Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Raise Suspension On A Sled

4 in one shot

In a single post here with 4 new summary was sent to me. For more information, click on .

David Tonarini
The great state of Nam experienced a situation of prosperity, but with few precedents in its glorious history, but all is not rosy as it seems. The Council of Wise Men, political leadership of the people, it is increasingly spaccato da vari attriti e incomprensioni, e la stabilità duramente raggiunta sembra destinata a sfaldarsi.
Lo stregone Aban, beniamino delle genti, è chiamato a far parte del Concilio per aiutare i saggi a ripristinare l'equilibrio. Ma l'astuto Nailo propone, al posto di Aban, il suo giovane allievo: l'inquietante Korsen
I Saggi stabiliscono che entrerà  nel Concilio chi saprà portare a Setdur il Cristallo dell'Anima.
La ricerca della mistica e preziosa pietra porterà i due stregoni in terre molto lontane, dove mali misteriosi e insospettati complotti stanno prendendo forma.

Dèi schiavi
Federico Granzotto
Il romanzo è ambientato in un lontano futuro. Il progresso tecnologico ha reso possibile caricare le proprie menti in potenti calcolatori, e gradualmente gli esseri umani hanno abbandonato la realtà fisica per trasferirsi in universi virtuali appositamente creati, dove ogni cosa è possibile e ogni limite fisico è vinto. Coloro che controllano i vari “sistemi”sono eterni e onnipotenti. Questi “sovrani” sono però costretti a fronteggiare un temibile nemico: la Noia. Pur di vincerla, il potentissimo Xnor, ha instaurato una tirannia assoluta e spietata, turning into a hell life of the inhabitants of his virtual universe: artificial intelligence, but also human, obtained by defeating other "lords of the system" and taking possession of their databases. In an imaginary world, and medieval, is mysteriously transported Argoc, hibernate scientist who became the twenty-first century, and woke up in the body of Lord Van Avlen, local army commander. This is combined with strange companions, including a master system, in that mysterious world woke up in the body of a woman, after being deposed and captured by powerful rival. Lost and unaware of where they are, they are involved in a series of events that are risking their lives. Saranno aiutati dal potere di misteriosi ciondoli neri di forma tetragonale, che scoprono di avere entrambi al collo. Si chiamano belith, donano doti sovrumane, e possono essere rimossi solo dopo la morte del portatore. Esiste inoltre il Belith Reale, una sfera scarlatta in possesso del re di quel mondo medievale. Il signore del sistema ha indetto una gara, e ha promesso a chi avrebbe conquistato la sfera la possibilità di sfuggire dal suo dispotismo, e il diritto a creare un proprio universo virtuale dove regnare. Altri portatori di belith cercheranno di appropriarsi del Belith Reale, e saranno disposti ad assassinii e tradimenti di ogni genere pur di assaporare, o riassaporare, l’ebbrezza dell’onnipotenza. Un vero e proprio gioco al massacro sta per cominciare. Al solo scopo, naturalmente, di divertire il sadico Xnor. Ma una strabiliante sorpresa li aspetta...

Riccardo De Sanctis  
Cosa distingue il "racconto" dal "romanzo"? Soltanto la brevità, che ne può anche rappresentare un pregio, se la storia contiene tutti i classici elementi narrativi: se è concisa ma completa, con un incipit invitante, una trama suggestiva, un finale coerente ma inaspettato, i personaggi ben delineati, pur in rapida sintesi.
Questa raccolta, con l’intento di rispettare these conditions, it proposes some "stages" of reading easier of the ongoing "route" on a unified text, but equally challenging.
The reader will meet many curious stories of the protagonists:
  • A fictional character in contrast with its author;
  • A fan of crime novels pushed to make a real "perfect crime";
  • A company executive threatened by a dark omen;
  • A modest guest lawyer in mysterious castle of the old classmate;
  • A young Camorra fought between good and evil ...
and other interpreters, real or illusory, of the varied human comedy.

Various Authors
This anthology from the competition between the name 'The new poets ", the first reserved for poetry writing contest launched by the publisher Demito.
The songs in this book have been chosen partly right in between the winners and finalists of the two editions (2009 and 2010) of the said competition.
To make the boundary between the finalists of the two different editions, a collection of poetry finalists or winners of other competitions organized by us - to some specific theme, other regularly organized - along with some poems by a few "guest of honor," and you? distinct positive between the various authors who have contacted us.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Does Shag Band Colours Mean

Ancora Gluten Free: Torta di carote, mandorle e cocco glassata con ganache al cioccolato fondente

not resist a small book, and books on chocolate and chocolate desserts.
In Italian, other languages, who cares, the photos speak for themselves.
last purchase "Chocolate & Co Food Editore jumped out of this cake, easy to prepare.
I've also seen around the web and believe it, so quick and so tasty is irresistible. Without
flour and fat. Yet
is pretty soft.
And the icing ... I want to talk ?.....

carrot cake, almonds and coconut with dark chocolate ganache icing to

for a cake pan with a diameter of 24
300 gr carrots

150 grams almond flour 150 g sugar 150 g coconut flour

3 eggs 1 tablespoon baking powder

for ganache

fresh cream 150 gr 150 gr 70% dark chocolate Preheat the

oven to 170 degrees.
Finely grate the carrots with a mixer and pour into a bowl.
Add the ground almonds, sugar and mix well.
Then add the coconut flour and eggs, the yeast in last fall from a sieve to prevent lumps.
Mix well.
Pour into buttered and floured (gluten-free version to use rice flour). Level
well. Bake for about
10 minutes at 170 degrees then raise to 180 ° and continue baking for another 40 minutes.
oven and allow to cool without touching.
then remove and place on wire rack.
Prepare the chocolate ganache cutting tiny pieces in a bowl.
Warm the cream until boiling and then pour over chocolate.
Wait a minute or so and then begin to stir until the chocolate has not incorporated all the cream.
Cool slightly and glaze the cake by pouring the ganache over the surface, edges and sides.
Put in refrigerator to harden.
Once the ganache has hardened, hold at room temperature.
It 's very good the next day.

Figurine Mark Blue Crossed Germany

Ebook to write, publish, promote and sell your book, only 5 €!

Here it is finally here!

This is the cover of my ebook " write, publish, promote and sell your book " with ideas, tips and many resources for writers and aspiring.

will find:

how to write what to write
different ways to publish online and offline promotion

other resources for marketing

all this for only € 5, now with downloadable download at Lulu.

Blog I invite you the book on

to learn more, read the page and on Scribd more info.

awaits you, thank you!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Western Necklace Pendants Concho


publishing this book review of Marco Costa , "Two maroni so " edited by Another World Publisher.

the author writes: "This book tells my story personale.Non
are a professional writer, but this was the only system that
satisfy the need to tell me. Prologue: A Life, a
history specchio.Un a 'childhood like many, adolescence with
excesses that turn into obsession and maturity made of compulsive acts
wet alcohol. In excess. The mirror of a life of a man who has lived
. On the road, among the people, taking everything. "

Review by Emmanuel Prophete, curator of the site "Writer
( /):"..." I only read the first pages
if I did not like ... I liked to cut
that you gave him from the outset, without masks and then read it and say
..... ok now the protagonist discovers the woman of his life,
exit the tunnel .... and yet life goes on the usual binary
common to many where our weaknesses often are the masters ...
is therefore a novel 'coherent', life has not always end
comforting as all books and blockbuster movies, and then art
should be according to me like life: authentic, raw, raw, hurt,
dirty, uncertain ... And I think that the pages also reveal the healing power that
Writing the book has had in
against the writer, maybe it just me, but I
the impression that a book is useful to the reader as well and strongly
who wrote it ... and who wrote it tells
widespread problems and that few are able to tell with so much
'honesty' and I would say courage. Yes, courage. "

Blog with other reviews:

How To Raise Suspesion On Snowmobile

GILBERT Paraschi

Stumble this site Parascheva Gilbert, author of books and poems. You can learn more, read poetry, discover his music and much reading his web space.

Here's the link:

visit it!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Perfect Man Blogs


My ebook is the final stages! I refer you to this short post on the blog dedicated:

an ebook with tips how to write, revise the text, choose how and where to publish it, so many resources for the promotion and off-line and on-line and other resources again. Soon online!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cute Welcome To Our Wedding

Random Hearts, Teresa and Roll

The author Teresa Roll signing the book "Random Hearts" (Aletti publisher, 283 pages, € 18.50).

What secret lies behind the death of a young woman who lived in the early twentieth century, to the point that his own family have deliberately erased the traces? Who was Catherine?
These questions will be answered another woman, many years later, having accidentally discovered the existence of this its ancestor. And so, page after page, it appears clear and integrates the life of Catherine, the silence in which it was forced.

last of five children of a wealthy family, Catherine is loved, cuddled by her family.
Love, as any girl her age, beautiful clothes and jewels, that his beloved Aunt Sofia, grumpy woman, opportunistic, detested by the rest of the family property, has to confirm the membership of a social class higher than households of the country. Catherine, pure and naive, cheerful, is the only one to have a relationship of genuine affection with this aunt that will cause pain for his family, and removal of her sisters and brother, forced to emigrate in America.

In Sofia, she admires the determination, tenacity, and esteem that the people who poured out.
In this context, of an Italy that he sees his people south to seek their fortune elsewhere, and especially in America, the beautiful Catherine grows and meets the love: the overwhelming and exciting, which meets only once in a lifetime. But it is a love cultivated in secret, between furtive meetings and exchange of correspondence, which quickly becomes lush feeling ...

"Random Hearts", the title fits perfectly for a novel whose lives all seem related to each other in figure Catherine, his mother Anna, dell'Innamorata Lorenzo nonché quella stessa della sua discendente che ne riscopre l’esistenza- è un romanzo d’esordio sorprendente: una storia d’amore energica, ma anche la storia di un’Italia affascinante e volitiva, quella del secolo appena trascorso, di cui si è persa traccia negli anni recenti.

Una narrazione avvincente, commovente, ma a tratti divertente, una scrittura a metà strada tra i grandi romanzi sentimentali e drammatici (come, ad esempio, “Cime tempestose”) e i romanzi scritti dalla penna ironica di Jane Austen.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fungal Infection On Lip

Relax: Crostata di frolla ai pistacchi con crema di ricotta e arancia

time shortbread, this.
time slow gestures, known to relax and not worry.
is it safe.
The reassuring consistency of a pastry, a shell that slowly dora, a filling that is poured first and then you shrink when you stretch like the sea on the foreshore and becomes high tide. It dares
with new toppings but it is a daring content, the pastry for the crust to be made, however, is a guarantee.
This tart's aim to combine the pistachios with the orange.

pistachio shortbread tart with orange cream cheese

doses for a 32x10 cm baking tin oppure da 20

per la frolla ai pistacchi
170 gr farina 00
50 gr pistacchi sgusciati e sbucciati
100 gr burro
2 tuorli
70 gr zucchero

per la crema di ricotta
250 gr ricotta
3 cucchiai di zucchero
1 tuorlo
buccia grattata di una arancia
succo di mezza arancia

per la decorazione
6 fettine sottili di arancia tarocco
sciroppo fatto con tre cucchiai di zucchero e il succo di mezza arancia

Tritare i pistacchi con 20 gr della dose di zucchero prevista nella frolla.
Con il resto (e i pistacchi tritati) preparare la frolla (rimane abbastanza morbida, casomai aggiungere un poco di farina in più) e mettere in frigo a riposare.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
spent at least half an hour, the mold line (recommended those with opening bottom) already buttered and dusted with flour and roll out the pastry sheet in a not too subtle.
Bake the shell in white only and cook for about ten minutes.
attention because this cake with pistachio tends to "fall", then when I pull it out, with the back of the handle of a fork to gently pull on the rischiaccio.
Prepare the filling by beating the ricotta with the sugar and egg yolk until it is blended, add the grated rind and juice.
Roll out the dough on the pastry and bake for about 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare a syrup with orange juice and sugar.
Making the test "drop on a plate" to see the density, if it is too liquid, add a little more sugar.
When the edges of the pastry begins to brown, bake and decorate with orange slices and still reinfornare for 7.8 minutes.
definitely out of the oven and brush the top of the tart with syrup and sprinkle with chopped pistachios.
Cool completely.

Note: unlike other pies that it lasts for more than two days, this, in my opinion, should be eaten by return, max a day later, because the ricotta, as drained, damp die from the pastry.
The taste is very good but when the cuts are "discarded" and therefore can be aesthetically unappealing.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fullvietnamese Moies Watch For Free

Gennaretti Ipocrisalide, Matthew's account Girardi

Pubblico un racconto di Matteo Girardi:
Gennaretti was a bold and headstrong teenager who lived in Calow, a small town spread among the green hills of the province of Como. He came from rather rigid and formal education, where every action and reaction corrospondeva where everything was governed by the so-called "good practice": "So do not say! So do not do it! It 'better to say so! E' better say there! Reply to this Post Reply there "were the perennial nursery rhymes of his parents who rang in her head and never abandoned him, as an indelible mark. Gennaretti But within himself he felt suffocated by all these customs and rituals, that the life of every day, with friends, relatives and acquaintances of the imponevia continuous. He felt within him the passion to be himself, he felt the desire to live in a world of simple and transparent. When
Gennaretti quarreled with his parents, he used to take refuge in his bedroom, or going to the balcony and sat there, enjoying the little movement there was in his little rural world. But that Wednesday's attention was drawn Gennaretti dall'indaffarato sport of her neighbor, Mrs. Clotilde Viganò. Mrs. Vigar was an old lady, famous in the country to be a person rather surly: he was married but had an argument with suo marito e dopo pochi mesi si separarono, aveva due figli ed anch’essi se ne andarono di casa ancora prima di essere maggiorenni. Si diceva che avesse anche un cane, ma anche lui girava voce sembrava avesse fatto armi e bagagli e se ne fosse andato. Quella sera all’imbrunire la signora Viganò stava annaffiando con estrema precisione un piccolo pezzetto di orto, e lo faceva in una maniera talmente chirurgica, che destò la curiosità di Gennaretto. Cosa stava mai coltivando la signora Viganò? Gennaretto corse a prendere il cannocchiale di suo padre e puntando lo strumento al suo giardino, vide dei fiori completamente azzurri, con una forma rotondeggiamente, che sembravano un pezzo di cielo planato sul giardino della signora, e del quale she took care with maternal heart. Gennaretti, lowered his telescope, he felt pervaded by a strong curiosity, and without saying anything, walked down the road that went to the house of Mrs. Vigar and, with his hands in his pockets and whistling vacuum, skirted the home of Mrs. .
arrived in front of the fence, making sure that there was no one, stretched his neck and his pupils ranging curiosity, peered closely: he saw a house completely out of order, nothing was symmetrical, the two chairs were rusty and thrown to the air, the grass was quite high and fallow and empty buckets were left there by who knows how long. But in the midst of this bizarre piece of architecture, there was this small well-kept garden, and the splendor of the flowers. "The spies are cousins \u200b\u200bof the thieves !!!", came a hoarse voice from behind the fence. Mrs. Viganò, behind the hedge, laughing deeply embarrassing Gennaretti: "Excuse me, um, I was looking at her flowers ........" She detached voice:" Come on ....... .. " Gennaretti opened the creaky gate and walked with measured step closer to the flowers: "These flowers are special," said the lady, "called Ipocrisalidi, flowers are one of my great-uncle who brought me from China before getting married." The flowers were incredibly la forma di un cuore e persino il gambo aveva un colore azzurrognolo. “Vedi, caro ragazzo, questi fiori rinfrancano l’anima: chi ne beve l’infuso, perde il difetto dell’ipocrisia, io ne bevo una tazza ogni pomeriggio”. Gennaretto, incuriosito da tale fatto, chiese gentilmente di poter aver un sacchettino di tali fiori celestiali. La signora borbottando acconsentì, e Gennaretto congedatosi se ne tornò a casa e data l’ora ormai tarda  se ne andò a letto. Ma quella notte non riuscì proprio a dormire, e appena il sole bussò all’orizzonte, Gennaretto si svegliò e preparò l’infuso di ipocrisalidi. Appena pronto ne bevve una buona tazza e, a sua sorpresa, si sentì as he understood everything in life. Meanwhile approached noon, that day was a special day because it was his birthday, and the whole family had gathered. After dinner, his aunt Roberta, who was the wife of a well-known entrepreneur in the textile sector Como, made him a present, he opened it was a yellow sweater and green. His mother told Gennaretti: "Thank the aunt of the beautiful gift." Gennaretti, innarcò eyebrows, looked straight into his aunt ocche and said: "With all the money you have, you could give me something better!" His mother scared hearing these words from your child's hair grew an inch "But Gennaretti but ....... say ......." His aunt changed the expression on his face ten thousand times within fractions of a second. Gennaretti rose from the table and walked away casually, leaving behind lightning and thunderbolts. At two o'clock in the afternoon had an appointment with his girlfriend, Clara, were together for several months, and he was very fond of. They met in the local bar in Piazza del Municipio, and having exchanged pleasantries and the latest news, took a drink, cranberry juice him and her a Coke. While waiting to be served, as usual Gennaretti noticed the lipstick mark of his girlfriend. Something big was going down the throat of Gennaretti, and when something came in my mouth, at one point he said: "With lipstick that seems to me the grandson of Moana Pozzi," Clara had tears in their eyes in disbelief, and resignation to do and went with feigned indifference, leaving only Gennaretti. That something in her mouth was now back down in the stomach, but with a more bitter taste. He was desperate, could not understand what he said wrong, he felt pure and innocent. Then phoned his best friend Lucius, that given the mood of Gennaretti, met him at a bar nearby. Just sitting at a table, Lucio wanted to know what had happened. "I had an argument with Clara," said Gennaretti. And Lucio asked "Why?" "Nothing, I made a small observation. " Lucio and embarrassed by the easy-going friend comforted brotherly "But you know well that the women are all alike." There was a moment of silence, then turned his head mechanically Gennaretti to Lucio and said, "What do you know of women that the only woman who has kissed your mama!" Lucius froze, barely reached the handle of the door of the bar, and went along the battered pavement. Now Gennaretti was truly alone, he and his empty glass. He left with his hands in his pocket, went home at sunset. Looking for a handkerchief to his nagging cold, took out the bag at the same time the flowers of ipocrisalide. The rational part is active as a powerful computer arrived at the solution. "Yes, no doubt. The flowers of Mrs. Clotilde ....... they were taking him to ruin. " With my heart in my throat and the Adam's apple that looked like a second nose, she hastened stealthily toward the house. He stopped in front of the garbage bin, he stretched out his arms, and before you drop the bag into oblivion ipocrisalidi the box, and spoke these words: "Goodbye to All That, if hypocrisy and 'A DISEASE, AND I HOLD ME LA COSI 'SIA! "

Pet Platapus For Sale

Sotto l'effetto del paracetamolo: Crostata di frolla alle nocciole con marmellata di albicocche

blame the fever. Guilt
visions from influenza delirium.
If not resist.
Mica would raise me to prepare a half pastry flour and half nuts. Mica
I could do well even decorative strips, never succeeded so far.
A real trip from paracetamol.

tart with hazelnut pastry with apricot jam tart

for a 20-cm diameter

00 120 gr flour 100 grams hazelnut flour

50 g butter 100 g caster sugar 2 egg

apricot jam nut leaf


Prepare the pastry, let it rest in refrigerator for at least half an hour.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Grease and flour the pan.
Spread two-thirds of pastry into a thin layer is not uniform in the pan.
Prick the bottom and put in refrigerator to harden.
Spread the remaining pastry between two pieces of film in a thin layer does not (need to make decorative strips) and let harden in the fridge.
spent at least half an hour, take the raw shell and pour the jam, level in a uniform layer with the back of a spoon.
Obtain strips of wheel Timing in the "sheet" of the tart pastry rolled out and decorate.
In the spaces between the diamond strip of pastry to put strips of roasted hazelnuts.
Bake for at least 30, 35 minutes, until the edge of the tart is golden and detaches from the edge of the cake.
Cool completely before throw (it transforms well inverting onto a plate and then turning it over if you have not opened a cake pan).
Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
It 's more good the next day.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ups Vacation Delivery Hold

"Sensuality" poems by Michael Zanarella

Public gladly preface signor Luciano Somma al libro di Michela Zanarella:

L’amore viene presentato dalla premiatissima e giovane poetessa Michela Zanarella in un dettato formale molto originale con inedite e sorprendenti espressioni lessicali.
Giusto ritmo e cadenza con ottime tematiche contraddistinguono l’opera omnia che rende agevole e piacevole la lettura.
Michela   scrive tra l’altro: “ Il fuoco non si ferma…” “C’è un amore che attende/ e vive sotto pelli ardenti/come gioco di sguardi/ tra le vigne di emozioni antiche” ed ancora “ Go kiss your silence / under the arches of the soul: "Good poetry, sensual and full of passion, therefore, the one that lights the fire inside you and is like burning embers.
Love Poems of love? Of course, we love that we live and love, always looking for new sensations stand out in another dimension that we can bring up in the sublimation of an act that is not an end in itself, but that space in time to become eternity ...

Luciano Somma

Monday, February 7, 2011

Running A Rack Server Without A Rack

Anime cut, the second book of Francis Scardona

Public review of the second book of Francis Scardona, "Anime cut"

A transsexual sadist who tries to find meaning in their lives through their own and others' suffering.
"The more pain I'll try, I'll have more to live. only push the threshold of tolerance of my torment ever addition , I can hope to be immortal. If there is still something for which I suffer in this world, for sure I will not wipe out all the rest.
The fact is that I tried. I tried it for real. But I have not found anything else. Something that goes beyond the anguish. Something more than the execution. Life ends there where the pain ends. Fine. Fade out. It makes no sense to hope for more. Continue to delude themselves.
Pain is the only size available. It was the only thinkable. It is the only sensible thing. Real.
The truth is that the pain is all. The pain is life itself and without it we cease to exist.
Soon the bell will sound, yet another, naive, mistake of nature will follow me, unconsciously, in my bedroom and the scene will be repeated. The pain will be free.
Again ... "

Pain is the only viable alternative to anything immaterial in our lives? All the anguish, all the pain we carry inside are really so free? so foolish?
A transsexual convinced that suffering is the only real thing and sense of his whole entire life. The pages of the book will accompany us into the abyss of pain and torment that is the existence of this so grotesque protagonist: a childhood lived between the figure of the absent father and her oppressive mother figure, the first, traumatic sexual experiences; stories of friends who end up in the blood, the ratio is always present from the beginning, with the death and all that it entails.
You can get to hate life so much that hope to completely cancel themselves and can, at the same time, love her so much to accept being reduced to such a grotesque freak of nature?

The story is divided into two different time points: on the one hand we have the previous life of the protagonist (told in third person), the other his current life (narrated in first person) with its unique form of sadism sex influenced and corroded all other aspects of his life.
The hope of something that is beyond the pain, something that is not just anxiety. The need to not feel its weight. The desire to feel free themselves. The obsessive search continuously, for something else.

A long, delirious trip through that painful spiral and carcinogen that is the life of each of us.
A long, piercing scream unheard.

Click on the page " Anime Cut" and discover the book.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Show Ecostar Star Type Helicopter

My ebook online soon ... wanted suggestions for the cover !

Very soon, my ebook on how to write, revise, promote and sell your book. I'm looking for ideas for the cover, I have published some, give me a suggestion or comment about! What is the best one? Where to find more? Thanks


Click here:

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Wedding Dance Mount And Blade Best Race

A site for beginners: Writers concerned

Desidero segnalare un sito utile per tutti gli autori esordienti:

Scrittori in causa

che approfondisce tutte le tematiche legate al mondo dell'editoria, ai contratti e a tutto quanto ruota attorno a un libro e al suo autore.

Un modo per essere sempre informati e trovare anche le risposte che cercate sulla vostra opera. Visitatelo!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mount And Blade Lady -warband


01/30/2011 PRONE the

Fulham vs Tottenham Fulham vs Tottenham 1-1

Fulham vs Tottenham 2-1
****** ******************
Eintracht Frankfurt vs Borussia Monchengladbach Eintracht Frankfurt 1
vs Borussia Monchengladbach Eintracht Frankfurt vs Over2.5
Borussia Monchengladbach vs. Eintracht Frankfurt 3-1
3 Borussia Monchengladbach *************************

-2 vs. Athletic Bilbao Atletico Madrid Atletico Madrid 1
vs Athletic Bilbao Atletico Madrid Over1.5
2-0 vs Athletic Bilbao Atletico Madrid vs Athletic Bilbao
vs Lecce Lecce vs Cesena 1 DnB
Lecce vs Cesena Cesena Over1.5

2-0 Lecce vs Cesena 2-1
******************************* **
vs Cagliari Cagliari vs. Bari Bari 1DnB
vs Cagliari Cagliari vs
Gol Bari Bari Bari vs Cagliari 4-1 2-1

**************** *****************
Palermo vs Inter 12 Inter Milan vs Palermo 1

Inter vs Palermo vs Inter Over1.5

Inter vs Palermo 2-1 Palermo 1-2
Arminia Bielefeld vs. Hertha Berlin 12
Arminia Bielefeld vs. Hertha Berlin 2DnB
Arminia Bielefeld vs. Hertha Berlin vs. Arminia Bielefeld Over1.5
Hertha Berlin 1-2 Arminia Bielefeld vs. Hertha Berlin
****************** ****************
Karlsruhe vs Cottbus 1 DnB
Karlsruhe Cottbus vs Karlsruhe Over1.5
vs Cottbus vs Karlsruhe 1-1 Cottbus 2-1

** *********************************

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Anne Frank in graphic biography

Dal secondo dopoguerra ad oggi Anne Frank è stata conosciuta e ricordata in tanti modi. In primis con il famoso Diario, poi con biografie e libri di chi l'ha conosciuta ("Si chiamava Anne Frank", per dirne uno). E' stato pubblicato anche il libro " I racconti dell'alloggio segreto " con racconti della stessa Anne.

Per la prima volta, però, si racconta la storia tragica di Anne , ragazzina ebrea tedesca (era nata a Francoforte sul Meno) trapiantata in Olanda, attraverso i fumetti, o meglio una "graphic biography" nel libro "Anne Frank, la biografia a fumetti" di Sid Jacobson e Ernie Colòn edito da Rizzoli-Lizard.

In occasione del Giorno della memoria , un libro per conoscere Anne o riscoprirla, a book for everyone to explain, together with the history of Anne, her sister Margot, their parents (her father Otto was the only survivor of the camps) and the four people who hid them for years, what were the Nazi racial laws, deportation and the horror of the camps, such as Bergen-Belsen, where Anne and Margot died.

I also invite you to visit the official website of Secret Anne Frank House.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Blueprint For A Full Salon

Most writers do not have a choice: either to Promote yourself or disappear

publish this article sent to me by Emmanuel Prophete of , un sito ricco di spunti per la promozione (visitatelo!!). Cliccate sul titolo del post per entrare nel sito e nella sezione "link utili" per il post di Francesco Gavello. Grazie Emanuele per i tuoi consigli.

L'Italia è veramente un popolo di poeti, santi e navigatori. Ma mentre i santi sembrano risentire della crisi e i navigatori per mare si stanno sempre più convertendo verso la navigazione sul web, i poeti sono in perenne crescita.

Italia, patria incontrastata quindi di presunti e veri scrittori. Italia, paese dove tutti scrivono e nessuno legge. Ogni anno vengono infatti pubblicati decine di migliaia di nuovi titoli e da un'indagine ISTAT il 67% degli italiani acquista meno di tre libri all'anno. Numeri to hand would seem that there are more writers than readers.

For a beginner writer who wants to tackle a market like this, where supply is appallingly high demand, is like trying to swim across the ocean: the chance to have a minimal chance of success is certainly not on his side.

Compounding the situation of the writer who 'tries', then there is the attitude of most publishing houses that do not implement any sort of book promotion, not to mention a distribution often disastrous.

In such a scenario most of the writers then rolls up his sleeves and decided to promote himself. The first steps, those that do not even need a big display, are still made on a keyboard, not to write again, but to promote it via internet. The most used and abused are the social networks and one in particular: Facebook. Then you try to create a website, you open a blog online and it seems that everything has been done is designed to present and disseminate their own beloved book.

Unfortunately, the damage often joins the prank. The damage is to not get support in the promotion by the publishers. The joke is one that promotes itself with no method, basic knowledge of marketing and communications, promotion turns into damage. Many writers who have analyzed that happens after few months of online advertising, the least chance to emerge in the publishing market will definitely go out because of their inexperience and awkward promotions.

Properzi proposes innovative methods of promotion on ScritttoreVincente

I wrote a book too. I know the feeling felt by many writers after publication. A feeling of extreme loneliness that arises from the need to promote your book yourself. Because basically there are no alternatives, once you publish your book, you can not drown it away. You have to promote and if the publisher does not do it for you, you must do it alone. You do yourself a job you do not know as must be done. You have to improvise.

If I had not brought my own book would not have achieved the positive feedback we have had. I have also been keen on the marketing of books and I studied.

for that reason that I founded in October 2010 ScrittoreVincente , a site that explains to promote themselves as writers, with articles that are devoted to the purely practical and feasible for self-promotion book. So I shared my experience with that of many other writers, interviewing those who, in addition to the quality of their work, have achieved success because they were very clever to promote himself. I

Therefore, the authors interviewed as Insy Loan, Pier Francesco Grasselli, Fabrizio Sparta, Stefano Pitino and many others. I then adapted the techniques of modern marketing to the publishing event, drawing from the experience of leading web-marketer such as desks and Gavello Facebook Strategy, a leading marketer Italian Blogs for which I also wrote an article on his blog which focuses on 'how to use blogs to sell more copies of your book'.

And there are those who, using the methods described on ScrittoreVincente, is able to emerge. Why did the writers of today will ensure more 'competition' but they also provide an advertising medium available in real time, at almost no cost and with a really huge power: the Internet.

The basis for promoting modern and effective second ScrittoreVincente

If you have the ability to produce quality content that they are also 'read', the opportunity to promote the work (despite the daunting numbers that characterize the Publication statistics) using essentially the web-marketing, are greater than you imagine.

From my viewpoint, every author who intends to promote themselves effectively should follow these five basic actions:

1) Develop a marketing plan where you define the online and offline promotional activities that will (And can) play in a timeframe that is such a year after the publication of its text
2) Create a network of relationships that are traceable by adopting tools to manage the campaign
3) Provide information tools making it possible to measure the performance of the promotional campaign
4) Making the best partnerships set in motion to convert the direct or indirect partner in the promoter of his own book
5) Move to promote more contexts - both offline and online - whether Contextual to the interests of potential readers of the book, which in turn should be consistent and attracted by the themes presented in the book itself

What do you think?

I believe that many of these concepts may seem alien to many writers and should be explored in detail to understand how to deal with the promotion of a book. However

activities are much easier to play when you know how to develop them in an appropriate manner. And often there is no better action than a myriad of questions about how to perform the action.

to you then, reader of the book shop, I ask what is your opinion on what I wrote because I realize that I've covered the topic is very delicate. For the writer, as such, should not be 'one that advertises', ma purtroppo, a causa di molteplici fattori (primo tra tutti i 'distorti connotati' del mercato editoriale attuale) se vuol provare a realizzare il proprio sogno, non ha alternative: deve autopromuoversi con un metodo valido.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kasneb Results Cpa Dec 2008

Weather 01/30/2011 01/26/2011 VINCI

Da oggi inseriremo alcuni dei pronostici del 

PRONOSTICI del 25-01-2011

Liverpool vs Fulham  1
Liverpool vs Fulham  Over1.5
Liverpool vs Fulham  2-0
Liverpool vs Fulham  2-1

Napoli vs Inter  1
Napoli vs Inter  Over1.5
Napoli vs Inter  Over2.5
Napoli vs Inter  2-1
Napoli vs Inter  3-2
Napoli vs Inter  1-1
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid  X2
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid  2
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid  Gol
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid  Over1.5
FC Sevilla vs Real Madrid 
FC Sevilla 1-1 Real Madrid vs FC Sevilla 1-2
vs Real Madrid 2-3
************************** ***
Birmingham vs West Ham 1 West Ham vs Birmingham
Birmingham vs West Ham 2-1 Birmingham vs West Ham

3-1 ************ ****************

01/25/2011 PRONOSTICI of

******************* **********
Palermo vs Parma Parma vs Palermo
X2  2-2
Palermo vs Parma     1-2
Palermo vs Parma     2-1

Wigan vs Aston Villa     1DnB
Wigan vs Aston Villa     1-1
Wigan vs Aston Villa     2-1
Wigan vs Aston Villa     1-2
Wigan vs Aston Villa     Gol
Wigan vs Aston Villa     Over1.5

vs Livorno Livorno vs Padova Padova 12
vs Livorno 1-0
Padova Padova vs Livorno 2-1
* ****************************

Nurnberg FC Schalke 12 vs. FC Schalke vs Nurnberg
FC Nurnberg vs Schalke goal
Schalke vs FC Nurnberg 2-1 Schalke vs FC Nurnberg
FC Schalke vs Nurnberg     3-1
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd     X
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd     0-0
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd     1-1
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd     1-2
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd     Gol
Blackpool vs Manchester Utd     Over1.5

24/01/2011 PRONOSTICI of

1 Athletic Bilbao vs. Hercules
Athletic Bilbao vs Hercules
2 -1
Athletic Bilbao vs Hercules 3-0
Athletic Bilbao vs Hercules Over1.5

** *****************************
Pisa vs. Ternana 1 DnB
Pisa vs. Ternana 1-0
vs Pisa Pisa
Ternana 2-1 vs. 1-1 Ternana

Triestina vs Novara 2 DnB
Triestina vs Novara Triestina vs Novara 1-2 0-1

Triestina vs Novara 1-1
Bochum vs Erzgebirge Aue     1
Bochum vs Erzgebirge Aue     Over1.5
Bochum vs Erzgebirge Aue     2-1
Bochum vs Erzgebirge Aue     3-0
Sparta Rotterdam vs AGOVV  X
AGOVV vs Sparta Rotterdam 1-1
vs Sparta Rotterdam 2-2 AGOVV
vs Sparta Rotterdam 2-1 AGOVV
Sparta Rotterdam vs AGOVV Over1.5
** *******************************


23/01/2011 ** ********************************
Villarreal vs Real Sociedad 1 Real
vs Villarreal Society
Gol Villarreal vs Real Sociedad Real Sociedad vs Villarreal

2-0 Villarreal vs Real Sociedad 2-1
** ********************************
Cesena vs AC Milan 1
AC Milan vs Cesena Over2.5
Cesena vs AC Milan 3-1
Cesena vs AC Milan 2-1

Puebla vs Estudiantes Tecos     1
Puebla vs Estudiantes Tecos     2-1
Puebla vs Estudiantes Tecos     2-0
Puebla vs Estudiantes Tecos     Over1.5

Hoffenheim vs St. Pauli     12
Hoffenheim vs St. Pauli     1
Hoffenheim vs St. Pauli     2-1
Hoffenheim vs St. Pauli     3-1
Hoffenheim vs St. Pauli     Over2.5
Hoffenheim vs St. Pauli     Gol

Blackburn vs West Bromwich 1
Blackburn vs West Bromwich 2-0
Blackburn vs West Bromwich 3-1
Blackburn vs West Bromwich Over1.5

******************************* ***
Gimnastic vs Ponferradina 1
Gimnastic vs Ponferradina 2-0
Gimnastic vs Ponferradina
Gimnastic 3-0 vs. 0-0 Ponferradina

*********************** ***********

Sampdoria vs Juventus Sampdoria vs Juventus X
Sampdoria vs Juventus Over1.5
Sampdoria vs Juventus 1-1 Sampdoria vs Juventus 2-1

Sampdoria vs Juventus 1-2
Hertha Berlin vs Dusseldorf 1DnB
Hertha Berlin vs Dusseldorf Over2.5
vs Hertha Berlin 2-1
Dusseldorf Dusseldorf 3-2 Hertha Berlin vs.

********** ***********************
FSV Frankfurt vs Oberhausen a
FSV Frankfurt vs Oberhausen  2-0
FSV Frankfurt vs Oberhausen  2-1
Udinese vs Inter     X2
Udinese vs Inter     Gol
Udinese vs Inter     Over2.5
Udinese vs Inter    2-2
Udinese vs Inter 3-2
Udinese vs Inter 2-3
************ **********************

Friday, January 21, 2011

Canon Dm-xm1 Xm1e 3ccd

"The page number 84" Enrico Caruso

Ricevo e pubblico la recensione del libro di Enrico Caruso:

"LA PAGINA NUMERO 84" di Enrico Caruso

E' un libro dove il destino si fonde con la realtà,
dove le emozioni si sfiorano con gli eventi,
raccontando una storia che sfiora incredibilmente l’illusione di un attimo.

Una giornata dark and intense rain in the city of Rome began the damage
relentless drive of the fate that overwhelm Emma and Mark.
Events esoteric put a strain on Emma, \u200b\u200brevealing part of
closely guarded secret by the person who wrote the life of
each of us. Be clinging to that kiss not given with all its
... forces, discovered to have a sister, have dreams
warning and a history of the way, will be the events that
reveal the illusion of a moment that might turn into reality
ever, that is, Mark.

emotions, tribulations, sensations and
love, not an unknown mixture of spices that are absorbed by Emma
and trademarks in this stunning novel ...

To read the first chapter:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Parts Of A Car Engine Labeled

nothing without Alice, Peter De Viola

Public review of "Alice nothing", by Peter De Viola .

Alice is in her thirties and unemployed graduate. Even Richard, her boyfriend, graduated and unemployed. Together lead a precarious life, including odd jobs, broken dreams, poverty is not declared. How to get out of this situation? Alice does not know how to do it, because all the talks are going badly. How long, disconsolate among the notes of an uncertain existence, an idea makes its way in lei…

Alice senza niente, di Pietro De Viola, è un ebook gratuito che affronta i temi delicati come la disoccupazione giovanile ed il precariato, e si propone come una sorta di simbolo di questa generazione bistrattata. Un libro che, oltre a trattare una tematica alquanto attuale, è un vero esempio di digital-marketing.

Alice senza niente è infatti stato preceduto da un blog nel quale quotidianamente veniva raccontata l’esperienza della redazione e promozione del progetto. Alla promozione del libro hanno inoltre contribuito diversi book trailer su youtube e pagine su Facebook: a poco più di due mesi dall’ uscita, le copie scaricate sono quasi 20 mila.
Per scaricare Alice free with nothing:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Treatment For 6mm Gallbladder Polyps

first chapter of "Spring in Burgundy" by Stephen King and Luke Terenzoni

- Chapter I -

was the first Saturday of spring. That morning
Francis had decided to leave home as early to go to San Gimignano.
He had had since childhood a special fondness for this little town in the province of Siena, almost entirely enclosed in the thirteenth century walls.
addition, the Tuscan countryside had always had the power to instill in him a sense of peace and tranquility.
Peace and quiet were just what he needed in those days: it was a passing of the worst periods of his life.
feel they have more reference points, un obiettivo da perseguire.
Tutto questo perché, dopo quattordici anni di felice fidanzamento con Laura, la loro storia si era improvvisamente interrotta.
L’anno precedente avevano fissato insieme il giorno delle nozze per il 2 maggio 2009, ma non più tardi di tre settimane prima di quel sabato di primavera, lei aveva deciso di lasciarlo.
Complice il nuovo lavoro di Laura, e soprattutto nuovi colleghi, la donna che lui credeva sarebbe rimasta al suo fianco per tutta la vita, si era perdutamente innamorata di uno dei consulenti finanziari della società di leasing per cui aveva iniziato a lavorare.
Francesco, sebbene ferito profondamente nell’orgoglio e nello spirito, e forse perché l’aveva sempre amata unconditionally, he appreciated the sincerity of Laura when she had confessed to not feel anything for him, during what would be their last dinner together in that restaurant where they met and where they went frequently during their fourteen years of engagement. From
evening when Laura had confessed, in tears, having been in love with another man, he had stopped dreaming and have confidence in the future would never dared to imagine a life with another woman with who marry and have kids.
Francis felt the winter in the heart.
that morning and decided to return to San Gimignano, hoping to find the warmth he needed, so that the spring also came into him and not just in the air and into the surrounding countryside.
soon as he crosses the Porta San Giovanni, he felt an immediate sense of peace.
The same feeling he had experienced eight years ago, when he had spent inside the walls of San Gimignano a romantic weekend with Laura, staying in one of the historic village of pensions.
The fact that the walls of San Gimignano resisted even after so many centuries, the slow passing of time, did see a possibility that he could survive the end of his love story, although this was very painful and would take time to let heal the wounds of his soul.
After traveling for about one hundred meters to the line that connects your Porta San Giovanni Porta San Matteo, Francis decided to take a small side street on the right, in front of a souvenir shop, and headed back outside the walls.
What he stood before was what Francis had hoped to find after so many years, when that morning he had decided to travel.
Before him stretched the magnificent panorama of the Tuscan countryside: rolling hills of a sunny spring morning.
decided to go slowly on dirt path surrounding the perimeter of the walls, to throw yourself completely into this green and sun bath.
warned soon a feeling of comfort and tranquility, something spiritual that stroked and comforted his soul to the core.
After many days spent in the shadow of her pain, she was finally able to breathe again, to see the light, as if the end of the tunnel was near.
This sensation, however, left the place in a large and irresistible urge to cry.
could not understand whether this depended on the emotion of the beautiful scenery or very simply from the need to let go, after spending endless hours to torture what it was that wrong with Laura.
Whatever the reason, he collapsed on the grass e le lacrime cominciarono a scendere dai suoi occhi scuri, delineandogli lentamente l’ovale del viso.
«Piangi Francesco, piangi. Sfogati, non serve a nulla tenersi tutto dentro».
Queste sono le parole che Francesco pronunciò a bassa voce, come se avesse pudore per il fatto che il leggero vento di quella mattina di primavera potesse far arrivare il suo sfogo alle orecchie del mondo.
Francesco aveva sempre creduto di poter risolvere i suoi problemi, piccoli o grandi che fossero, da solo.
Aveva una famiglia che lo aveva sempre sostenuto nelle sue scelte, molti amici che avevano una grande stima nei suoi confronti.
Tuttavia, per una questione di orgoglio o semplicemente di riservatezza, tendeva sistematicamente a tenere tutto dentro di sé, gioie e dolori.
Non assillava mai nessuno con i propri problemi, né era solito condividere la sua felicità con coloro che lo circondavano.
Fino a quando Laura non aveva deciso di fare una nuova esperienza a carattere professionale, erano sempre stati molto felici insieme: c’era tra di loro un’intesa perfetta e avevano molte passioni in comune.
L’unica cosa di cui adesso Francesco si rimproverava, era proprio il fatto di non essersi mai aperto totalmente nei confronti di lei.
Seduto sull’erba, con il vento che ormai aveva asciugato quasi completamente le sue lacrime, si ritrovò a riflettere su questo punto.
“… E se questa mia eccessiva riservatezza might have contributed to a slow and gradual removal of Laura from me? ".
This is the question that appeared suddenly in the mind and most likely would never have an answer in this regard.
was certain, however, that he must go forward, her life could not stop on that siding.
Francis had always had great confidence in his mental strength.
In almost forty years of life had fallen many times but had always managed to react, shaking the dust off your clothes, and catching up on the bike louder than before.
The end of his affair with Laura was definitely the worst fall that he had assets, but in one way or another knew that Again, it would be raised, and he did.
He wiped his hands with what remained of her tears on her face and liberating turning once again look to the landscape that had so much emotion in the depths of his soul, retraced back, this time with more decisive step, the lane dirt road and went back inside the walls.

Title: Spring in Burgundy
Author: Luca Terenzoni
Publisher: The Albatros Group Wire


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Symptoms Of Inflamed Cervix

Un peccato da domenica pomeriggio: bicchierini al caramello salato e ganache fondente

a cuddle from spoon.
It can be done in the version with the tart pastry shell or, as in this case in small glasses, if the pan with the pastry shell is turned upside down badly and the shell becomes an inadvertent crumble.
salted caramel layer, layer crumble / pastry course and finally layer of chocolate ganache.
too lustful.

For a 20 cm diameter tart shortcrust

2 egg yolks 150 g flour 50 g 00

durum wheat flour 100 g butter 50 g sugar

vanilla Prepare the pastry and roll it into the pan puncture the bottom .
Cook at 180 degrees until the edges tips are slightly browned.
Cool completely before you remove.

dark chocolate ganache 100 gr chocolate
100 grams fresh cream to assemble
Break the chocolate into small pieces in minutes.
Warm the cream until boiling and pour over chocolate starting to stir until the mixture is smooth and chocolate has melted compliment.

salted caramel
three tablespoons of sugar
two, three tablespoons of the butter cream

salt (the recipe is a Private Message Coquinaria, I'm going to use doses eye)
Place three heaping tablespoons of sugar a small saucepan and melt until the sugar candy.
Now add two or three tablespoons of cream (be careful because the sugar starts to bubble and could spatter) and stir until it is blended.
Then add the butter and pour into a jar.
It also contains a couple of weeks in the refrigerator.
If it is too hard, just heat it briefly in the microwave.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Compere A College Function

rat Mauro Corona

I just finished read " dark night, no stars" by Stephen King . I must say that I just left it like that, there is not a lot of fear for those who may have read or Misery It. The first story " 1922" is about a murder in which the protagonists are the sewer rats.

So far nothing strange, sewer rats are full of horror books etc. ... etc ... but do read just a little bit disgusted and no fear, as one would expect it's weird.

am sincere: I had more fear and disgust, especially more fear, the sewer rats (he calls them "the rat") that appeared in some sections of the book by Mauro Corona "A Tale of Snow". Those ensure that inspire terror.

Sarà per un'altra volta, un altro racconto. Pantegani, preparatevi.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who Is Affected By Chicken Pox?

Bricioline.....Involtini di speck e mozzarella di bufala gratinati

There are times when you do not wish never ended.
That time is suspended, as crystallized around you.
to how you feel.
For a pair of eyes that make eye contact.
For a hand through the air curtains.
For a taste that will surprise you in its simplicity.
and try to find that flavor in order to find the time. These
rolls are simple but I find them outstanding in their semplicità.ù

With this recipe I participate in the contest of Imma Sweets galore and LeCreuset

rolls of bacon and mozzarella gratin

16 for 4 slices of bacon
buffalo mozzarella cheese 4 slices of loaf

chop parsley in a blender the loaf is not too finely, place in a very hot nonstick skillet and brown it, stirring continuously to keep it burning.
When browned, add a few drops of olive oil and continue stirring.
Remove from heat and pour into a bowl.
soon warmed to add a bit of Parmesan and parsley and stir to mix.
Cut the mozzarella into thick slices and wrap each in a slice of bacon.
Arrange the rolls in a baking dish or ramekins portion only.
Sprinkle with the bread mixture and bake for ten minutes, just long enough that the cheese melts a little.
Eating hot or warm.