Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Topless Sunbathers On Cruise Ship
Can I Reserve A Flight
UFC 111 what should and should not be .....
UFC and 'past and GSP won, nothing new under the sun you might say, but I would say that is new under the sun there are things because' is not quite as important as winning and 'managed to win.
Hardy and 'after Rumble Johnson, welterweight more' heavy, obviously no one ever will come 'Rumble levels but also in the case of the Hardy cutWeight has a significant effect.
Gsp and 'managed to dominate the' meeting from 'start to finish, leading all the takedown to score with a precision of a sniper, managing the' meeting ground and dominating until the 'last second, Hardy is not' managed to do just about anything if not, and this 'to pay tribute, quit two incredible submissions, which have proved his character, his pain tolerance and flexibility' joint in order of importance. Gsp
But with his victory not only has taken a further doubt on 'effective its Wrestling, we now know it also works with the big ones, but there has also removed the doubt whether or not it is a great champion.
Gsp and 'a great champion, now who could challenge them has already beaten everyone, but especially and 'a champion of ethics,' cause lets the 'armbar where perhaps truly as he says he made a mistake and has not' failed to close the 'meeting, without detracting from the courage and skill Hardy, but in the second occasion, four shot to the Kimura and 'was much left, GSP put key in the arm has a crazy twist, Hardy seems to hint at the tap but it does not Gsp has also continued to get pulled Hardi to give up seeing that Hardy did not 'have ever done has just loosened his grip and let go, obviously stronger in the third round and complete domination in the fourth act that followed the same line and' a decision which can 'be taken, but There are three factors.
1) It 'an incredible example of fair play and respect regardless of whether you are winning or not, recognizing what the person is able to resist the risk and decide to make him run free with a gesture like that personally and' beautiful .
2) is not 'loosen the grip was very publicly, but just enough to allow Hardy to come out and make cmq honor, personally' I only noticed during the replay live in I had not noticed.
3) The magic of 'UFC and' everyone can 'happen, even if under complete domination and take advantage given the opportunity' to fight to your opponent for another round and a half 'a risk is not just how many meetings and 'seen dominated and lost to a fault or an adverse fortune. Maybe it will
'was just me, or rather if so' was my imagination, but rather on the 'episode and I think you will also notice, GSP does not do any statement about Kimura going to argue on' armbar, cmq Bravo StPierre great heart and tenacity who buys a lot of points for Hardy Viva Respect in MMA.
And to crown this great act of respect in the cage for a level playing field could not miss it, but whoever does completely the 'opposite, and it' s so that we saw in 'meeting Rousimar Palhares vs Tomasz Drwala quest 'last slide in a simple pull calcium and Palhares that not only is thrown like a child of 'Angola on a ham sandwich on' opponent, but since there is' the square a nice HellHook that lasts for 5 seconds, say 5 seconds after the tap, something that is not seen since the days of Babalu Sobral. Look
'cause he' s amazing
from the first tap to which the screams start after 1 second, there are almost took another 3 for the 'arrival' s and 2 others to albitro Palhares that L 'referee was telling him to stop!
is that 's what you should and should not be seen on the one hand there is' a sample from 'the other an idiot, and do not tell me about racing because trance' honestly I do not think the reason mainly of what happened, it seems to me that this fighter has other problems to solve, cmq suspension of 3 months and cher had 'ridiculous to be considered, (' cause he fought for three months before the event? ? I do not think so) especially for you and 'risk to career Drwala
with this should be all by Cainos I Lie I Cheat I Steal
Frecunce Chanell Six Nelsat
UFC 1 on Versus "Vera vs. Jones
Hello everyone I'm back to writing after a lot 'of time, unfortunately period full of commitments, but I'm happy to write back to being able to celebrate a importante vittoria del nostro connazionale Sakara Avvenuta la scorsa settimana a Ufc On Versus.
Complimenti Sakara , e non solo per la vittoria che in se per se e' importante ma non sempre araldo di sviluppo e progressione, ma per il nuovo approchment che incontro dopo incontro sto vedendo.
La progressione che sta finalmente avendo questo atleta, e' decisamente tangibile, e' attento professionale da l' impressione di essere sempre reattivo lucido, sara' perche' ha raggiunto piu' sicurezza, sara' perche' finalmente non si sente piu' di dover dimostrare quel qualcosa ma solo di combattere, sara' quel che sara', ma il Sakara che ho visto negli ultimi 2 incontri e' nella mia personale opinione definitely a cut above the previous year.
As for the other meetings of this enjoyable event (I would say far more 'enjoyable the last two PPV) I saw a Cheik Kongo was impressed that after two tough defeats and return to the' black man of the past.
impress against Boutell was not easy, but big-hearted fighter macth dream I would not say, so 'maybe he tried showing off an unusual Wrestling, as if to say, now I understand .... I can not look only to pull punches and kicks.
personality there is' successful, if not for the first 5 minutes that I was surprised seeing rightly Kongo Takedown go continuously, for the rest of the 'impression' that his technique if he does not clean had against an opponent a bit more 'expert in close combat you probably would find the same Guillotine given to him by Mir in the last experience.
So Kongo do well to progress in the fight, there 'still lots to do, but still my best wishes!
Junior Dos Santos 's always more' a pleasure to see him fight, regardless of my dislike for Gorillone Gonzaga and 'well-known, and then I can only enjoy in it with his legs to' air, Santos with this victory sends a clear Message Mir Lesnar and Velasquez, they came well in Zone Do Santos, and is' a danger zone, 'cause and Cigano' attention does not show obvious gaps and it looks like he needs a port of 'hands for weapons, I do not consider to be the' only one who believed they were facing the future heavyweight champion.
I'm sorry for Vera and happy for Jones, surely this young athlete will give us' still probably will 'push a little' old hand at the Dana you do not teach anything but 'very promising' s only shortcoming that I noticed and 'the defense on the ground, although he was in position Open Guard his arm was a bit' too relaxed and at risk of armbar (in fact also noted by Goldberg in the record) for the rest of his wrestling and 'copy and the its ability 'to use your elbows high and versatile as hell, and' just because of his elbow to take Vera surprise and cause a triple fracture of the eye, perhaps Vera has had some 'bad luck but by calculating that it' already the second time I have said, and that two signs are a test, isinua doubt that we need a new approach its meetings, which seemed to be a new Verve match exactly with the drop in class, but that in 'match against Couture and' let slip the victory on two Mounth Position and this time after the distraction on the elbow, may have left an escape cobattente submission victory over a talented but definitely only 22 years ..... ! From
Cainos' s all
I Lie I Cheat I Steal
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Bridesmaid Dresses For Different Sizes London

After so long in the blog returns a meatball recipe meatball.
What is not perfect, not round, it is good.
with diced fresh tomatoes is even more.
The recipe is a nose, in the sense that he had never tried to eat them but failing of who does just fine, the main ingredient becomes necessarily the memory to try to "rebuild".
eggplant meatballs for about 16 meatballs
2 eggplants (the long black ones) Medium size
4 slices of bread (or other bread, what you have, if it is dry, it will take more time to just soak it)
80 gr grated pecorino cheese 80 g grated Parmesan
smoked cheese, diced (optional) 1
egg flour garlic polenta
Cut the eggplant into slices 1 cm high.
Cook in boiling salted water for about 7 minutes, drain and spread on paper towel blotting with more paper towels.
Soak the white bread with milk.
Place the eggplant slices in a blender, add the squeezed bread, egg, grated cheese and garlic finely chopped, to go until the blades il composto non risulta abbastanza omogeneo.
Versare il composto in una ciotola e finire di mescolare, aggiungendo la scamorza, aggiustare di sale e se è troppo morbido, versarci un paio di cucchiai di farina di polenta.
Con le mani fare delle pallottole non troppo grandi e passarle nella farina di polenta gialla.
Friggerle finchè non sono dorate e scolarle su carta assorbente.
Come accompagnamento, basta tagliare a dadini qualche pomodorino, condirlo con un filo d'olio e sale.