emozioni che solo in seguito avrebbe capito chiaramente:
Non lo immagini? – domandò poi afferrandole la mano e ricambiando lo sguardo che le aveva rivolto prima.
Può darsi? – rispose Chiara's mouth twisted in an unnatural way with a touch of coquetry and looking away from her. Mary then decided the other grabbed her face and kissed her with all the passion that stirred within. That kiss was the most beautiful and durable that Mary had ever given. Maria
Now in the solitude of his room could not remember the precise details of that night, but the feelings on the beach with Clare remained indelible. The doorbell rang. Maria jumped up. She had arrived! How would welcome? When the door opened, the figure of a woman stood before her. A rather frail boy timidly pressed the hand. There was no doubt the She was definitely Clare. His eyes had lost strength and her skin had become less bright, but he recognized among a thousand. - Hello Mary! - Began leaving the woman clutching the hand of little Mary with affection. - How long has it been since ... - Maria gave her a faint smile and walked over to give her a kiss on the cheek. That simple act left on the lips of Mary the taste of being compromised. If he could, he would not hesitate to kiss her lips and make love to her. But he could not admit it. Everything had changed: the relationships, places and passions, everything had by now given way to another. - What good wind? - Maria asked ironically stifling a smile between the teeth of hatred. Clare looked down. She was embarrassed. Knew that she had painstakingly built a new life, to escape his past and he felt guilty to be entered in its new core coated so emotional. He lifted his gaze sheepishly and pointing it in the house with a small voice asked: - Can I! - Now that Maria was embarrassed. He was filled with guilt a person who had only wanted to see it. She also looked down and invited the two to enter. He had them sit in the living room and taking the TV remote control handed to the child, smiling. - Please see Chiara and I need the TV chat. - Make the tone on the last word, we turn to mocking the other, who blushed. They walked into the adjoining room and began to argue heatedly. The television volume was high. The child could not hear their dispute. Discuss all the negative things of the past and every memory recalled a scream. - Why did you come here? We could see out to a bar, but not here! - Mary cry shaking hands in the face of Clare. - Mary I had to do, I ... - answered the other trying to introduce his argument, but Maria did not allow it. - But what you had to ruin my life, as ... - to queste parole anche il tono di Chiara divenne aspro. – Come che cosa? Volevi dire come ho già fatto? Dai ammettilo ! – l’altra si calmò. Si accorse di essere stata inopportuna. – Non volevo dire questo. E’ solo che è passato molto tempo, tante cose sono cambiate … - Chiara la interruppe bruscamente. – Ma una cosa è rimasta immutata ! – Maria aveva compreso quello che Chiara voleva dire, ma desiderava sentire dalle sue labbra quell’ammissione di affetto. – Che cosa vuoi dire ? – domandò. Chiara si girò su se stessa osservando per un attimo il bambino che aveva gli occhi fissi sullo schermo. Poi si voltò. Trattenne il fiato. Un attimo di silenzio precedette la sua frase, poi il suono delle sue parole seducenti quanto amare. – Il nostro amore Maria, il nostro … - Maria le mise una mano sulla bocca. – Basta, hai detto già troppo non permetterti di ripetere quella parola, tutto è perduto, tutto è passato ! – L’altra si levò con dolcezza la mano di Maria dalla bocca e trattenendo sempre il suo polso le domandò: - Perché non è così? Non continua il nostro amore ? – Maria rimase imbambolata. Borbottava confusamente. – Ma io … non lo so … non posso … Ettore … - Chiara le lasciò il polso. Lei si riprese. Il fatto di non avere un diretto contatto con lei, la aiutava a trattenere meglio le sue emozioni. - Do not worry - he began sitting on a low chair close - I do not want to awaken our past. We have so much love and even if this feeling is still alive, we can no longer continue. - At this point Mary could not help but intervene. - Then why did you come? - Clare stood up. Walking up and down for short stretches helped her to think. - I did not come for us or for me ... - contracted in a strange way his mouth - even for me and say in a certain sense to you ... - the contradictory discourse of Clare, denoting its latent anxiety and insecurity, made her smile Mary. - But you're delirious? - Then the smile turned into a critical and inquisitive. - Have you been drinking again! You promised me ... see how to reduce you ... - waved their hands in the other sense of dissent - no more, I stopped drinking for a long time but ... - Mary was increasingly confused. He went to repeat the last word of his sentence. - Ma? - Chiara swallowed vacuum to get the courage. Silence. - But ... - tried to make his state the most essential way possible. - I was diagnosed with a ... - shuddered to pronounce that word, to appoint his executioner - cancer ... - The word echoed repeatedly in the mind of Mary, who opened his eyes. - Tu-mo-re? - Repeated stuttering. A tear fell down accidentally by one of his eyes. He tried to suffocate the other. - A liver cancer! - Chiara said accentuating the deep anxiety with more details of Mary. - I do not long to live - continued - doctors say they groped with chemotherapy, but I was deprived of all hope. Metastasis is already very extensive and ... well you can not do much. - Maria hours crying bitterly. He walked slowly to Clare and touched her as if she were the last time. - Do not cry, please - clearly said to comfort each other. Le accarezzò i capelli con una mano e la sensazione che il tatto le regalò, le fece nascere un sorriso tenue sulle labbra. – Che cosa posso fare io ? – domandò Maria guardando l’altra negli occhi. Una voce provenne dal salotto: - Mamma ! – ed echeggiò nell’abitazione. Quell’urlo infantile aveva sciolto molti nodi nella mente di Maria. – Mio figlio ! – si affrettò a precisare Chiara senza voltarsi, osservando il viso dell’altra per carpirne ogni mutamento. Ma l’espressione di Maria non rilevò niente. Non era mai stata tanto vuota. Si limitò soltanto ad acconsentire con un cenno del capo. Chiara un figlio? Anche lei si era sposata per cessare di ricordare? No, anything. If Mary had been Hector outlet of his feelings destroyed in order to clarify the only comfort was in the bottom of a glass of brandy. - You were playing for two years or more. - Chiara said, describing the day in which he believed to be pregnant. It was again sitting in his chair. - I continued to drink - Maria gave her a look of disdain, but what would be worth now? - Yes ... I know I made a mistake - tried to justify the other - though I did not. I spent all my grandmother's pension. You know, survived for three or four years after your departure. I regularly pocketed his money, but not enough for me ever. As the evening ... - told of a bar, one of the many who attended. A bartender promised a bottle of brandy ... if she agreed to - yes, you understand, I am only ashamed to say! - Clare continued. Maria gave a bitter smile. - But you did! - Chiara twisted lips and soon her cheeks were full of tears. - Yes, unfortunately! - The other would speak: - Why did not you tell him? - Clare smiled. - And what do you think would respond? "Let's get married, let's make three other children." - Paused to mark the entry to most of what he would say - I was just a bitch Mary for him. And then I'm not even sure of the authorship of Charles - Those words Mary shuddered. Charles was just the little beast more tortured. He was alone with a mother who was about to leave and did not even know who had given their lives. Even if he had known, would not have achieved anything. Only a further blow, just another confirmation of its nature as a "son of a bitch." - Mom! - Repeated in a shrill voice and uncertain the child from the living room. The two ran.
The room was shrouded in silence. The ticking clock on the wall reminded that it was time for lunch. Mary thought of her husband to return because it was late? It will surely find
traffic, however at this time! - She said to Clare externalizing his own inner thoughts.
must be a very handsome ... - Chiara said stroking the hair of the little Charles who was resting quietly with his head resting on his knees. Mary glanced at the floor. The words were projected in front of the other to its hypocritical nature. An indescribable remorse the saliva from the depths of the bowels. It was a long time since I felt a similar sentiment. - Yes, - he began - is just a great husband. Its only flaw is that he loves to ... me - Clare almost interrupted the speech of the other coated:
talk as if the love only came from him, as if you do not reciprocate his feelings ... - Maria stood up and raised his voice:
It is not true ... - Charles shook his head for a moment and let out a groan of impatience almost as if he were to wake up, but he did not. Maria dropped her voice, but continued with his tone laden with anger. - I love to Hector. It was he who took me out of the darkness that I carried inside ... ... it's just that - put a hand over his eyes as if to hold back the tears. He sat down again beside clear - and I just do not feel full, I'm almost afraid to show him my love and some times I get the feeling of being with a stranger. Well ... - Clare looked at her eyes and gave a quick smile
So do not love him ... - Maria shook her head. He could not lie anymore:
Why you enjoy to hurt me? I do not even know what I feel ... and then - put his hand on her - I do not want to miss! - A tear stained hands of Clare - I'll do anything to save ... - Chiara squeezed the hand of the other and closed his eyes giving off a faint sigh that invited Mary to keep quiet
Unfortunately you can not save me! Not There's nothing you can do ... at least for me - looked at him with affection for the baby - I've already talked about this. You have to take care of Charles, loving him as a mother, as I would have done if I could ... - Maria affectionately embraced each other and weeping bitterly illusion sentences to which she believed even more: You can ...
- Chiara clenched teeth and closed her eyes enjoying that hug. The key turned in the lock. Mary hastened to disband by the warm close. He quickly wiped the tears
Love, I'm back - he said aloud, Ettore believing that Mary was over and that Clare had not yet arrived. Mary is lifted off the couch and headed for the door to invite Hector to lower his voice
Why what happened? - Asked Hector with shopping bags in their hands. Maria renewed its call for placing a finger over his mouth to make it more effective. She took her husband's arm and led him into the living room, where he showed him the baby who was sleeping on the couch:
Ah, sorry I did not know! - Ettore said following the advice of his wife and speaking in a low voice - you must be clear ... - Maria asked with her eyes on each other. Clear so gently rested his head on the small couch and tried to stand quietly:
Sorry but I have to be careful, if it were to wake up, have trouble! - Came up to Hector and shook his hand. - Mary, I have already talked a lot about you ... - glanced ironic that the other looked away - you're a very lucky man, she is the best person I know ... - Clare at the time thought not to have known many people in his life, or at least not fully known to them. He felt very lonely, useless and fragile. Hector left the hand of the other and invite you to sit next sedendole:
And - said giving more praise to the figure of his wife - is it true I could not find anything better. But tell me a bit 'of you. We know from a lot? - That question echoed in the room and caught Mary. His memory began to travel. A memory already met came before. The bench, the lights of the bar, the sound of the sea, the warmth of those lips that had touched. His anxiety, his inner warmth and pleasure that rose from the depths of the same air as his intoxicated person. Clare was there beside him with her eyes closed, his hands trembling and heart pounding in my chest. The trembling lips moved feebly. Broke away from the kiss for a moment and stood for a moment, intoxicated with his eyes closed:
Why did you do?
Yes, it is because you did Mari? - Chiara asked from the couch. Maria looked around and saw himself surrounded by the walls of his house. It was no longer in the size of its memory. Yet the question was a distant echo of his consciousness. He was afraid. He shuddered at the thought that the other had been able to tell their story. With a small voice asked, pretending not to have understood:
Done what? - Clare smiled almost as if he sensed the thoughts of the other, then continued:
Why did you help that night when I was drunk ... you remember ... we were not just on good terms at that time, yet you have forsaken the grievances for his help and since then we became inseparable ... - Maria calmed. He decided to play the game:
Maybe because I was more drunk than you ... - he said, laughing. The other two followed her nell'ilarità.
was now seven in the evening, when Clare decided to leave. He had very pleased to have Maria revised after a long time, but something was worried. The man, quell'ingegnere tall and strong, confident eyes, fearless and even burning, had made him jealous. But nothing could leak suffer. Maria and Hector did not wait long before going to bed: they were very tired and the warmth of the blankets wrapped them now in the grip of Orpheus.
The ringing of the phone broke the barrier of sleep. Maria opened her eyes and forced repeatedly rubbing his face turned a quick glance at the clock: it was four, who could be at that hour? He lay on the body of Hector, as the phone was on the table beside him and reached out a hand up the phone and let out a hoarse ready.
Lady forgive me for hours, and police are ... - that sentence was suspended filled with awe the soul of Mary, which I furiously on the body of Hector woke with a start. The man, not yet fully acquired the contact with the Actually, it was ape movements and tried to wake up rubbing his eyes and strongly requesting information to Mary: What happened
... - Maria with an unusual movement of the lips invited him to be silent, to enable it to understand what the voice said from 'other end of the wire.
I know I should not say so ... all of a sudden - the policeman went to the receiver, trying to gain time - I assume that you were very related ...
Tie? I? Who - Mary asked stunned.
Eh ... Eh ... - hesitant voice broke. But Maria quell'esitazione enough to understand everything. His life became the front in a flash and his legs gave way as if they had to bear the weight of the globe.
Clear Round ... - the voice kept talking telegraph - was found lying on the floor in a pool of blood, after having called us saying that he warned a noise and saw a man in the shadows ... the child had been put to bed and slept again until our arrival.
What can I do? - Maria was left stunned. He felt so much pain inside him that his mouth would not be enough for outdoor use. Only his eyes were brooding in an indefinable malaise, so full of tears, that did not even have the strength to flow down her cheeks. Suddenly began to hate that voice. Both had been in the diplomatic report the name and so cynical and cruel in any way describe the tragedy. Men are so stupid. Underestimate the importance of glia for other things and believe they can think uniquely, as if everyone had their proiezioni.Com 'life is strange! A body that previously contained a life suddenly becomes inanimate. What a paradox! It takes nine months to give birth to a creature, but a second can put an end to his life. But is that really so? And if we were, obtuse primates with the claim to rationalize everything, not to charge the life that still persists in the body not being able to share the dimension that is projected living soul, not understanding what is presented to us in various forms of the ordinary appear? These questions running through his mind of Mary, but what would you serve? The limits of human feeling are well defined and the inability to perceive existence after death is one of them. Unfortunately or fortunately, God has given us that and maybe there is a reason ...
A note ... - continued to explain the cop on the phone - is written on his name, phone number and address. We have found the body of the victim. If you can reach us the courtesy of the apartment of her friend ...
Mi può dare l’indirizzo … - disse Maria interrompendo il discorso dell’altro.
Come l’indirizzo, non ha detto di conoscerla ?
Si – precisò Maria – la conoscevo. Siamo state grandi … - fece una pausa strozzando la voce su una parola che le risultava difficile proferire – si amiche, ma molto tempo fa. L’ho rivista solo ieri dopo tanto tempo e …
Si capisco – disse la voce impedendo a Maria di scoppiare in un pianto tenuto prigioniero fino a quel momento – il palazzo si trova in via … - e spiegò ogni particolare, la strada, il piano a cui doveva recarsi.
Dopo aver riagganciato Maria, guardò straight ahead. In the dark, could see the image of his Clare. Her husband called her behind her insistence, but she was as alienated. Hector tried to touch it to turn it, but the other stripped him off his hand furiously, as if he had suffered acts of violence.
What are you doing? - Asked horrified. She turned slowly in darkness. His face was illuminated by the light of the lamp gradually, revealing an angry face and forced expression, which sought to forcibly restrain her tears. Hector continued to stare, she slowly approached her, grabbed her pajamas and began to shake crying
Chiara! - Name it was liberating, her face was flooded by the fury of her tears. She clung to his chest to look for Hector's a comfort, continuing to blow off steam like a river in flood. The other could not help but embrace it warmly, and his eyes suggested the full knowledge of the events:
Chiara ... - he whispered to himself, as if to give a name to his wife's incessant crying.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Rubber Red Band Trailer -hulu
Previews of books and stories short workshop on the books!
to a great start in 2011 The Shop of Books offers an additional service to readers.
addition to being able to see your published review (and links) of your book, that service will continue , The Workshop is open to also publish short stories or preview text by emerging authors, but also those who still has not published anything and his lyrics in a drawer.
The procedure is always the same, just send me an email (larazavatteri@gmail.com) with all your material ready to be inserted into the blog and you will see him released soon (at most within a few days).
Of course if you want you can take is to review the link is to publish preview and / or stories.
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to a great start in 2011 The Shop of Books offers an additional service to readers.
addition to being able to see your published review (and links) of your book, that service will continue , The Workshop is open to also publish short stories or preview text by emerging authors, but also those who still has not published anything and his lyrics in a drawer.
The procedure is always the same, just send me an email (larazavatteri@gmail.com) with all your material ready to be inserted into the blog and you will see him released soon (at most within a few days).
Of course if you want you can take is to review the link is to publish preview and / or stories.
forgot: EVERYTHING 'FREE OF COURSE, WITH THE ONLY PLEASE, if you will, to quote the SHOP IN YOUR SITE FORUM-BLOG-O on Facebook and other channels.
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