Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wart In Urethra Opening

Incidente mortale sul ring per Mitsuharu Misawa

Mitsuharu Misawa , 47, several times heavyweight champ and maximum torque and founder of Pro Wrestling NOAH, a major Japanese federations, considered one of the best Japanese wrestlers of the 90s, died from the consequences of an accident in the ring during a match that saw the pair together a Go Shiozaki, Bison Smith and Akitoshi Saito deal in Hiroshima for the Cup title GHC.

Misawa, also famous for playing the gimmick of Tiger Mask II, remained lifeless on the carpet after a belly-to-back suplex performed by Saito and defined, even routine, a 7 on a scale of 1 hazard 10.

The match was of course immediately suspended and have now begun feverish resuscitation attempts, unfortunately in vain.

Misawa is not clear if he died during transport to hospital directly, or if already in the ring despite the rescue.

credits: f4wonline.com

The Japanese newspaper Mainichi Daily News reported today that Mitsuharu Misawa is dead because of the consequences of an injury to the cervical vertebrae, due to the impact of a back suplex, the latest move had undergone. Misawa is not then died of a heart attack as was thought at first. Although the family has tried to cover up the reasons for his death, some journalists were able to get news from the hospital where he had been.

Another victim of this business, this time not 'drugs or steroids to claim a life, but the simple essence of the wrestling represents the essence that can not understand anyone talking about it can not be said better and that 'all fake.
The Good Old Newton and 'dummy, and against him you can not' fight, the wrestler who recite their part in the ring and create a spectacular spot, risk, risk every time you throw that let drop, and the mere fact that they are called stuntman does not mean that they are indestructible.
Former Tiger Mask 2 was an expert in a sample and a man devoted to the sport, but a mistake (yet to be ascertained whether he fell ill or if the 'evil have launched) led him away from all this.
My condolences goes with this large sample

From Cainos' s all I Lie I Cheat I Steal

Friday, June 5, 2009

Can You Register A Car In Another State

Morto david Carradine

Well Hello everyone, it seems there will always someone's death to take me to write, and genuinely Fio the comparison is not what the 'best and fair.
Yesterday 'was found dead one of the actors who feel' close, the day before I had posted on Facebook the final scene of Kill Bill where he was killed by a beautiful Uma Thurman with the technique of the heart that explodes at the touch of the 5 fingers.
David Carradine was famous, but not so 'famous also because 'his important appearances can be counted on one hand.
For lovers of a niche genre was an example of philosophy and drama, such as Tarantino, who chose it 's important role as Bill, but for many others it was completely unknown, or worse than that was a bald Kung It was when I was little ...... They are incredible
his monologue in Kill Bill also helped by a beautiful Italian voice actor, but his gestures and facial expressions of his face had the magic.
E 'was found hanged in a room of a Hotel in Bangkok, not' as yet know whether suicide or an erotic game that went wrong, I honestly do not care. For me
Carradine is the Monaco of Shaolin Kung Fu and Kill Bill to Bill and so ' will remember '

by cainos' s all I Lie I Cheat I Steal