Fatto con la macchina del pane.
Dovevo provarla, quale ricetta migliore di una coccola alla mattina?
Impastato, lievitato e cotto.
Tutto in tre ore e dieci.
La forma finale è da fungo/plumcake abnorme ma il gusto è decisamente intrigante.
La ricetta è quella del ricettario incluso nella macchina del pane, con qualche piccola modifica.
(mettere nel cestello gli ingredienti nell'ordine qui sotto)
400 ml latte tiepido
1 uovo intero
100 gr formaggio morbido tipo quark (ho usato un simil-philadelfia light) in alternativa si possono usare 90 gr di burro morbido
1 cucchiaino sale
8 cucchiaini zucchero
600 gr farina 00
5 cucchiai cacao amaro
100 gr gocce cioccolato
dark beer 1 tablespoon granulated yeast (I used one of the Lidl which is excellent)
Set the program 4 (baking sweet bread), bread, weighing 1250 g, very golden crust.
After finishing the last phase of dough, remove the hooks so it will break bread once extracted from the basket.
When cooked, it transforms, it is cool on a wire rack and cut into fairly thick slices, keeping them for a few days in a tightly closed plastic bag.
If you do not have the bread machine, simply mix all the ingredients to make an initial rise of about 30 minutes, then remix briefly and let it rise already in the mold (or form, you can also sandwiches or briochine because the dough is very workable) for 1 h.
Brush the surface of milk and bake.
Bake at 200 degrees for about 30 to 40 minutes, depending on whether the bread is a unique shape or form small, in which case reduce the cooking time.
at 20:04:10 Update: if done in the bread machine, my advice (after testing) is to use half-dose rather than the whole because it is a perfect shape, which is not to deflate by pressing against the lid of the machine .