Buongiorno a tutti, normalmente me la prendo comoda e guardo l' evento un paio di giorni dopo ma questa volta non ci sono riuscito ero ansioso di vedere il rematch fra Lyoto e Rua, cosi' e' stato e cosi' sono rimasto felicemente accontentato.
Avevo pronosticato la vittoria di Rua al 2 minuto del 2 round, ma lo Shogun ha battuto ogni mia piĆ¹ piacevole aspettativa mandando ko il campione al Primo Round.
Questa e' una grande vittoria per Rua, dove ha dimostrato senza dubbio la sua superiorita' sull' avversario, levando di mezzo ogni ombra potesse esserci sulla scorsa prestazione, anche se l' idea generale lo aveva dato comunque per parte lesa.
C'era chi ipotizzava un' altra decisione ai punti, e chi un terzo match, this hypothesis could be plausible, and certainly think the same Rua and his team.
more reason why the conduct and Rua 'was impeccable, more' aggressive last time, and benefited from a less elusive Lyoto probably too 'he heard on his shoulders the duty to demonstrate the value of his invincibility', the right of his world title, the need 'to remove all Obre to turn the controversial decision occurred on the previous match.
With this provision of any other case or controversy rematch is definitely canceled.
Rua seems to be back this promising and feared fighter who was in Japan, seems to have overcome injuries and severe defeats on his return, seems to be back to light heavyweight Pamir.
As for the other match of the evening, and is 'seen unequivocally that there is no' future 's beloved Kimboslice in the UFC, and it Matriona' and behaved well, but 'all' but a fitgher to top category, this meeting was practically tailor made for Kimbo that part very well with two good takedowns but already in the middle 'of the first round is shown not to have more' Wind, all 'beginning of the second was already virtually immobile and it' was literally humiliated the provision of rather moderate 'opponent.
I'm sorry for the fans of Kimbo but to see him suffer any Lowkick and collapsing to the ground to be an embarrassing GNP leaves little room for any hope. Episode
well over 'disgraceful and' was what he saw Daley hit at the end of meeting, Koscheck, fortunately now blocked by the referee Miragliotta.
's meeting will not be kosheck' was spectacular but it has undoubtedly dominated all 3 rounds of neutralizing the striking Daley, this frustration has led to the fighter that already during the 'meeting and' protagonist of a knee dangerous irregular. Leaving aside the simulation
Kosheck that many have blamed, I would say that there is' nothing to discuss, not 'the success of the act and' the very action that must be condemned, the simulation that follows is of little importance e cmq e' stata subito valutata dai giudici grazie al replay.
Fatto sta che la ginocchiata in questione ha mancato Kosheck per pura fortuna e se lo avesse colpito oltre a mandarlo ko al 90% delle possibilita' avrebbe potuto avere serie conseguenze per la salute del fighter stesso.
Cosi' ecco un' altro episodio che mette una macchia sulle MMA come la sottomissione di Rousimar Palhares (vedi scorso articolo ufc111) o l' ultimo Strikeforce con la Rissa a fine main event, sono episodi di cui noi veri fan faremmo sinceramente a meno ma che a quanto sembra sono sempre piu' frequenti.
Chiudo rinnovando la mia Felicita' per la Vittoria di Rua, e con la speranza che finalmente possa mantenere sia Concentrazione che integrita' fisica, per fare godere We're in the performance of a great talent and a great champion.
by Cainos' s all I Lie I Cheat I Steal