Monday, December 20, 2010

Blue London Edition Caxton Publishing


La Bottega books wishes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to his readers and friends of the blog writers, with best wishes for their works. Greetings!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Beauty And The Beast Set Blueprints


A book to help Jeane, a Brazilian girl who needed surgery to cosmetic surgery to his lips. The collection "Who" by Bruno Agosti (Livo Val di Non) just come out, will serve to help the child that the author has adopted a distance. The collection offers poems that talk about strong emotions, feelings of life in its many facets. The book can be purchased for someone Trentino di Rumo library or by contacting the author on his Facebook profile.

Monday, December 13, 2010

How Many Calories Does Bean Soup Have


Public review of the book "The secret of Mary ... and Other Stories" by Angelo Chiarelli.

The book teaches us not to marry the collective moral, to rise above the common sense and be men, expressing their opinion "without hypocrisy and false ornaments. The stories are characterized by strong colors and talk about people living on the margins of society, because only the opinion of others is too short-sighted seguire l’ottica di uno sguardo che guarda in una direzione leggermente diversa dalla propria.

Il primo racconto parla dell’omosessualità femminile, ancora più nascosta di quella maschile, forse perché l’emancipazione delle donne non si è spinta sino all’orientamento sessuale. Le protagoniste (Maria e Chiara) vivono un amore felice, intimo, ma devono fare il conti con la morale dilagante. Maria è costretta a scappare, Chiara a nascondersi a fare un vita da reietto, con l’unica accusa di aver amato. Allora, mi chiedo, sono false promesse quelle del versetto evangelico che dice “Le è perdonato molto, perché molto ha amato”?

Forse sì, maybe the world can not share the love, because no one tries it more truly, and for this reason we must persecute those who love each other unconditionally. I do not know where I read that "only those with strong cries so afraid, but I think that there is no phrase more suitable to explain the concept I want to express. This book is still a lot, yet has experienced the same fate of its protagonists. It has been criticized of sadness, only portray situations "extreme" and not consider the "normal", the serenity that many people can achieve.

In 1830, Henri Beyle (better known as Stendhal) in his capolavoro “Il rosso e il nero” diceva : “Eh, signori, un romanzo è uno specchio che uno porta lungo una strada. Ora riflette l'azzurro dei cieli, ora il fango dei pantani” e di certo non si potrà accusare lo specchio (ovvero lo scrittore) di riflettere il fango, perché è inevitabile, esso esiste e la sua immagine si rifletterà sulla superficie dell’oggetto. Ogni cosa deve essere raccontata. Compito dello scrittore è ritrarre la realtà, ma non con fedeltà assoluta (in questo modo si farebbe il gioco della società), ma secondo il suo punto di vista; lo scrittore vive per dare voce a chi non ce l’ha, per codificare le urla e farne delle proteste ben percepibili.

Buy it on:

Kate Playgroundwikipedia


"BAD STORIES 365", the anthology brainchild of writer Paul Franchini and made possible thanks to the stories of 365 words maximum of 365 Italian writers, beginners or not, is a bestseller for several weeks on

365 BAD STORIES is a book for charity, the proceeds will be donated to AISEA, the association of Italian families with children affected by AHC (less than 500 cases worldwide, of which 40 in Italy).

365 STORIE CATTIVE può essere un bel regalo di Natale per chi ama le storie noir, il giallo, le storie, appunto "cattive". Acquistandolo farete del bene e inoltre, come cerca di fare Bottega dei libri , conoscerete anche autori esordienti (un mini racconto è anche mio, urrà!).

Per saperne di più visitate il sito e

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hot Indian Women Showing Cleavage In Saree


Segnalo l'intervista che ho fatto all'autore sul sito Ambiente Trentino

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Are Schools Responsible For Theft

Chocolate chip cookies: come spazzare via il grigiore

raining in the morning when you open the window after the night and try to breathe that one day will be waiting for you.
raining in the afternoon when you leave work and not Looking forward to the warm refuge of home.
And everything is gray.
But chocolate chip cookies can give color to a gray day with rain.
Maybe a cup of milk.
The recipe comes from the site of Moka Coquinaria, even though I decreased the amount of sugar from 200 grams to 150 grams and I did not put the nuts because I had not.


for about 28 large cookies

225 gr soft butter 150 g sugar 150 g

brown sugar 2 large eggs 420 gr flour 00

1 tsp (level) baking soda sodium
a bit
teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons extract di vaniglia (oppure una bacca)
250 gr gocce di cioccolato fondente o al latte
150 gr nocciole tostate tritate

Preriscaldare il forno a 180°.
Lavorare il burro con i due tipi di zucchero finchè non diventa una crema spumosa.
Aggiungere un uovo alla volta amalgamando bene finchè non è omogeneo prima di aggiungere il successivo (se le uova sono piccole, allora sono 3).
Aggiungere anche la vaniglia.
In un'altra ciotola mescolare insieme la farina, il bicarbonato e sale setacciati.
Aggiungere gli ingredienti secchi al composto di burro e uova e amalgamare.
Aggiungere le gocce di cioccolato (e le nocciole).
Foderare delle teglie basse con carta forno e versare l'impasto (deve essere morbido ma maneggevole) in piccole palline (crca un cucchiaio abbondante) bene distanziate poichè cuocendo si allargano molto.
Infornare e far cuocere per almeno 20 minuti, finchè il bordo è dorato e il centro morbido.
Sfornare e far raffreddare completamente prima di maneggiarli.
Io ho usato tre teglie e ne ho infornato una alla volta; quelle con i biscotti ancora crudi le ho lasciate fuori dal frigo senza problemi.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Full Basketball Courts, Nj


Pubblico volentieri la recensione di Federica Gazzani on his book "African Chant"

Canto African Federica Gazzani won the third edition of the Literary Prize "The Chameleon" and was ranked second in 8th Literary Contest "The Rush" in 2004.

Canto African recounts, in autobiographical form, a trip made in 1979 in Africa. Journey, thanks to the abuse and harassment, it becomes an adventure for Federica sinking in sinuosity of the heart. Because of the heart, emotions and sensibility is infused throughout the novel. Federica proves, in his first, a descriptive prose is also very natural in moments of tension, which leads the reader to empathize with her and suffer hunger and oppression of Danny, a Cameroonian singer-songwriter known for the case and who is playing. A push is the desire for knowledge, curiosity in a land far away and mysterious, but also the ignorance of a twenty-five leaving the certainties of life ordered by a university student, to deal with unknowns in itself synonymous with adventure.

The desire for knowledge and contacts with the 'other' is also reflected in the moments of pain, when returning home is becoming increasingly impossible: "In the days of desperation, I descended into the street to play with children who, for via white skin, I considered it a kind of attraction. I hopped around chanting Yovo, Yovo, and I took advantage, not without shame and guilt, of some of their snacks. "

The lack of action against the diversity, the spirit of adaptation, acceptance and determination in not wanting to succumb - made with simple language and simple - make the book a valuable starting point for reflection on our live west, punctuated most of the time from the hustle and preconceptions. And the pace, with its vital energy, is made essential by the naturalness of the movements in Africa, from everyday of the songs from the meeting with Manu Dibango in the recording studio.

music as the backbone and common denominator, even in the stillness of night Equatorial, so different and intimate: "I looked at the sky wondering how many others were doing the same thing, and he seemed to answer: thousands of stars were shining just a few inches from my nose, with a sheen that take your breath away. I felt totally belong. I could feel fear or loss, but sank his head in the blanket, I relaxed in the embrace of the warm sand and fell asleep happy, despite the bitter cold. "
The poignant outpourings of God with Federico in the depth of African sunsets, make palpable its fragility and desperate for solace. Solo la propria legge morale le dà la forza di superare situazioni forse risolutive ma discutibili. Anche l’amore ha la sua parte e la sostiene, dal rapporto sereno con Diego prima, al conflitto lacerante che un prepotente colpo di fulmine le provoca: ”Quando alzò la testa, il suo sguardo incontrò casualmente il mio. E lì si fermò... ma, mio malgrado, anche tutto il resto. Di colpo, mi sembrò di non avere più la terra sotto i piedi, mi girava leggermente la testa e le gambe sembravano non reggermi più, ma non era una sensazione sgradevole. Ondate di calore partivano dall'inguine e mi invadevano fino alla punta dei capelli. Non riuscivo a muovermi, non riuscivo a staccare i miei occhi dai suoi. Forse avevo smesso even to breathe. "

The experience that, or rather" sung "by Federico, reveals all its regret for the abandonment of a land and a people who lived as their own. An opening to Africa and his charm, his music and love, to be read in one breath.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Medicure Word Meaning

Torta Lego, torta senza uova

Ancora una torta senza uova per il mio amico, ormai seienne, allergico alle uova.
La scelta di una base senza uova è quasi ovvia: una millefoglie farcita con ganache montata al cioccolato flux, to which I added more whipped cream to make it frothy. But having so
, a yarrow on its own is not that good aesthetically speaking.
For a children's party, then ... no no ...
absolutely no need to invent something that decorate the top. So the idea of \u200b\u200b
minipannine cooked and all colors, shapes that I immediately drew the abundance of lego.


for the puff pastry:
3 packages of rectangular sheet

liquid fresh cream 600 g dark chocolate 400 g sugar


for minipanne cooked:
(2 molds abundance 15)
600 gr
fresh cream 400 g whole milk 10 tablespoons of sugar

20 grams of gelatin paste food coloring

the three layers are cooked at 210 degrees for about 15 minutes after being pitted, brush, and sprinkled with sugar.
Meanwhile, prepare the ganache by heating 400 grams of cream and bringing it almost to boiling, then pour in the chopped chocolate, stirring after one minute to mix well.
You can let it cool, if you have time, at room temp, or to accelerate, you put in the fridge just lukewarm, stirring occasionally until it thickens.
Once the ganache is smooth and full, no more liquid, fits with whips and you incorporate the other 200 g of whipped cream.
He lies half of the ganache to a pastry sheet, levels off well and cover with another pastry, ganache and then again to close the last puff. The
minipannecotte you can do in advance because so much must be put in freezer to solidify for no good if you do not end up rapidly.
It heats the cream with sugar and then add the gelatin and drained well hydrated.
Mix and then pour into molds.
I have prepared all the dose of panna cotta, color after firing a small amount before pouring it into molds.

milfoil is spread over a layer of whipped cream and then we have the abundance still frozen pies as you handle them more easily. You end up
to decorate with sprigs of cream just to "cover" gaps.
Store in refrigerator for 24 hours.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Azo Yeast Works For Men

Una lunga estate pigra: Pane nero dell'Ikea

.... But really is not that from 25 June to put anything on the blog?
What kind of a pseudo blogger I am?
Prof, I justify it.
I justify lazy days lying on the seashore and slow afternoons spent in the cool of the veranda to read good books.
I justify small and large awareness in the last few months.
Cooking? The indispensable.
For lack of mental space to devote to the messy the kitchen, tempting trials, which give shape to ideas.
The summer is ending, maybe it's already over.
The warm colors are diluted in the clouds of a storm and the days last september and they are increasingly less and less fresh.
I try to give up the idea of \u200b\u200bwarm clothing, of course, the boots but it's hard.
I try, let's start this new season.
of life and weather. Start a
black bread, heavy texture but a good rustic goodness of snow outside the door and boots to dry at the entrance.
Very easy to do: it opens the can, pour water in the amount specified in the instructions, shake well, pour in stampo e si mette a lievitare.
Beh, veramente non lievita molto, anzi per nulla, è abbastanza pesantuccio come impasto.
Diciamo che si fa riposare per un pò e poi si inforna.
Più facile di così.
Quando vado all'ikea lo compro sempre perchè lo adoro proprio perchè è così rustico e pesante e con la marmellata di mirtilli è superlativo.
Mi sono sforzata un pochino, va là.
Però che fatica aprire la confezione...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

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We create and support your Downline



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It will be right from today!
I create and teach your downline , that is I make the people register under you, I teach them how to work, how to advertise, how to earn and the best program to follow.
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In the course you will learn how to advertise in the best way and you will give at your disposal programs and utilities that will help you.
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SKYPE CONTACT: redblack60

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lcd Projector Scan Lines

UFC116 testfiring


Buongiorno a tutti
Il titolo piu' adeguato per UFC116 e' decisamente la prova del Fuoco, lo e' stata per Bonnar dopo l' ingiusta sconfitta contro the Polish Experiment la volta scorsa, lo e' stata per Leben reduce da un incontro 2 settimane prima e costretto a preparare in solo 2 settimane un Gameplan contro un avversario complicato come Akiyama,lo e' stata per Lesnar e lo e' stata per Carwin.
Sono innanzitutto contentissimo per Bonnar, personalmente lo adoro come fighter mette veramente l' anima in ogni incontro e non si arrende mai, l' incontro contro Il Polacco era difficile e ancora piu' difficile concluderlo con un KO, justified the emotion at the end of meeting, really a great fighter.
Leben once again demonstrates his character, and 'a real madman, the' match against Akiyama and 'was very intense, both shots were exchanged without reservation, arriving in piu' situations to stand by a miracle, but the form of Leben at the end was better, Akiyama submission to party seemed quite exhausted, and Leben will be 'well on the adrenaline rush of victory was much more' energetic. Cmq
Akiyama did not make a great test, apart from the first round, could not exploit the advantage gained, especially in the Third and when 'Leben was on top for most of the time and nevertheless did not potuto fare altro che subire i continui attacchi e gomitate che gli propinavano, segno oramai che la stanchezza forse era davvero troppo alta per lui.
Inutile dire che queste due ultime prestazioni di Leben gli fanno guadagnare un bel po' di punti all' interno della Federazione e decisamente gli ci voleva, vista anche la questione di Doping e relativa sospensione che lo colpi molto tempo fa.
Ma sicuramente la prova del fuoco che maggiormente asppettavamo era proprio quella fra Lesnar e Carwin, Un incontro che sebbene poi come previsto non e' stato cosi' spettacolare,e' riuscito a muovere una massa Multimediale e di tifo incredibile, nel bene o nel male non si e' parlato di altro, chi a favore del campione, chi a favore del Mostro Carwin, pronostici e supposizioni si sono accavallate, cercando di mettere in luce su quali sarebbero stati i punti salienti e le tattiche utilizzate dai due lottatori.
Personalmente mi ritengo molto contento di come sia andata a finire, ma mi riterrei molto contento anche se Lesnar avesse perso.
Inutile girarci intorno, nelle MMA tutti hanno punti di forza e punti deboli, e il 90% di coloro che emergono lo fanno perche' in determinati punti hanno quel qualcosa in piu' e riescono a sfruttarlo a dispetto dei loro difetti.
Questa sorte di assioma Fra Tecnico Fisica, non fa eccezione per questi due combattenti, che ha pero' riportato due risultati ben differenti.
Partiamo da Lesnar, continua ad essere inesperto e molto rudimentale con il Striking her, but its strength lies in the incredible physicality 'Power Mass Agility', and its control on the canvas, his great witness to the past by Wrestler.
goes without saying that his tactics of combat will be 'always try to check in the feet' opponent just enough to place a takedown and take it to the mat, where he certainly huge benefits.
But in all this was necessary to find a key point to understand what actually could be dangerous as a fighter or his strength and his chin.
Lesnar has never taken hard blows in his meetings and if it turned a giant chin of glass, we would have discovered his more 'serious Achilles' heel, Carwin was undoubtedly the person most 'suitable to find out.
Needless to say Lesnar was intimidated by Carwin was afraid of being hit by the monster whenever and 'party has dropped anyone under his fists, he was so scared and not just' touched a bit 'more' strong quest 'and last is' completely closed completely distogliedo gaze from 'opponent and trying to escape, the scene I was a little' out, when I tried to defend myself from slapping my mother.
never take your eyes off the opponent ', covering a tortoise and' one of the first rules in MMA especially if done in a prolonged manner, also because 'if Lesnar was afraid of shots Carwin in this way and if you' and is taken ' was vittima.
E Lesnar ha continuato ad essere colpito in una furia di GnP non tecnicissima ma di idubbia potenza, Lesnar e' stato raggiunto da colpi interessanti ha continuato a difendersi come poteva ma allo stesso tempo colpo dopo colpo ha cominciato ad esorcizzare il suo Demone, non che notare la progressiva mancanza di fiato da parte di Carwin.
E' riuscito in quello in cui altri non sono riusciti, rimanere in piedi per tutto il primo Round, e al secondo Round quando la Campanella e' suonata era indubbiamente un' altra persona, psicologicamente aveva in parte passato la fase che temeva di piu' e avrebbe lottato in modo sicuramente differente, superando anche l' iniziale shock di quando ha tentato il takedown su Carwin ed e' stato abilmente rejected.
Carwin from his point was in a similar situation, his strengths were his punching power with a discrete (least efficient) its ability 'to resist the takedown of Lesnar objectively eliminating his game.
L 'Incognita instead weighed on his mind was his own stamina and endurance, since no one had ever right for more' than 1 minute and 8 seconds and the possibility 'that Lesnar was able to collect his shots. And
and 'here the difference in the second round when Lesnar memories in the' have partly exorcised its demon was about to answer that Carwin had to exorcise her now.
Unlike Lesnar Carwin there 'and even managed ampimente has shown that the suo demone era molto piu' grande di quanto si potesse pensare, Carwin non aveva quasi piu' energia, decisamente un autonomia di meno di 5 minuti per un presunto top fighter e' Inaccettabile.
Lesnar e' riuscito in poco tempo a piazzare un suo takedown, la difesa al tappeto di Carwin e' risultata quasi imbarazzante, non so se dovuto alla stanchezza o a un effettiva lacuna in quel campo, Lesnar ha guadagnato un monta cercando e passando con una fluidita' impressionante a un Side Control con relativa Choke triangle con le potenti Braccia, Carwin e' riuscito a fare pressione con il braccio per pochissimo tempo per cadere poi nella Sottomissione.
Le conclusioni vengono da Se entrambi questi lottatori hanno dei punti di forza incredibili e delle Obvious gaps, but now and while Lesnar 'could prove to have a good resistance (on which course you can' work well, since he lacks the 'habit of pain) and a high gloss' mental Carwin has been shown to fail to maintain its pace and devastating impact this' game plan that will significantly on their next opponents.
Regarding Lesnar and his circle 'is closed, and' clear that it should be able to improve on many points, and not 'even said that to succeed, but for the time being until the body will hold up' and Lesnar 'undoubtedly Dangerous and an adversary worthy champion.
Your Strengths remain the physicality ', The Takedown, andthe control the rug, but to close the circle join two things that were necessary to lead to high levels, this tactic, which is the strength and clarity that you just 'mind, we can say that the city's protective walls in front and Lesnar is' closed, while the Carwin has a hole as big as Helm's Deep after the 'Olympic Uruk Hay and' athletically Lamb that was slain to explode the rudimentary explosive device of the good old Unabomber Saruman! From

Cainos and also by Mr of the Rings and 'All I Lie I Cheat I Steal

Friday, June 25, 2010

Christian Church Anniversary Jokes

Mezze maniche ai fiori di zucca e acciughe ovvero "Torna a Surriento, sto' blog aspett' attè"

Troppo tempo distante.
Troppe cose da gestire, organizzare, vivere nella realtà reale da potersi dedicare anche a quella virtuale.
Mi firmo la giustificazione da sola.
Adesso è tempo di maggior calma.
E' tempo di tornare.
Tempo di assaporare un piatto goloso di pasta insieme ad una persona speciale.
Un piatto unico che non rubi troppo tempo.
Perchè ci sono emozioni che aspettano e non vanno fatte aspettare.
La ricetta....

è facilissima.
Aggiornamento del 8.08.2010: mi sono accorta di non avere trascritto la ricetta per intero ma solo il titolo. Me ne scuso. Rimedio ora con vergognoso ritardo. Perdonate la mia leggerezza dovuta al sole, al mare e a questa insopprimibile voglia di irresponsabilità. :)

Mezze maniche ai fiori di zucca, acciuga, scamorza e mandorle

Mezze maniche
fiori Pumpkin

salted anchovies garlic extra virgin olive oil

smoked almonds, coarsely chopped toasted

is not clean the zucchini flowers and cut in half.
in a pan with a little extra virgin olive oil gently browned garlic chopped fine and you are melting filettidi salted anchovy rinsed and dried.
Finally you add the flowers just a minute to let them dry slightly.
to cook pasta (I recommend pasta, penne or half-sleeved) and down to the tooth retaining a bit of cooking water.
mix the vegetables in the sauce is prepared with zucchini flowers, remove from heat and add the smoked cheese cut into cubes, mix and finally the minced almonds and toasted.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Time Or Money Speeches

Hello everyone,
115 UFC ppv was a really enjoyable with some great meetings, stupendo quello di CARLOS CONDIT e RORY MACDONALD anche se non ho condiviso lo stop a 10 secondi dalla Fine, gli ultimi colpi subiti non erano stati più devastanti di quelli prima, per cui o si blocca l’ incontro in anticipo, o ha poco senso spezzare cosi’ un Match, che poteva avere ben altro esito ai punti.
Ottima prova di MARTIN KAMPMANN contro PAULO THIAGO dove martin e’ riuscito a far prevalere la sua abilità di Striker colpendo pesantemente Thiago e controllando il match con una incredibile confidenza e lucidità.
Sono inoltre contentissimo per la vittoria di Crocop anche se all’ inizio del primo round l’ ho visto veramente male con quei 2 Knockdown, by the Croatian 'early second round and' managed to shift gears again putting on display his High Kick Axe Kick and a beautiful and not forgetting the striking with the arms, although it was a good test, and Mirko 'definitely more 'slow and cumbersome than in the past, it appears between' more likely to have already expressed willingness to withdraw, for reasons more than adequate, there is not, therefore, that any will congratulate him for his choice.
taste in my mouth and heart for the 'umpteenth defeat C huck Liddell against Franklin at this point you must understand if it was subdued because of his status as a performance or because of' forearm rotto dopo poco, da un tremendo high Kick di Liddel.
Sicuramente combattere con un braccio Rotto non aiuta, e merito al suo gran cuore, l’ idea di base che mi sono fatto però e’ che Franklin rimane un grande fighter ma oramai fuori dal Titolo.
Liddel era in forma smagliante piu’ asciutto e concentrato, sebbene la sua classica guardia bassa, ha sfoderato low kick, l’ high Kick che appunto ha rotto il Braccio di Franklin, e anche un bel Takedown forse un po’ fortuito ma che cmq ha dimostrato una maggiore apertura mentale nel gestire l’ incontro.
Liddel poteva tranquillamente vincere, Franklin difficilmente avrebbe affrontato il 2 round sebbene all’ intervista finale abbia sostenuto il contrario, Unfortunately the ghost of his fist to his chin struck again for the sixth time off the lights at 'Iceman. Over the past
second round with a strong support and a battered opponent, Franklin Liddel seeing behind the cage, perhaps he did not panic too much by the desire to close the match or his going but Killer Instinct 'to impact against the vehicle towing Franklin him off for the 'umpteenth time.
But how he's wrong, what would you say if Liddell had closed the 'meeting this way: A
Liddel found more' fit and more 'Slide. A
Liddel found that techniques long and miss terribly effective
A Liddel Power and the devastating fury capace di demolire l’ avversario al primo round e rompergli un Braccio

e via di seguito.

No meglio Cosi’ perche’ Liddel tutte queste cose lo è e su questo non vi è dubbio, ma purtroppo Liddel e’ anche un lottatore che ha perso tutti e 6 gli ultimi incontri con un gancio al mento dovuto alla sua negligenza e alla sua resistenza che oramai non trova dubbi non e’ più sufficente o addirittura passabile per il suo stile di combattimento.

Il gancio di Rashad e’ stato fortissimo, quello di Shogun Idem questo di Franklin e’ stato d’ incontro ma possiamo davvero dire cosi’ potente?
E anche se la risposta fosse sì, il merito e’ di Franklin or demerit is Liddel ... ... unfortunately we know the answer. With all
probailità closes the career of Iceman Chuck Liddell , and maybe 'better to have occurred at this meeting rather than the next if he won.
Why 'the idea that I have done, and' that your physical Liddel not take it anymore 'to absorb the blows and his health is not optimal.
Sometimes God provides, we hope this has been the case.
a salute to a Warrior and thanks for all the unforgettable moments that has given us.

by Cainos' s all I Lie I Cheat I Steal

Monday, May 10, 2010

Which Body Part Is Affected By Malaria

Thoughts on UFC 113

Buongiorno a tutti, normalmente me la prendo comoda e guardo l' evento un paio di giorni dopo ma questa volta non ci sono riuscito ero ansioso di vedere il rematch fra Lyoto e Rua, cosi' e' stato e cosi' sono rimasto felicemente accontentato.
Avevo pronosticato la vittoria di Rua al 2 minuto del 2 round, ma lo Shogun ha battuto ogni mia più piacevole aspettativa mandando ko il campione al Primo Round.
Questa e' una grande vittoria per Rua, dove ha dimostrato senza dubbio la sua superiorita' sull' avversario, levando di mezzo ogni ombra potesse esserci sulla scorsa prestazione, anche se l' idea generale lo aveva dato comunque per parte lesa.
C'era chi ipotizzava un' altra decisione ai punti, e chi un terzo match, this hypothesis could be plausible, and certainly think the same Rua and his team.
more reason why the conduct and Rua 'was impeccable, more' aggressive last time, and benefited from a less elusive Lyoto probably too 'he heard on his shoulders the duty to demonstrate the value of his invincibility', the right of his world title, the need 'to remove all Obre to turn the controversial decision occurred on the previous match.
With this provision of any other case or controversy rematch is definitely canceled.

Rua seems to be back this promising and feared fighter who was in Japan, seems to have overcome injuries and severe defeats on his return, seems to be back to light heavyweight Pamir.
As for the other match of the evening, and is 'seen unequivocally that there is no' future 's beloved Kimboslice in the UFC, and it Matriona' and behaved well, but 'all' but a fitgher to top category, this meeting was practically tailor made for Kimbo that part very well with two good takedowns but already in the middle 'of the first round is shown not to have more' Wind, all 'beginning of the second was already virtually immobile and it' was literally humiliated the provision of rather moderate 'opponent.
I'm sorry for the fans of Kimbo but to see him suffer any Lowkick and collapsing to the ground to be an embarrassing GNP leaves little room for any hope. Episode
well over 'disgraceful and' was what he saw Daley hit at the end of meeting, Koscheck, fortunately now blocked by the referee Miragliotta.

's meeting will not be kosheck' was spectacular but it has undoubtedly dominated all 3 rounds of neutralizing the striking Daley, this frustration has led to the fighter that already during the 'meeting and' protagonist of a knee dangerous irregular. Leaving aside the simulation
Kosheck that many have blamed, I would say that there is' nothing to discuss, not 'the success of the act and' the very action that must be condemned, the simulation that follows is of little importance e cmq e' stata subito valutata dai giudici grazie al replay.
Fatto sta che la ginocchiata in questione ha mancato Kosheck per pura fortuna e se lo avesse colpito oltre a mandarlo ko al 90% delle possibilita' avrebbe potuto avere serie conseguenze per la salute del fighter stesso.
Cosi' ecco un' altro episodio che mette una macchia sulle MMA come la sottomissione di Rousimar Palhares (vedi scorso articolo ufc111) o l' ultimo Strikeforce con la Rissa a fine main event, sono episodi di cui noi veri fan faremmo sinceramente a meno ma che a quanto sembra sono sempre piu' frequenti.
Chiudo rinnovando la mia Felicita' per la Vittoria di Rua, e con la speranza che finalmente possa mantenere sia Concentrazione che integrita' fisica, per fare godere We're in the performance of a great talent and a great champion.

by Cainos' s all I Lie I Cheat I Steal

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Topless Sunbathers On Cruise Ship

Laugh Clown ... UFC Silva vs Maia ufc112

Laugh Clown ... Cosi 'read an' air and this' the phrase that many people are dumped after the 'performance of middleweight champion Anderson Silva against Demian Maia , the criticism rained down like hail, many' s have blamed, the same Dana and not 'saved in the words for the conduct of the Champion (after tonight I have no more' desire to see St. Pierre vs. Silva)
I state that I personally do not approve of what I loved and success in the ring, or at least do not do it in its entirety.
analysis but 'the situation from somewhere in more' than the obvious lack of respect, I can say that Silva has shown a 'once more' s have a talent and a suppleness 'that go beyond' s human, the nickname spider was never given a more appropriate, and 'faster, more mobile in' that touch of creativity 'which only adds to his incredible charisma.
She teased and played with the 'opponent this' real, but he did not even Cassius Clay? Mohamed Ali or better? but not for this he was loved and hated? I think more 'the first and second.
But! There is a substantial difference '! Mohamed Ali 'at the end they closed the meetings, if there was something really fun,' said that if the 3rd down on the 3rd you went down, there was little to do.
'Error Silva has not' been in managing the 'meeting, the last time with Griffin and the' way more 'than good, it seems clear that the tactic was the same, cause, to demoralize and counterattack quietly throw saw his athletic ability.
Maia but there's no 'T his eq fallen, not because' Griffin is a Boccalone a Maia and Ganz, simply because 'latter' was more 'intimidated Griffin, in fact we say that Griffin was shy and Maia was literally terrified. How
blame him, knowing that being in front of Anderson Silva 's only hope of victory, and' bring the fight to the ground but in the meantime, undergoing three rounds for the occasional shots that we face and legs swell, the meter 'opponent stands still for a moment turn scorned and aborting attacks.
And here comes the 'mistake,' cause the Good Silva at this point would have to close the 'meeting, but continued his little show and what does' success, the theater slowly and' past the boring phase to phase pathetic, without taking in the meantime Maia 3 round down and taken too many punches and has started to react in some juncture especially at 'last to a very incisive.
At this point I wonder if he was not entitled to better than that official warning made by 'referee in practice one minute from the end of the fifth round, should not have happened to' the beginning of the fourth ....... .
Anyway these are the only points that I want to analyze the others are rather obvious or subjective, and 'was a tactic? and the 'out of hand? to 'start Maia was not attacked in any way and Silva made it tit for tat to 4 and 5 rounds?
not matter Silva could fight safely fought as if it had completed its' third round match at the end all be here to worship him as a demigod, a 'once more without any doubt, and probably we'll be thinking of what is now' clear enough, for its characteristics should definitely leave the average weights and the maximum light switch on a permanent basis, would create more 'occasions for him and for us.
Unfortunately, the 'closed, and then instead of sitting in on who we'll discuss in Evans or Rampage or even date Carwin or Velasquez' s statement of the same See also Silva at heavyweight, I could put the rug, we say
Laugh clown though his heart broken but you do not have many of Fans waiting to see your fight their preferred specimen for a long time.
From Cainos is all I Lie I Cheat I Steal

Can I Reserve A Flight

111 what should and should not be .....

UFC 111 what should and should not be .....

paybackisabitchmthfkrlo UFC and 'past and GSP won, nothing new under the sun you might say, but I would say that is new under the sun there are things because' is not quite as important as winning and 'managed to win.
Hardy and 'after Rumble Johnson, welterweight more' heavy, obviously no one ever will come 'Rumble levels but also in the case of the Hardy cutWeight has a significant effect.
Gsp and 'managed to dominate the' meeting from 'start to finish, leading all the takedown to score with a precision of a sniper, managing the' meeting ground and dominating until the 'last second, Hardy is not' managed to do just about anything if not, and this 'to pay tribute, quit two incredible submissions, which have proved his character, his pain tolerance and flexibility' joint in order of importance. Gsp
But with his victory not only has taken a further doubt on 'effective its Wrestling, we now know it also works with the big ones, but there has also removed the doubt whether or not it is a great champion.
Gsp and 'a great champion, now who could challenge them has already beaten everyone, but especially and 'a champion of ethics,' cause lets the 'armbar where perhaps truly as he says he made a mistake and has not' failed to close the 'meeting, without detracting from the courage and skill Hardy, but in the second occasion, four shot to the Kimura and 'was much left, GSP put key in the arm has a crazy twist, Hardy seems to hint at the tap but it does not Gsp has also continued to get pulled Hardi to give up seeing that Hardy did not 'have ever done has just loosened his grip and let go, obviously stronger in the third round and complete domination in the fourth act that followed the same line and' a decision which can 'be taken, but There are three factors.

1) It 'an incredible example of fair play and respect regardless of whether you are winning or not, recognizing what the person is able to resist the risk and decide to make him run free with a gesture like that personally and' beautiful .
2) is not 'loosen the grip was very publicly, but just enough to allow Hardy to come out and make cmq honor, personally' I only noticed during the replay live in I had not noticed.
3) The magic of 'UFC and' everyone can 'happen, even if under complete domination and take advantage given the opportunity' to fight to your opponent for another round and a half 'a risk is not just how many meetings and 'seen dominated and lost to a fault or an adverse fortune. Maybe it will

'was just me, or rather if so' was my imagination, but rather on the 'episode and I think you will also notice, GSP does not do any statement about Kimura going to argue on' armbar, cmq Bravo StPierre great heart and tenacity who buys a lot of points for Hardy Viva Respect in MMA.

And to crown this great act of respect in the cage for a level playing field could not miss it, but whoever does completely the 'opposite, and it' s so that we saw in 'meeting Rousimar Palhares vs Tomasz Drwala quest 'last slide in a simple pull calcium and Palhares that not only is thrown like a child of 'Angola on a ham sandwich on' opponent, but since there is' the square a nice HellHook that lasts for 5 seconds, say 5 seconds after the tap, something that is not seen since the days of Babalu Sobral. Look
'cause he' s amazing

from the first tap to which the screams start after 1 second, there are almost took another 3 for the 'arrival' s and 2 others to albitro Palhares that L 'referee was telling him to stop!

is that 's what you should and should not be seen on the one hand there is' a sample from 'the other an idiot, and do not tell me about racing because trance' honestly I do not think the reason mainly of what happened, it seems to me that this fighter has other problems to solve, cmq suspension of 3 months and cher had 'ridiculous to be considered, (' cause he fought for three months before the event? ? I do not think so) especially for you and 'risk to career Drwala

with this should be all by Cainos I Lie I Cheat I Steal

Frecunce Chanell Six Nelsat

UFC 1 on Versus "Vera vs. Jones" Do not Want To raise

UFC 1 on Versus "Vera vs. Jones


Hello everyone I'm back to writing after a lot 'of time, unfortunately period full of commitments, but I'm happy to write back to being able to celebrate a importante vittoria del nostro connazionale Sakara Avvenuta la scorsa settimana a Ufc On Versus.

Complimenti Sakara , e non solo per la vittoria che in se per se e' importante ma non sempre araldo di sviluppo e progressione, ma per il nuovo approchment che incontro dopo incontro sto vedendo.
La progressione che sta finalmente avendo questo atleta, e' decisamente tangibile, e' attento professionale da l' impressione di essere sempre reattivo lucido, sara' perche' ha raggiunto piu' sicurezza, sara' perche' finalmente non si sente piu' di dover dimostrare quel qualcosa ma solo di combattere, sara' quel che sara', ma il Sakara che ho visto negli ultimi 2 incontri e' nella mia personale opinione definitely a cut above the previous year.
As for the other meetings of this enjoyable event (I would say far more 'enjoyable the last two PPV) I saw a Cheik Kongo was impressed that after two tough defeats and return to the' black man of the past.
impress against Boutell was not easy, but big-hearted fighter macth dream I would not say, so 'maybe he tried showing off an unusual Wrestling, as if to say, now I understand .... I can not look only to pull punches and kicks.
personality there is' successful, if not for the first 5 minutes that I was surprised seeing rightly Kongo Takedown go continuously, for the rest of the 'impression' that his technique if he does not clean had against an opponent a bit more 'expert in close combat you probably would find the same Guillotine given to him by Mir in the last experience.
So Kongo do well to progress in the fight, there 'still lots to do, but still my best wishes!

Junior Dos Santos 's always more' a pleasure to see him fight, regardless of my dislike for Gorillone Gonzaga and 'well-known, and then I can only enjoy in it with his legs to' air, Santos with this victory sends a clear Message Mir Lesnar and Velasquez, they came well in Zone Do Santos, and is' a danger zone, 'cause and Cigano' attention does not show obvious gaps and it looks like he needs a port of 'hands for weapons, I do not consider to be the' only one who believed they were facing the future heavyweight champion.

I'm sorry for Vera and happy for Jones, surely this young athlete will give us' still probably will 'push a little' old hand at the Dana you do not teach anything but 'very promising' s only shortcoming that I noticed and 'the defense on the ground, although he was in position Open Guard his arm was a bit' too relaxed and at risk of armbar (in fact also noted by Goldberg in the record) for the rest of his wrestling and 'copy and the its ability 'to use your elbows high and versatile as hell, and' just because of his elbow to take Vera surprise and cause a triple fracture of the eye, perhaps Vera has had some 'bad luck but by calculating that it' already the second time I have said, and that two signs are a test, isinua doubt that we need a new approach its meetings, which seemed to be a new Verve match exactly with the drop in class, but that in 'match against Couture and' let slip the victory on two Mounth Position and this time after the distraction on the elbow, may have left an escape cobattente submission victory over a talented but definitely only 22 years ..... ! From

Cainos' s all
I Lie I Cheat I Steal