Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Raise Suspension On A Sled

4 in one shot

In a single post here with 4 new summary was sent to me. For more information, click on .

David Tonarini
The great state of Nam experienced a situation of prosperity, but with few precedents in its glorious history, but all is not rosy as it seems. The Council of Wise Men, political leadership of the people, it is increasingly spaccato da vari attriti e incomprensioni, e la stabilità duramente raggiunta sembra destinata a sfaldarsi.
Lo stregone Aban, beniamino delle genti, è chiamato a far parte del Concilio per aiutare i saggi a ripristinare l'equilibrio. Ma l'astuto Nailo propone, al posto di Aban, il suo giovane allievo: l'inquietante Korsen
I Saggi stabiliscono che entrerà  nel Concilio chi saprà portare a Setdur il Cristallo dell'Anima.
La ricerca della mistica e preziosa pietra porterà i due stregoni in terre molto lontane, dove mali misteriosi e insospettati complotti stanno prendendo forma.

Dèi schiavi
Federico Granzotto
Il romanzo è ambientato in un lontano futuro. Il progresso tecnologico ha reso possibile caricare le proprie menti in potenti calcolatori, e gradualmente gli esseri umani hanno abbandonato la realtà fisica per trasferirsi in universi virtuali appositamente creati, dove ogni cosa è possibile e ogni limite fisico è vinto. Coloro che controllano i vari “sistemi”sono eterni e onnipotenti. Questi “sovrani” sono però costretti a fronteggiare un temibile nemico: la Noia. Pur di vincerla, il potentissimo Xnor, ha instaurato una tirannia assoluta e spietata, turning into a hell life of the inhabitants of his virtual universe: artificial intelligence, but also human, obtained by defeating other "lords of the system" and taking possession of their databases. In an imaginary world, and medieval, is mysteriously transported Argoc, hibernate scientist who became the twenty-first century, and woke up in the body of Lord Van Avlen, local army commander. This is combined with strange companions, including a master system, in that mysterious world woke up in the body of a woman, after being deposed and captured by powerful rival. Lost and unaware of where they are, they are involved in a series of events that are risking their lives. Saranno aiutati dal potere di misteriosi ciondoli neri di forma tetragonale, che scoprono di avere entrambi al collo. Si chiamano belith, donano doti sovrumane, e possono essere rimossi solo dopo la morte del portatore. Esiste inoltre il Belith Reale, una sfera scarlatta in possesso del re di quel mondo medievale. Il signore del sistema ha indetto una gara, e ha promesso a chi avrebbe conquistato la sfera la possibilità di sfuggire dal suo dispotismo, e il diritto a creare un proprio universo virtuale dove regnare. Altri portatori di belith cercheranno di appropriarsi del Belith Reale, e saranno disposti ad assassinii e tradimenti di ogni genere pur di assaporare, o riassaporare, l’ebbrezza dell’onnipotenza. Un vero e proprio gioco al massacro sta per cominciare. Al solo scopo, naturalmente, di divertire il sadico Xnor. Ma una strabiliante sorpresa li aspetta...

Riccardo De Sanctis  
Cosa distingue il "racconto" dal "romanzo"? Soltanto la brevità, che ne può anche rappresentare un pregio, se la storia contiene tutti i classici elementi narrativi: se è concisa ma completa, con un incipit invitante, una trama suggestiva, un finale coerente ma inaspettato, i personaggi ben delineati, pur in rapida sintesi.
Questa raccolta, con l’intento di rispettare these conditions, it proposes some "stages" of reading easier of the ongoing "route" on a unified text, but equally challenging.
The reader will meet many curious stories of the protagonists:
  • A fictional character in contrast with its author;
  • A fan of crime novels pushed to make a real "perfect crime";
  • A company executive threatened by a dark omen;
  • A modest guest lawyer in mysterious castle of the old classmate;
  • A young Camorra fought between good and evil ...
and other interpreters, real or illusory, of the varied human comedy.

Various Authors
This anthology from the competition between the name 'The new poets ", the first reserved for poetry writing contest launched by the publisher Demito.
The songs in this book have been chosen partly right in between the winners and finalists of the two editions (2009 and 2010) of the said competition.
To make the boundary between the finalists of the two different editions, a collection of poetry finalists or winners of other competitions organized by us - to some specific theme, other regularly organized - along with some poems by a few "guest of honor," and you? distinct positive between the various authors who have contacted us.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Does Shag Band Colours Mean

Ancora Gluten Free: Torta di carote, mandorle e cocco glassata con ganache al cioccolato fondente

not resist a small book, and books on chocolate and chocolate desserts.
In Italian, other languages, who cares, the photos speak for themselves.
last purchase "Chocolate & Co Food Editore jumped out of this cake, easy to prepare.
I've also seen around the web and believe it, so quick and so tasty is irresistible. Without
flour and fat. Yet
is pretty soft.
And the icing ... I want to talk ?.....

carrot cake, almonds and coconut with dark chocolate ganache icing to

for a cake pan with a diameter of 24
300 gr carrots

150 grams almond flour 150 g sugar 150 g coconut flour

3 eggs 1 tablespoon baking powder

for ganache

fresh cream 150 gr 150 gr 70% dark chocolate Preheat the

oven to 170 degrees.
Finely grate the carrots with a mixer and pour into a bowl.
Add the ground almonds, sugar and mix well.
Then add the coconut flour and eggs, the yeast in last fall from a sieve to prevent lumps.
Mix well.
Pour into buttered and floured (gluten-free version to use rice flour). Level
well. Bake for about
10 minutes at 170 degrees then raise to 180 ° and continue baking for another 40 minutes.
oven and allow to cool without touching.
then remove and place on wire rack.
Prepare the chocolate ganache cutting tiny pieces in a bowl.
Warm the cream until boiling and then pour over chocolate.
Wait a minute or so and then begin to stir until the chocolate has not incorporated all the cream.
Cool slightly and glaze the cake by pouring the ganache over the surface, edges and sides.
Put in refrigerator to harden.
Once the ganache has hardened, hold at room temperature.
It 's very good the next day.

Figurine Mark Blue Crossed Germany

Ebook to write, publish, promote and sell your book, only 5 €!

Here it is finally here!

This is the cover of my ebook " write, publish, promote and sell your book " with ideas, tips and many resources for writers and aspiring.

will find:

how to write what to write
different ways to publish online and offline promotion

other resources for marketing

all this for only € 5, now with downloadable download at Lulu.

Blog I invite you the book on

to learn more, read the page and on Scribd more info.

awaits you, thank you!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Western Necklace Pendants Concho


publishing this book review of Marco Costa , "Two maroni so " edited by Another World Publisher.

the author writes: "This book tells my story personale.Non
are a professional writer, but this was the only system that
satisfy the need to tell me. Prologue: A Life, a
history specchio.Un a 'childhood like many, adolescence with
excesses that turn into obsession and maturity made of compulsive acts
wet alcohol. In excess. The mirror of a life of a man who has lived
. On the road, among the people, taking everything. "

Review by Emmanuel Prophete, curator of the site "Writer
( /):"..." I only read the first pages
if I did not like ... I liked to cut
that you gave him from the outset, without masks and then read it and say
..... ok now the protagonist discovers the woman of his life,
exit the tunnel .... and yet life goes on the usual binary
common to many where our weaknesses often are the masters ...
is therefore a novel 'coherent', life has not always end
comforting as all books and blockbuster movies, and then art
should be according to me like life: authentic, raw, raw, hurt,
dirty, uncertain ... And I think that the pages also reveal the healing power that
Writing the book has had in
against the writer, maybe it just me, but I
the impression that a book is useful to the reader as well and strongly
who wrote it ... and who wrote it tells
widespread problems and that few are able to tell with so much
'honesty' and I would say courage. Yes, courage. "

Blog with other reviews:

How To Raise Suspesion On Snowmobile

GILBERT Paraschi

Stumble this site Parascheva Gilbert, author of books and poems. You can learn more, read poetry, discover his music and much reading his web space.

Here's the link:

visit it!