Segnalo l'intervista che ho fatto all'autore sul sito Ambiente Trentino
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Are Schools Responsible For Theft
Chocolate chip cookies: come spazzare via il grigiore
raining in the morning when you open the window after the night and try to breathe that one day will be waiting for you.
raining in the afternoon when you leave work and not Looking forward to the warm refuge of home.
And everything is gray.
But chocolate chip cookies can give color to a gray day with rain.
Maybe a cup of milk.
The recipe comes from the site of Moka Coquinaria, even though I decreased the amount of sugar from 200 grams to 150 grams and I did not put the nuts because I had not.
for about 28 large cookies
225 gr soft butter 150 g sugar 150 g
brown sugar 2 large eggs 420 gr flour 00
1 tsp (level) baking soda sodium
a bit
teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons extract di vaniglia (oppure una bacca)
250 gr gocce di cioccolato fondente o al latte
150 gr nocciole tostate tritate
Preriscaldare il forno a 180°.
Lavorare il burro con i due tipi di zucchero finchè non diventa una crema spumosa.
Aggiungere un uovo alla volta amalgamando bene finchè non è omogeneo prima di aggiungere il successivo (se le uova sono piccole, allora sono 3).
Aggiungere anche la vaniglia.
In un'altra ciotola mescolare insieme la farina, il bicarbonato e sale setacciati.
Aggiungere gli ingredienti secchi al composto di burro e uova e amalgamare.
Aggiungere le gocce di cioccolato (e le nocciole).
Foderare delle teglie basse con carta forno e versare l'impasto (deve essere morbido ma maneggevole) in piccole palline (crca un cucchiaio abbondante) bene distanziate poichè cuocendo si allargano molto.
Infornare e far cuocere per almeno 20 minuti, finchè il bordo è dorato e il centro morbido.
Sfornare e far raffreddare completamente prima di maneggiarli.
Io ho usato tre teglie e ne ho infornato una alla volta; quelle con i biscotti ancora crudi le ho lasciate fuori dal frigo senza problemi.
raining in the morning when you open the window after the night and try to breathe that one day will be waiting for you.
raining in the afternoon when you leave work and not Looking forward to the warm refuge of home.
And everything is gray.
But chocolate chip cookies can give color to a gray day with rain.
Maybe a cup of milk.
The recipe comes from the site of Moka Coquinaria, even though I decreased the amount of sugar from 200 grams to 150 grams and I did not put the nuts because I had not.
for about 28 large cookies
225 gr soft butter 150 g sugar 150 g
brown sugar 2 large eggs 420 gr flour 00
1 tsp (level) baking soda sodium
a bit
teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons extract di vaniglia (oppure una bacca)
250 gr gocce di cioccolato fondente o al latte
150 gr nocciole tostate tritate
Preriscaldare il forno a 180°.
Lavorare il burro con i due tipi di zucchero finchè non diventa una crema spumosa.
Aggiungere un uovo alla volta amalgamando bene finchè non è omogeneo prima di aggiungere il successivo (se le uova sono piccole, allora sono 3).
Aggiungere anche la vaniglia.
In un'altra ciotola mescolare insieme la farina, il bicarbonato e sale setacciati.
Aggiungere gli ingredienti secchi al composto di burro e uova e amalgamare.
Aggiungere le gocce di cioccolato (e le nocciole).
Foderare delle teglie basse con carta forno e versare l'impasto (deve essere morbido ma maneggevole) in piccole palline (crca un cucchiaio abbondante) bene distanziate poichè cuocendo si allargano molto.
Infornare e far cuocere per almeno 20 minuti, finchè il bordo è dorato e il centro morbido.
Sfornare e far raffreddare completamente prima di maneggiarli.
Io ho usato tre teglie e ne ho infornato una alla volta; quelle con i biscotti ancora crudi le ho lasciate fuori dal frigo senza problemi.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Full Basketball Courts, Nj
Pubblico volentieri la recensione di Federica Gazzani on his book "African Chant"
Canto African Federica Gazzani won the third edition of the Literary Prize "The Chameleon" and was ranked second in 8th Literary Contest "The Rush" in 2004.
Canto African recounts, in autobiographical form, a trip made in 1979 in Africa. Journey, thanks to the abuse and harassment, it becomes an adventure for Federica sinking in sinuosity of the heart. Because of the heart, emotions and sensibility is infused throughout the novel. Federica proves, in his first, a descriptive prose is also very natural in moments of tension, which leads the reader to empathize with her and suffer hunger and oppression of Danny, a Cameroonian singer-songwriter known for the case and who is playing. A push is the desire for knowledge, curiosity in a land far away and mysterious, but also the ignorance of a twenty-five leaving the certainties of life ordered by a university student, to deal with unknowns in itself synonymous with adventure.
The desire for knowledge and contacts with the 'other' is also reflected in the moments of pain, when returning home is becoming increasingly impossible: "In the days of desperation, I descended into the street to play with children who, for via white skin, I considered it a kind of attraction. I hopped around chanting Yovo, Yovo, and I took advantage, not without shame and guilt, of some of their snacks. "
The lack of action against the diversity, the spirit of adaptation, acceptance and determination in not wanting to succumb - made with simple language and simple - make the book a valuable starting point for reflection on our live west, punctuated most of the time from the hustle and preconceptions. And the pace, with its vital energy, is made essential by the naturalness of the movements in Africa, from everyday of the songs from the meeting with Manu Dibango in the recording studio.
music as the backbone and common denominator, even in the stillness of night Equatorial, so different and intimate: "I looked at the sky wondering how many others were doing the same thing, and he seemed to answer: thousands of stars were shining just a few inches from my nose, with a sheen that take your breath away. I felt totally belong. I could feel fear or loss, but sank his head in the blanket, I relaxed in the embrace of the warm sand and fell asleep happy, despite the bitter cold. "
The poignant outpourings of God with Federico in the depth of African sunsets, make palpable its fragility and desperate for solace. Solo la propria legge morale le dà la forza di superare situazioni forse risolutive ma discutibili. Anche l’amore ha la sua parte e la sostiene, dal rapporto sereno con Diego prima, al conflitto lacerante che un prepotente colpo di fulmine le provoca: ”Quando alzò la testa, il suo sguardo incontrò casualmente il mio. E lì si fermò... ma, mio malgrado, anche tutto il resto. Di colpo, mi sembrò di non avere più la terra sotto i piedi, mi girava leggermente la testa e le gambe sembravano non reggermi più, ma non era una sensazione sgradevole. Ondate di calore partivano dall'inguine e mi invadevano fino alla punta dei capelli. Non riuscivo a muovermi, non riuscivo a staccare i miei occhi dai suoi. Forse avevo smesso even to breathe. "
The experience that, or rather" sung "by Federico, reveals all its regret for the abandonment of a land and a people who lived as their own. An opening to Africa and his charm, his music and love, to be read in one breath.
Pubblico volentieri la recensione di Federica Gazzani on his book "African Chant"
Canto African Federica Gazzani won the third edition of the Literary Prize "The Chameleon" and was ranked second in 8th Literary Contest "The Rush" in 2004.
Canto African recounts, in autobiographical form, a trip made in 1979 in Africa. Journey, thanks to the abuse and harassment, it becomes an adventure for Federica sinking in sinuosity of the heart. Because of the heart, emotions and sensibility is infused throughout the novel. Federica proves, in his first, a descriptive prose is also very natural in moments of tension, which leads the reader to empathize with her and suffer hunger and oppression of Danny, a Cameroonian singer-songwriter known for the case and who is playing. A push is the desire for knowledge, curiosity in a land far away and mysterious, but also the ignorance of a twenty-five leaving the certainties of life ordered by a university student, to deal with unknowns in itself synonymous with adventure.
The desire for knowledge and contacts with the 'other' is also reflected in the moments of pain, when returning home is becoming increasingly impossible: "In the days of desperation, I descended into the street to play with children who, for via white skin, I considered it a kind of attraction. I hopped around chanting Yovo, Yovo, and I took advantage, not without shame and guilt, of some of their snacks. "
The lack of action against the diversity, the spirit of adaptation, acceptance and determination in not wanting to succumb - made with simple language and simple - make the book a valuable starting point for reflection on our live west, punctuated most of the time from the hustle and preconceptions. And the pace, with its vital energy, is made essential by the naturalness of the movements in Africa, from everyday of the songs from the meeting with Manu Dibango in the recording studio.
music as the backbone and common denominator, even in the stillness of night Equatorial, so different and intimate: "I looked at the sky wondering how many others were doing the same thing, and he seemed to answer: thousands of stars were shining just a few inches from my nose, with a sheen that take your breath away. I felt totally belong. I could feel fear or loss, but sank his head in the blanket, I relaxed in the embrace of the warm sand and fell asleep happy, despite the bitter cold. "
The poignant outpourings of God with Federico in the depth of African sunsets, make palpable its fragility and desperate for solace. Solo la propria legge morale le dà la forza di superare situazioni forse risolutive ma discutibili. Anche l’amore ha la sua parte e la sostiene, dal rapporto sereno con Diego prima, al conflitto lacerante che un prepotente colpo di fulmine le provoca: ”Quando alzò la testa, il suo sguardo incontrò casualmente il mio. E lì si fermò... ma, mio malgrado, anche tutto il resto. Di colpo, mi sembrò di non avere più la terra sotto i piedi, mi girava leggermente la testa e le gambe sembravano non reggermi più, ma non era una sensazione sgradevole. Ondate di calore partivano dall'inguine e mi invadevano fino alla punta dei capelli. Non riuscivo a muovermi, non riuscivo a staccare i miei occhi dai suoi. Forse avevo smesso even to breathe. "
The experience that, or rather" sung "by Federico, reveals all its regret for the abandonment of a land and a people who lived as their own. An opening to Africa and his charm, his music and love, to be read in one breath.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Medicure Word Meaning
Torta Lego, torta senza uova
Ancora una torta senza uova per il mio amico, ormai seienne, allergico alle uova.
La scelta di una base senza uova è quasi ovvia: una millefoglie farcita con ganache montata al cioccolato flux, to which I added more whipped cream to make it frothy. But having so
, a yarrow on its own is not that good aesthetically speaking.
For a children's party, then ... no no ...
absolutely no need to invent something that decorate the top. So the idea of \u200b\u200b
minipannine cooked and all colors, shapes that I immediately drew the abundance of lego.
for the puff pastry:
3 packages of rectangular sheet
liquid fresh cream 600 g dark chocolate 400 g sugar
for minipanne cooked:
(2 molds abundance 15)
600 gr
fresh cream 400 g whole milk 10 tablespoons of sugar
20 grams of gelatin paste food coloring
the three layers are cooked at 210 degrees for about 15 minutes after being pitted, brush, and sprinkled with sugar.
Meanwhile, prepare the ganache by heating 400 grams of cream and bringing it almost to boiling, then pour in the chopped chocolate, stirring after one minute to mix well.
You can let it cool, if you have time, at room temp, or to accelerate, you put in the fridge just lukewarm, stirring occasionally until it thickens.
Once the ganache is smooth and full, no more liquid, fits with whips and you incorporate the other 200 g of whipped cream.
He lies half of the ganache to a pastry sheet, levels off well and cover with another pastry, ganache and then again to close the last puff. The
minipannecotte you can do in advance because so much must be put in freezer to solidify for no good if you do not end up rapidly.
It heats the cream with sugar and then add the gelatin and drained well hydrated.
Mix and then pour into molds.
I have prepared all the dose of panna cotta, color after firing a small amount before pouring it into molds.
milfoil is spread over a layer of whipped cream and then we have the abundance still frozen pies as you handle them more easily. You end up
to decorate with sprigs of cream just to "cover" gaps.
Store in refrigerator for 24 hours.
Ancora una torta senza uova per il mio amico, ormai seienne, allergico alle uova.
La scelta di una base senza uova è quasi ovvia: una millefoglie farcita con ganache montata al cioccolato flux, to which I added more whipped cream to make it frothy. But having so
, a yarrow on its own is not that good aesthetically speaking.
For a children's party, then ... no no ...
absolutely no need to invent something that decorate the top. So the idea of \u200b\u200b
minipannine cooked and all colors, shapes that I immediately drew the abundance of lego.
for the puff pastry:
3 packages of rectangular sheet
liquid fresh cream 600 g dark chocolate 400 g sugar
for minipanne cooked:
(2 molds abundance 15)
600 gr
fresh cream 400 g whole milk 10 tablespoons of sugar
20 grams of gelatin paste food coloring
the three layers are cooked at 210 degrees for about 15 minutes after being pitted, brush, and sprinkled with sugar.
Meanwhile, prepare the ganache by heating 400 grams of cream and bringing it almost to boiling, then pour in the chopped chocolate, stirring after one minute to mix well.
You can let it cool, if you have time, at room temp, or to accelerate, you put in the fridge just lukewarm, stirring occasionally until it thickens.
Once the ganache is smooth and full, no more liquid, fits with whips and you incorporate the other 200 g of whipped cream.
He lies half of the ganache to a pastry sheet, levels off well and cover with another pastry, ganache and then again to close the last puff. The
minipannecotte you can do in advance because so much must be put in freezer to solidify for no good if you do not end up rapidly.
It heats the cream with sugar and then add the gelatin and drained well hydrated.
Mix and then pour into molds.
I have prepared all the dose of panna cotta, color after firing a small amount before pouring it into molds.
milfoil is spread over a layer of whipped cream and then we have the abundance still frozen pies as you handle them more easily. You end up
to decorate with sprigs of cream just to "cover" gaps.
Store in refrigerator for 24 hours.
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