Monday, August 31, 2009

Tanning Bed Before Wax

About We believe UFC101?

Who believes in UFC101?
I personally no, I thought and thought whether to write this article, I watched and covered the video to figure out if you really have my doubts were well founded.
After the vision I have no more than 4 'had doubts. 101
UFC did not have a great card, apart from the obvious that I have sympathy for our fellow Sakara (by the way congratulations again for your victory) the rest of the meetings except for the main event between BJ Penn and Karo Parrisian, were of little if any relevance. Of all
But there was one that was worth buying the PPV or the 'meeting of the Spider Anderson Silva and Forrest Griffin The Dog. Anderson Silva
a definite phenomenon, and 'champion of the Middleweight officer in charge and decides to go to class, the Light Heavy weight to fight against Forrest Griffin in turn ex campionene this category.
The match was all to dream, Silva undisputed leader of his Catgoria he could with the growth in weight to face like a bulldog against Griffin?
Well the odds were open, Griffin certainly one of the most ' UFC fighters strong, famous for his grit capacity 'collection and strength, yet I have in mind the' match played against Quinton Rampage, which show that barrel you are given, although Griffin was at the end a form of blood succeeded ' to get away and win the title.
Anderson on the other hand had the weight against him, but 'a natural talent and her fighting style and difficult to interpret its many prestigious victories, we remember how he batuto Rich Franklin, too' great champion that it militates in both categories.
short, everything we expected but the show and 'follow. I saw a
Silva to 'cautious start but with the passing of secodo had no qualms about relax and take it easy, because all the 'Griffin more' than a hound in this round was like a puppy playing with his father.
Slow, not at all aggressive, I apologize for allegedly shot at an open hand and then the first time you knocked Silva holds out his hands to rise almost in disbelief and he goes to shake them to him, almost did not understand the gesture that commentators say that I personally respect but I think it's mockery.
Griffin and 'so little for most incisive Silva' sometimes makes you attack, 's so slow that at one point directly Silva decides to lower their guard and give the face as a target ...... Incredible, Griffin not only angry but can not seem to combine anything, and ' troppo lento e Silva con tranquillita' gli schiva i colpi contrattaccando.
L' epilogo e' una marcia in avanti di Griffin a suon di diretti che vengono mandati a vuoto da Silva che indietreggiando replica con un diretto di incontro al mento!
Il primo vero colpo degno di nota che lascia Griffin a gambe all' aria.
La storia non finisce perche' come Silva accenna a buttarglisi addosso prontamente Griffin alza le mani in segno di resa come per dire basta Basta, portando l' arbitro a chiudere l' incontro!
I Festeggiamenti di Silva sono ben poca cosa in confronto a Griffin che a tentoni si rialza e letteralmente scappa via a gambe levate con i secondini intorno quasi a coprirlo.
Cioe' cosa era Un simbionte?? perche' personalmente Griffin does this' do not really see it! Hardly believe it really!
'm almost convinced now that he has been asked to lose, perhaps to throw Silva in the category since his cmq now seems to have no rivals.
Yes, but even if that pro '?? Silva's own admission, wants to fight against the best ok but the Light Heavy Weight class has a significant difference in weight, hard to bear on many sides a win over Griffin in this way, what makes you earn?
E 'went well', and 'a sad to see this scene from these two great champions, what should be a' meeting is memorable and 'turned into a humiliating caricature, with the final flight before the verdict that was the icing on the cake.

link under the 'meeting that lasts a few minutes

From Cainos' s all I Lie I Cheat I Steal

Monday, August 24, 2009

Something About Ronaldinho
