Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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Cuddles for breakfast: bread sweet chocolate cream puffs

Fatto con la macchina del pane.
Dovevo provarla, quale ricetta migliore di una coccola alla mattina?
Impastato, lievitato e cotto.
Tutto in tre ore e dieci.

La forma finale è da fungo/plumcake abnorme ma il gusto è decisamente intrigante.
La ricetta è quella del ricettario incluso nella macchina del pane, con qualche piccola modifica.


(mettere nel cestello gli ingredienti nell'ordine qui sotto)

400 ml latte tiepido
1 uovo intero
100 gr formaggio morbido tipo quark (ho usato un simil-philadelfia light) in alternativa si possono usare 90 gr di burro morbido
1 cucchiaino sale
8 cucchiaini zucchero
600 gr farina 00
5 cucchiai cacao amaro
100 gr gocce cioccolato
dark beer 1 tablespoon granulated yeast (I used one of the Lidl which is excellent)

Set the program 4 (baking sweet bread), bread, weighing 1250 g, very golden crust.
After finishing the last phase of dough, remove the hooks so it will break bread once extracted from the basket.
When cooked, it transforms, it is cool on a wire rack and cut into fairly thick slices, keeping them for a few days in a tightly closed plastic bag.
If you do not have the bread machine, simply mix all the ingredients to make an initial rise of about 30 minutes, then remix briefly and let it rise already in the mold (or form, you can also sandwiches or briochine because the dough is very workable) for 1 h.
Brush the surface of milk and bake.
Bake at 200 degrees for about 30 to 40 minutes, depending on whether the bread is a unique shape or form small, in which case reduce the cooking time.

at 20:04:10 Update: if done in the bread machine, my advice (after testing) is to use half-dose rather than the whole because it is a perfect shape, which is not to deflate by pressing against the lid of the machine .

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Closet Maid Vs Rubbermaid

of St. Joseph stragglers .... Interregional

not fried.
Baked and stuffed with chantilly cream.
Well, good anyway. And above all
I have succeeded.
That is a great achievement after years of attempts ended in "pancakes".
The recipe I saw in "Softly" by Santin, made by a chef can not remember which famous restaurant.

The recipe calls for, horrified, even a hint of yeast.
and margarine, because it should help it to rise, but can not remember how and why. And if
yeast and margarine if you allow a world-famous chef, I can never deny myself, humble performer of other people's recipes?
So, yeast and margarine are.

puffs (pastry or choux)

90 gr flour 90 gr margarine 210 gr

water 3 eggs small (or 2 large)
¼ teaspoon baking

a pinch of salt Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
Heat the water with the margarine to boiling, stirring to dissolve all the margarine.
Add a pinch of salt.
Remove from heat and pour all the flour sifted with baking powder in one fell swoop, stirring to mix.
Put on the heat and simmer, stirring at least until the dough does not come away from sides of pan.
Pour in the planetary and let go of the soft dough hook at low speed.
Add an egg and a little increase the speed until the dough is mixed, and then add another egg and so on.
not add an egg until the previous one has not fully incorporate.
Now put everything in the pastry bag.
Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper, buttering both above and below the paper.
With the pastry bag to form tufts of well-spaced from one another, or strips (for eclairs).
With a wet finger of water back to the "pin" of the bunch and bake for about 30 minutes without ever opening the oven door.
Fritters should start to "grow" and swell after about twenty minutes.
After the first 30 minutes, lower temperature to 160 degrees and leave in oven for 20 minutes (this helps to cook the inside of puffs).
When they are golden, let it cool on a wire rack.
You can freeze for a few days or store in airtight boxes.
The filling is made with two thirds to one third of custard and whipped cream without sugar.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Do Scorpio Men Know They Hurt You

: Spatzle herb sauce and walnuts Ligurian

When two recipes from different regions meet.
making a delicious dish.
I do not pretend to "create".
not ever.
only "mix".
to lack of time I decide not to do pansotti Liguria. But
walnut sauce I already prepared, almost in a trance, I had to do it, I could not help it after reading the recipe.
What dress? One thing
fast, good.

The spatzle.
with herbs.
was missing was the cheese and then the ingredients are the same as pansotti.
Well, it's very very well but sometimes are a bit lenient with my choices.
sooner said than done.

Spatzle herbs (recipe Marinab of Coquinaria)

for 4

300 g flour 3 eggs 200 ml milk

herbs boiled

blending with the blender and everything is kept in the refrigerator covered with film. Then he warms
a pot with salted water, and with the specific equip the mixture is poured into boiling water.
spatzle When they are cooked, they float and then collect them with a strainer and place in a bowl, remove the water that will be formed and season.
are also great with tomato sauce or just butter and Parmesan.

walnut sauce (recipe Coquinaria Edy's)

200 grams of walnuts
garlic 1 tablespoon pine nuts

salt 5 tablespoons Parmesan
boiling water Blend all
adding water until it becomes silky.
Store in refrigerator.
When you used to dressing, dilute with a little water to cook pasta.

NB - spatzle need to make the special tool and a lot of good will and patience because it gets dirty all the cooking especially if you are a beginner .. :)
- the walnut sauce is also excellent eaten by the spoonful, seeing is believing.

Monday, March 15, 2010

What To Write A Message In A Book

The Mayonnaise sciuè sciuè: miracles of the blender ....

time to dare. After
baguettes, mayonnaise now.
My grandmother scandalized if he knew that is made with blender.
But anyhow.
must be in step with the times.
Benvenga also the blender for that time, one-off that the shrimp cocktail (flat very vintage, very 70's) I like to make a sauce rosa fatta con maionese homemade....

Ricetta facile facile, presa da Felix di www.cucinainsimpatia.net.
Modificata un pò nella quantità di olio che ho diminuito un pò.
Il sapore è leggero, poco "uovoso" e poco "limonoso", insomma, come piace a me.


200 ml olio di semi di mais bio
1 uovo
2 cucchiai di aceto bianco
1 cucchiaino di succo di limone
1 pizzico di sale fino

Mettere nel bicchiere del minipimer gli ingredienti nell'ordine indicato e iniziare a frullare: in circa due minuti la maionese è pronta.
Tutto qui.
Superfacile, no?
Viene densa e si conserva in frigo per a few days. With baguette
the previous post there is a wonder ....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Can U Paint The Metal On Shower Enclosures

Ça va sans dire: trying Baguette ..... American

I knew that sooner or later we would fall.
So much so that recently I took the mold. Still wrapped
was waiting for me in a sly corner of the kitchen.
"Sooner or later we helmets, you believe that .." seemed to say every time I opened the door and get scanned for the baking pies for her partner shelf.
I relented. There are

Complice a semi-complete rest from recovering that forces me to find distractions from boredom of the daily trip sofa / chair / sofa.
I tried. The result
is discrete.
cuts do not go well, the gold plating could be better (I want to try the malt that helps the caramelization of the crust).
But the taste is great. And
are great the next day, they become rubbery.
an easy recipe that I found absolutely can not remember where (a French site) and I changed the composition of the meal, I added the durum wheat flour that was not foreseen in the original recipe.


300 g warm water 25 g fresh yeast 1 teaspoon sugar

200 g durum wheat flour
290 gr 00 flour 2 teaspoons salt

In bread machine pay the amount of water, yeast and sugar for several minutes so the yeast dissolves. Then
flour, lastly the salt.
Set the "Dough" (in my dough + is rising, duration 1h 30 'in total).
When time has elapsed, turn the dough on a floured work surface and knead by hand a little work.
Divide the dough into four parts to about 200 grams each.
Spread each side with the help of a rolling pin to form a rectangle.
Roll the rectangle from the long side and then "rolled" on the work table to stretch a little shape (depending on the final length of the mold or shape).
Put the mold and do the same with the other three portions of batter.
allow to rise covered with a cloth dampened in a place away from drafts and cold.
For those who have the mold, you can arrange the shapes on a floured cloth thoroughly to prevent them from attacking, spacing out the forms with the folds of the same cloth (see the first pic on the left to find out more). Proving
in shape for about 1 h.
Turn on the oven and preheat it well for about half an hour, just before adding to fire up a bowl of water on the bottom for humidity.
Discover the baguette, drill three longitudinal cuts with a razor blade (holding horizontally over form) and dust with flour.
Bake for about 25 minutes until golden.
My oven is gas, so I always find it difficult to come to a crust superdorata but who has the oven should not have problems.
When cooked, remove from the oven immediately and let them cool on a wire rack.

Friday, March 5, 2010

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inside: Pancake as cranberries

a lazy morning.
I open the shutters.
Outside it's still cold despite the sun so blatant that invigorates the green grass just born.
I did not feel like doing much.
I have to force re-order thoughts.
Maybe for me, back under the quilt to sleep.
be easy.
The black cat looks at me. The
sguardo è compassionevole.
Povera umana che non sei altro, pensavi di poter oziare..
E invece no, solo noi felini possiamo permettercelo.
Mi arrendo all'idea.
Torno a riordinare i pensieri.
Che c'è da fare?
Spesa poi qualche commissione.
Ma almeno mi concedo una colazione "comme il faut".

Con i pancakes.
Tanto si fanno in un attimo.
Mescola, versa, cuoci.
Fumanti nei piatti, poi ognuno ci versa ciò che preferisce.
Buoni con il miele, superbi con la Nutella.
Però...un pò mappazzosi.
Ma ogni tanto ci vuole.
E per dirla alla Sordi "Forti st'americani"....

Pancakes with cranberries

(the recipe is taken from the site www.joyofbaking.com slightly modified)

for about 12 pancakes diameter 6

130 gr self raising flour 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 large egg

240 ml buttermilk 1 pinch

salt 40 gr melted butter, dried cranberries

NB if you do not find the buttermilk can be obtained with 240 ml of milk mixed with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, let stand for about 10 minutes.

In a bowl combine the flour and sugar.
In another bowl beat the egg and add the buttermilk and melted butter and warmed.
Combine all at once the egg mixture, butter and buttermilk the flour and stir quickly not too thoroughly.
The mixture should be lumpy.
If you want to prepare the dough in advance, will keep in refrigerator for 24 hours in an airtight container.
Heat a frying pan (or if you have to in sections round) pass a dirty brush of butter.
Pour the batter by spoonfuls, about a tablespoon and a half to a small pancake.
Spread quickly on each pancake a little cranberries.
Wait a few seconds and then turn, making brown the other side.
Serve hot with maple syrup or honey or whatever you want.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

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