After so long in the blog returns a meatball recipe meatball.
What is not perfect, not round, it is good.
with diced fresh tomatoes is even more.
The recipe is a nose, in the sense that he had never tried to eat them but failing of who does just fine, the main ingredient becomes necessarily the memory to try to "rebuild".
eggplant meatballs for about 16 meatballs
2 eggplants (the long black ones) Medium size
4 slices of bread (or other bread, what you have, if it is dry, it will take more time to just soak it)
80 gr grated pecorino cheese 80 g grated Parmesan
smoked cheese, diced (optional) 1
egg flour garlic polenta
Cut the eggplant into slices 1 cm high.
Cook in boiling salted water for about 7 minutes, drain and spread on paper towel blotting with more paper towels.
Soak the white bread with milk.
Place the eggplant slices in a blender, add the squeezed bread, egg, grated cheese and garlic finely chopped, to go until the blades il composto non risulta abbastanza omogeneo.
Versare il composto in una ciotola e finire di mescolare, aggiungendo la scamorza, aggiustare di sale e se è troppo morbido, versarci un paio di cucchiai di farina di polenta.
Con le mani fare delle pallottole non troppo grandi e passarle nella farina di polenta gialla.
Friggerle finchè non sono dorate e scolarle su carta assorbente.
Come accompagnamento, basta tagliare a dadini qualche pomodorino, condirlo con un filo d'olio e sale.
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