Sometimes, while talking with someone who has celiac disease waivers addressed after the discovery of the disease, it happens to steal in his eyes and tone of voice a sense of melancholy for the 'abandonment of those flavors, "full" connected with the homemade bread to bite, tasting the crisp crust, the pizza comes out piping hot from the oven or to a fragrant simple sandwich with salami.
And sorry.
Then you start to turn on the internet and are beautiful as www.cucinainsimpatia.net virtual places where people have started stubborn and decided to try out, mix, edit recipes gluten for obtaining valid alternative gluten free that did not feel "different" from themselves or persons in their care.
I also started to look around, try and mix.
From this comes out the flatbread of the picture, of course gluten-free version.
Sunday night, here it says, "because we do not eat a flat bread tonight?"
Well, I open the pantry: I have no gluten of any kind.
Only a remnant of a couple bags of flour gluten-free.
My, but you can make the flat bread without gluten?
www.cucinainsimpatia.net I go on, discovered a recipe without lard (which I have) and try. The recipe is
Felix, as amended in the quality of flour used.
Moral of the story: The flatbread came fantastic. Here
have devoured. No one said that I was gluten-free. But, I swear, there is a difference.
Piadina Gluten-free for 6 tortillas
100 gr flour 100 gr flour 25 gr DS Mix it
oil 1 tsp salt 125 gr
sparkling water 3 g sodium bicarbonate
Mix all ( hand, with la macchina del pane o con l'impastatrice) e ricavarne un panetto morbido, compatto ed elastico.
Dividerlo in 6 pallottole da circa 55, 60 gr l'una.
Appiattirle leggermente e disporle su un foglio di carta forno spolverato di farina Farmo, coprirle con della pellicola per non farle seccare e lasciarle riposare per almeno mezzoretta (se di più è meglio).
Quando è trascorso il tempo di riposo, scaldare la padella o il testo in ghisa.
Cuocere una piadina per volta, appiattendola con la punta delle dita e facendola diventare molto sottile (al limite della trasparenza).
Porre la piadina cruda sulla padella calda e far cuocere per massimo 1 minuto e 30 girandola solo due volte, sennò secca troppo.
Vedrete while baking the flatbread is slightly swollen, is filled with small bubbles are not too sharp, and colors of brown here and there, a marvel.
While you are cooking all tortillas and cooked ones can be kept in a basket wrapped in a towel, or when you have cooled you can freeze or store vacuum
Ingredients for the version with gluten
200 gr flour 25 gr oil
olive oil 1 tsp salt 100 gr
sparkling water (you may well need a little more if the mixture is too hard) 3 g baking
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